

I've rewritten my novel, please use the link below if your still interested in reading. Much Love Thank You! https://www.webnovel.com/book/gaining-power-from-the-novel's-i've-read_26654015706058605

MercuryDrone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 11: SS Potential?

As I was laughing I suddenly remembered the skills I got and decided to use it on Zilla.

[Eye of Chaos]


Name: Zilla

Title: Grimoire of Anarchy

Ranked: Apprentice Mage

Health: 140/140 Mana: 310/310

STR: 116

STA: 118

INT: 140

AGI: 123

WIS: 155

Linked: Noel Levanstein (Master)


Tier 10 Shadow Spells(Locked)

Tier 8 Flame Spells(Locked)

Tier 5 Earth Spells(Locked)

Enslavement Lvl.3(Locked)

Nature Control Lvl. 4(Locked)

Charm Lvl.3(Locked)


'What the fuck is this????? Tier 10 spells so you're saying she's a freakin Great Sage??????'

Looks like I still underestimated the power of the library, even without the power of the novels I can still dominate this world with just the help of my grimoires but I still need to reach that level so they can fully use their power.

I wasn't worried about that since I have time to grow, there's nothing really going on in this world no war yet or any world-destroying calamities and villains who wanna fuck out the world have appeared.

I'm sure that with the help of the library I can still grow to become a great sage in due time.

Come to think of it I haven't really asked Alex about the library yet since all I did was order him around maybe he knows something I don't.

"Alex, what's this library who made this?" I ask.

"No information recorded" A monotonous voice came from the sky.

"Where did this grimoire come from" I pointed at Zilla who was enjoying her time reading.

"Every grimoire here is and will be made by the library"

"Huh, but didn't she say she was made by the Witch of Apocalypse?" I ask skeptically if Zilla was lying about that to me which is unlikely.

"She was extracted from a novel so she retains memories related to it"

'What the actual fuck, you could do that!!!?? No wonder the name was familiar so it was that witch of apocalypse huh'

Damn getting power is one thing but creating life from fantasies is a whole other ballgame, could this really be God's Library. How the heck did I managed to have such a cheat? Did god really give me this even though I don't believe in them?

"How did I acquire this power?" I ask the library.

"No information recorded"

I must rate 5 stars to whoever reincarnated me to this place.

"Will my grimoire also be like her?" I ask with anticipation in my eyes, imagining op grimoires fighting by my side decimating an entire army by themself.

"No, grimoires in the library are classified into 3 different types Combat, Non-combatant, and Support type, combat being the rare one.

Your first grimoire will be automatically selected that's best suited to you, it's in charge of protecting the master so as to keep the library functioning, after that, it will be randomly selected"

'So you're telling me it turns into a gacha event now, god damn itttttttttt'

Whatever since I'm done here anyway I still need to see those children and women depending on how much they suffer I might need to erase their memory so that they can live their life again.

" Sigh, doing that I may also experience being r**ed fuck maybe I shouldn't do it" I muttered in a quiet voice.

Zilla who heard me was now looking at me again strangely.

Seeing the way she stares at me I quickly left the library trying to erase what happened that time.

I went out of my room and then look for Vlad.

"Vlad lets go, I want to see those women and children before I go"

I said as it was almost nighttime.

"Sure let me guide you there right now"

We then head straight to the rehabilitation center located near the main building where we currently were.

Arriving at the front entrance I noticed a commotion going around. Vlad grabs a random passerby and asks what's all this commotion about.

After knowing what happen we dash through the crowd and went inside. It seems that one of the women committed suicide by falling down the stairs.

We are now looking at the bodies of the two dead women, when we arrived the bloodied scene was all over the place there's actually another one who committed suicide by repeatedly stabbing herself using a butterknife on her head.

Right now people are closely monitoring the women and children who were brought in as they might try something funny.

After inspecting the bodies of the two we then headed to where the others are kept.

"What's the situation?" I ask Vlad.

"Bad, the women and children are panicking we may need to knock them out to calm them." Vlad said.

"No need give me a box about this size, make sure it's very very sturdy," I ask.

What he gave me was a 2m box made from black gold one of the strongest metals here on Ethea. I went to a room and then said to Vlad to not let anyone inside.

It'll be my first time using this but this should help.

I activated [Chaos Heart]

I felt a strange sensation coursing through my body. I grab my chest feeling something tingling then without warning a heart suddenly appeared in my hand which I placed near my chest.

Its color was dark violet emitting a purplish miasma. If someone were to look at it they might think it's a heart of a monster anything near the miasma will have their life force suck.

I feel full of energy and my body became light making me faster than before.

"So this is what it feels like to be strong," I said as I look at myself in the mirror my eyes were glowing making them sharper than before.

Feeling the power in my body, I suddenly have an urge to say some badass line and make a pose just like those MC's in anime.

Controlling myself from doing it, I put the heart inside the box and lock it, I then carried it out as if it was my baby.

