

Reborn as a god in the endless multiverse filled with infinite possibilities. What kind of path will he walk on? Will he bring salvation or destruction to this endless reality? (A/N : MC is son of Odin and brother of Hela. He is born before Odin's conquest of Nine Realms. He comes under chaotic neutral faction and this universe is not MCU)

Andrewjones · Filem
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8 Chs



Eternal Darkness was all there for beings strong enough to still be able to analyse the situation around them.

The concept of light was stripped from the very reality in the wake of the darkness, which seemed to be about to devour the very universe itself.

Unlike Lady Death, other beings were not able to find the source of this darkness. But, all of those powerful beings in the universe who gazed at it felt some pressure on their body and soul involuntarily.

But, they all seem to feel the power of this darkness. This darkness was primordial in their senses. It's power is no longer bound under the narrow concept of good and evil. They felt the power of darkness. It was far from simple, as it was shown on the surface, it seemed as if countless secrets were hidden in the darkness.

But, before anything bigger could happen due to this.


A sound with endless power echoed within this realm of eternal darkness. The sound broke all the material laws of the universe, as it was heard by all at the same time.

In the room with the phantom of the world tree, Odin knocked his spear on the ground, causing the eternal spear to erupt with blazing golden light under his actions.

Odin closed his one-eye after this, as the eternal spear started emitting golden light. His actions completely tore the reality surrounding his spear due to a sudden confrontation between the light and darkness.


But, Odin ignored this and once again knocked his eternal spear on the ground. His actions this time caused the entire asgard to shake.

But soon, the entire continent of Asgard also lit up with blazing golden light. As they erupted in this realm of eternal darkness. The light immediately tore through the surrounding darkness in an instant.


With this sound again, the entire Asgrad started emitting scorching light into this deep darkness. It seemed as if the entire continent had become a blazing star.

The golden light erupted from the continent, as it broke all of the material rules of the universe with its power.

Thus, causing the golden light to immediately illuminate the entire realm of darkness within the universe.  

And, the asgard continent was like a star in the eternal darkness, which shone its magnificent light on the very universe itself at the moment under the power of Odin.

The golden light immediately melted the darkness under the confrontation and wherever the golden light illuminated it's light, everything returned to normal to the state before the emgerence of darkness. It seemed as if time had been turned back under the actions of the golden light.

Not only that, all the beings who were also illuminated under this light also completely forgot about this event. Only some strong beings were immune to this effect.

Soon, on the floating continent of Asgard, which didn't seem to have any change at all. The golden sun which was devoured by the darkness was now present without any problems. 

The starry sky was also filled with countless stars. It seemed as though everything that happened before was just an illusion.

In the room with the divine tree, Frigga ran immediately towards to divine tree, as she saw her son falling unconscious at that moment.  

She immediately caught her son with her hands, and made him lean on his shoulder. As she placed her hand on his head and used her magic to check on his situation.

Hela also appeared near him, and she saw there were no problems with his body in her divine vision. She finally turned and looked at her father, who was slowly walking towards them.

"I didn't expect my brother to become the god of darkness, Father."

She said finally, as her dark green eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of light when she thought about the endless power of darkness before, and she took another look at her father, who easily suppressed that power with his divinity.

"It is not that simple, my daughter."

Odin can sense the divinity of his son was far from simple as it's shown on the surface. He was also somewhat shocked by the situation before. But in the end, he erased all the traces of its influence on the universe.

"He is going to be pretty strong."

Hela's green eyes glowed with excitement when she thought of that vision before, even though it was much more exaggerated than when she awakened. It didn't make her jealous, but it brought her more excitement about having a rival in the future.

"You two are really something, as you are discussing such things, when he is like this."

Frigga looked at them with angry eyes when she heard what they were discussing.

"He will be fine, my love. He just needs some rest, so that he can adapt to the divinity, he awakened."

Odin sighed finally, as he looked at his son with some concern for his future.

Frigga just snorted, and then applied magic on his body to make him float and she took his body outside which was suspended in the air near her.

"I am going to take him to the infirmary and you, Hela, come with me."

She said, as Hela came near her without asking any questions. But, before leaving, she once again turned and finally asked with some worry evident in her tone.

"There will be no problems, right?"

"Yes, my love. Even if there is, I will protect him."

Odin said finally, as Frigga nodded as she left the room with Hela following her.

Odin was finally left alone in this room. He looked at the phantom of Yggdrasil, which was magnificent as always.

His golden eye shone as of a sudden, as his eye reflected the long river of time, but the endless river of time suddenly sank into endless darkness and soon, there was only darkness remained in his vision. 

"Finally, the prophecy is broken."

His lonely voice echoed in the room, as a tear fell from his cheeks onto the floor.


[ Atlantis, Midgard ]

Atlantis is a magical civilization with all kinds of wonders, which can not even be achieved in the future civilization. Atlantis has grown from the land of barbarians to the prosperous civilization of magic and technology, which it is now.

In an old bar in the coastal city of Atlantic contitent, various people with different styles of dress were present as they were having beer and talked about their worries on life to one another.

A beautiful woman with blonde hair and golden eyes, she wore a golden armour and had an heroic aura around her. She sat near the window with a cup of beer in her hands. 

Surprisingly, nobody noticed this beautiful woman, as if she was invisible to all.

She gazed at the growing civilization with magic and technology with some care evident in her eyes. Then, she finally gazed at the never-ending storms in the sky and also the blue barrier which was present to protect the city from the thunder.

Her eyes narrowed, as she thought of how long the thunderstorm was present in the sky.

At that moment, the door to the bar was opened as a girl walked into this bar filled with adults, causing all to look at her with a weird expression. But, soon their eyes became hollow as they turned away and ignored the girl, then continued with their conversations.

"Thena, the gods are really arrogant. They are fucking lawless, especially the dude named Zeus. I don't know what the hell is wrong with his head causing storms around most of the planet even when there is no war."

"Does he really think he is invincible on this planet?"

Sprite sat near the chair opposite to Thena. She grabbed the beer from her unceremoniously and drank some of it.

"This war is necessary and the era of titans needs to come to an end, sprite."

Thena replied with a serious look, paused for a moment and continued on.

"But, this war is causing too much damage to this planet, even under the magic protection laid by the supreme mage agamooto on this planet, which he specially prepared considering this war."

She said finally with a sigh, as she rubbed her temples with some stress, due to all the events happening around the planet.

"We can just go and tell them to tone it down a little bit."

Sprite said with a smile, as Thena sighed at her, knowing what kind of 'conversation' that would be.

"No, there are still problems in the Lemuria continent. As the deviants are getting advantage over us in numbers, we also lost a lot of members in the civil war that happened between us. We need to deal with that matter first."

"As for this war, I will send some information to the supreme mage, especially your comment."

Thena said with a smile, considering all the things on her agenda.


Spirte had a collapsed expression on her face when she heard what she said, but Thena was unmoved, knowing her quite well. Thus, causing her to drop her act.

"About Deviants you said, they do breed like rabbits."

Sprite suddenly said, causing Thena to nearly spray the beer she had just drunk. She looked at the sprite with some anger evident in her eyes.

"I am sorry...."

Sprite finally said with meekness when she noticed thena expression, but it still did not reduce the anger in thena's eyes.

Their still arguing figures were illuminated by occasional lightning flashing in the sky.