
Stay (Smut/Mature Content WARNING)

Stumbling down the hall between the spare bedroom and Harris's, Joshua pushed Harris's robe over his shoulders between long, wet kisses, and it fell to the floor forgotten. Pressing Joshua against the wall by the doorway to his bedroom, Harris slid his hands under Joshua's t-shirt and peeled it over his head, moaning at the way it felt to hold Joshua in his arms when his skin was bare, so warm and soft and smooth. Backing up until his knees hit the bed, Joshua unbuttoned the top of Harris's pajamas, slow, and reached underneath again, palms dragging over Harris's chest.

Harris pushed Joshua over, pressing him into the mattress, and his breath caught when they were skin to skin at last.

"Am I too heavy?" he asked against Joshua's lips, smoothing a hand over his forehead and into his hair.

"Fuck," Joshua breathed. "No. You're perfect."

"Darling," Harris said again before he crushed their mouths together. He repositioned himself until his thigh slotted between Joshua's knees and pressed up until he could feel how hard Joshua was, and he was so very hard, whining into Harris's mouth and rutting against him. "My darling." He caressed Joshua's hair with one hand and touched his chest with the other. His body was so warm, so pliant. He arched, unfailingly, into Harris's touch, giving himself over. Harris had always loved having his hands on Joshua too much, hadn't he? And Joshua had always leaned into him too eagerly, hadn't he? This had never been about friendship alone; when Harris's hand slipped under Joshua's waistband it felt too good for this to be anything but right.

Joshua was naked under his pajama bottoms, and Harris's fingers slipped down the hard length of him. "Harris," Joshua choked out. Whatever he might have said next turned into a groan as Harris gripped a bit more firmly, jerking him under his clothes.

When Joshua was sprawled underneath him and keening, Harris slowed down, passing his thumb over the leaking head of his cock once more before withdrawing. "Up," he said, and Joshua lifted his hips, letting Harris pull his trousers down and toss them away. Harris pressed a kiss to Joshua's kneecap, then settled between his spread legs, taking in the mouthwatering sight of his completely naked body.

Though he was still on the thin side, Joshua had put on more weight than he'd had when Harris met him. He was all angular lines, but Harris couldn't see his ribs, which he would have worried about had he ever let himself think it might come to this. His skin was pale and lovely, a trail of light hair leading down the flat plane of his stomach to the thicker patch beneath his hips, his cock- not too long but thick and gleaming where Harris's touches had spread his pre-come around- standing stiff between muscular thighs.

Joshua made a soft sound and Harris flicked his eyes up to Joshua's face, taking in the flush high on his cheeks. "What is it?" he asked. Joshua was beautiful when he blushed, but Harris didn't want him embarrassed.

"Nothing," Joshua said, half shaking his head. "Just feel… different. When you look at me like that."

"Different," Harris repeated. He kissed Joshua higher on his leg. "Good?"

Joshua reached out, touching Harris's face, his hair. "You always make me feel good." His fingers trailed over Harris's lips. "And I'm gonna be so good to you." His hand went down Harris's shoulder, tugging him up to his mouth.

Harris went, saying, "I believe you," between kisses.

Joshua grinned against his lips. His hand slid down Harris's back and then further, pushing his pajama bottoms down as far as his position would allow and squeezing his arse. Biting back another groan, Harris moved to help, stripping them off awkwardly. He laughed breathlessly and barely had time to toss them aside next to Joshua's before Joshua was kissing him again, this time pressing Harris's back into the bed-clothes, straddling him as he had earlier that night. Harris froze, eyes snapping shut as he remembered and thought of how very differently things might have gone if Joshua hadn't come back. How very close he had come to never having this. He felt Joshua go still too. "Is this okay?"

"Yes," Harris managed. He hadn't let himself think it, but having Joshua on top of him aroused him then and it aroused him now. He opened his eyes, letting Joshua see just how much. "It's perfect." He put his arms around Joshua's waist to keep him close and remembered what Joshua had said to him. "You're perfect."

And he really was, draped warm and naked over Harris, kissing him over and over again. He carded his fingers through Harris's hair, moving expertly down to his jaw, kissing him there. Several times Joshua repositioned himself until he was lying over Harris, Harris's cock trapped between them. The drag of Joshua's stomach over his cock every time Joshua rocked up to kiss him felt almost unbelievably perfect. He groaned, his head rolling back.

When Joshua found a rhythm that drove Harris out of his mind, he gripped Joshua's hips almost too hard, unable to decide whether to try to stop him or keep him going. "Joshua," he choked out, still not sure.

Joshua tugged on his hair, lifting Harris's head to kiss him, and Harris kissed him back, all tongue and teeth and desperation, and he came, wanting to hold back but not at all able to.

Harris didn't know how long it lasted. He'd forgotten what this felt like, how it seemed to crash over him like a wave- and this particular wave just kept coming. He only remembered snatches- Joshua gasping against his lips, the smooth slide of their bodies against each other getting slicker as Harris's come splashed between them, the heat of Joshua's skin under his hands and the strength of his muscles. Harris had also forgotten how it felt when it was over. Some people turned lazy and lethargic but Harris didn't; he felt only sharper and more focused.

He tightened his grip on Joshua and flipped them over so he was on top. The surprised noise that Joshua gave turned quickly into a groan as Harris pressed kisses down the line of his throat and then his chest. He loved the taste of Joshua's skin and the trim planes of his body, but he didn't spend too much time on them. He knew he had come sooner than Joshua had expected, but in the heat in his eyes and the twitching of his hips Harris could see that Joshua was close too. Maybe Harris's reaction had driven him there; he didn't know, all he knew was that he didn't intend to make Joshua wait for much longer.

Harris moved down further, putting his hands on Joshua's thighs and then wrapping one around the base of Joshua's cock. He stroked carefully at first, then a little firmer as Joshua whimpered and his hips stuttered. Moisture beaded at the head of Joshua's cock and Harris bent, licking it up, tasting him. "Harris," Joshua whispered.

Taking a breath, Harris wrapped his lips around him and sucked, feeling the muscles in Joshua's thigh tighten under his hand, hearing him moan. It took Harris a few moments to remember how to do this, how to take him deeper, and even so he didn't have a great deal of finesse at his disposal. It was wet and sloppy and Joshua didn't appear to care. Harris looked up at Joshua, and the way Joshua was looking back at him would have taken his breath away if that hadn't been a bit of a problem for him at the moment anyway. Joshua reached down, touching Harris's face and his lips where they stretched around his cock, and Harris didn't think anyone had ever looked at him with that much awe in his life.

"Harris," Joshua said again. "I'm-"

Harris moved his tongue along the underside of Joshua's cock and sucked again. Joshua groaned, head rolling back, hips working up, and came. Harris choked a little and then swallowed, taking it all in.

It was after that that Harris needed a moment to catch his breath and collect himself, and Joshua appeared to need the same, collapsing back onto the sheets, hand still cradling Harris's face oh-so-gently.

Slowly, Harris roused himself. He kissed Joshua's inner thigh and moved to get something to clean Joshua up with, but Joshua- still a little boneless and sated- clung to him. "Stay," he whispered, fingers digging into Harris's bicep and pulling him closer.

"I'm just going to get-"


Pressing his lips into the sharp curve of Joshua's shoulder, Harris nodded. "For a little while," he agreed.