When I walk out I see Vlad looking at me with wide eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask.

"No nothing's wrong" Vlad shrugged it.

'What is happening? why do I suddenly have a sense of danger when I look at Master Noel' Vlad thought glancing back at Noel.

Noel whose oblivious to Vlad's stare was thinking about how he could maximize collecting fragments using his heart.

With this, he won't need to extract chaos fragments directly by extracting their memories. He could just let it outside in a place that has a lot of negative emotions then he could collect fragments left and right this will also increase his efficiency in gathering fragments by a lot.

[0.1 Chaos Fragment has been collected]

[0.1 Chaos Fragment has been collected]

[0.1 .....]

Noel was now happily humming the voice in his head was like music to his ears since now the constant threat of losing his mind has been relieved.

'Although this might put me in constant danger as with just one strike of my heart I'll die instantly'

There's also this weakness that I need to always keep my heart within 5 feet away from me or else the functions of my heart will cease, making me slowly die due to heart loss, my brain will stop working and I won't be able to breathe.

'Let's focus on the current problem for now'

Noel thought as they arrived in the hall where the women and children are gathered.

[0.5 Chaos Fragment has been collected]

[0.5 Chaos Fragment has been collected]

[0.5 Chaos Fra.....]

'Wow that's a lot every minute I gain fragments for each person currently in the room if I just stay here won't I be able to gather 100 Chaos Fragments in a day?' Noel thought seeing the number kept growing.

Cause of my heart absorbing negative thoughts it has a calming effect on any creature near it.



Age: 23

Potential: C

Health: 100/100 Mana: 64

Ranked: Apprentice Mage

STR: 25

STA: 30

INT: 50

AGI: 24

WIS: 32


Tier 1 Nature Spell


I scan them using [ Eye of Chaos], it looks like some of them can use mana while others can't.

What is this potential thing? Is this related to their talent?

'I didn't see one when I use this on Zilla, maybe cause she's a grimoire and is already at its peak?'

I might need to find out more about this potential thing as this might be useful when recruiting someone or eliminating some future threats before they could even grow.

As I was looking at them the people were also turned toward the people who entered the hall. I look at Vlad signaling for him to start talking. I still wasn't used to people having their attention on me even with all the etiquette lessons the head maid thought me. I mean you can't possibly change someone who's an introvert to suddenly become a social butterfly given what they've been through.

"Ehem, I'm the Chancellor of Amnesty you might have heard of it before, but to those of you who don't, we're an organization that focuses on keeping order in the Levanstein territory supported by the lord, you don't need to worry anymore as the bandits have been taken care of, furthermore if you don't have any place to go Amnesty will give you home and meals provided you work with us" Vlad said when he noticed Noel staring at him.

The people were relieved when they heard that the bandits have been taken care of but some were still frightened most likely because of the suffering they experience..

As most of them don't know what to do they decided to work at Amnesty to someday repay their saviors, especially the children since most of them come from the streets.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw a girl hiding behind a corner of the wall she had a vigilant look on her face constantly watching her surroundings like a hawk avoiding any people that go near her.

I didn't see her at first since many people were blocking my view but now that I'm near her i was momentarily stunned. Her face is pretty good but compared to the people in our mansion she was average she has a skinny body, but what makes her look unique was because of her short orange hair and scarlet red eyes. She remain me of a certain character in an anime who wields a gun.

The girl noticed I was looking at her and she stared back at me with eyes full of vigilant she look at me from top to bottom. With that we have a staring contest with each other for a full minute, i then use [Eye of Chaos] on her.


Nila Rosefield

Age: 7

Potential: SS

Health: 100/100 Mana: 100/100

Ranked: Apprentice Mage

STR: 6

STA: 4

INT: 80

AGI: 4

WIS: 50


Tier 1 Nature Spell

Tier 1 Earth Spell

Nature Control lv. 1

Mother Nature's Blessing

- All plant-related abilities are 100% stronger, when fighting in an environment where nature is close your stats will increase by 20%. (Passive)

- You can rapidly regenerate mana from the natural environment for 5 minutes. (Active)


'What the actual hell is SS potential??'

My emotion is running wild again with a mixture of shock, awe, and interest. I tried to calm my excitement as this literally looked like I stumbled upon a jackpot.

'Wait Rosefield?'

I then thought of something, isn't that the Viscount Noble household that was destroyed 10 years ago?

The people of the Rosefield territory rallied to overthrow its current ruler and requested a Phantasm War on the Rosefields.

As the country that values power more than anything else, the Royalty didn't even give a shit to the nobles and just accepted the request. They're doing this because in every Phantasm War there's a chance that a Conquest Knight class would be born and become one of the country's strategic weapons as they can command a vast army by themself and also give buffs to the armies.

The cause for this is unknown but some say it might be due to some mutation in our genes, using Parallel Phantasm might alter genes of some sort.