

Reborn as a god in the endless multiverse filled with infinite possibilities. What kind of path will he walk on? Will he bring salvation or destruction to this endless reality? (A/N : MC is son of Odin and brother of Hela. He is born before Odin's conquest of Nine Realms. He comes under chaotic neutral faction and this universe is not MCU)

Andrewjones · Filem
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8 Chs

Battle Of Fates.

In the bar that was filled with festive atmosphere. Various Asgardians from different positions and occupation were present.

There was the Valkyries, solider, magician, artisans, etc. All of them are gathered here now to spend some free time after a long day of work.

But, now most of them surrounded the table with two chairs. They were fully drunk and shouted two names with excitement evident in their tone.

Two people sat opposite to each other in the respective chair. They were a woman and man, who paced one of the hands on the table and against each other, while another hand was behind their back. They had a standard arm wrestling posture.

They both were firmly pressing their hands against each other, as they used some of their power, causing the entire table before them to slowly start showing cracks.

The woman had a pale white face with long black hair and green pupil's in her eyes, she wore a black robes with cloak behind it. Now, her green eyes shone with visible excitement, as she felt the power of his brother.

The teenager also had pale white face with short black haired and pupils in his eyes. He wore black robes with a silver chain around his neck. The always indifferent pupils of his was also filled with excitement and haze, due to his drunken state. 

"Hela! Hela! Hela!"

"Sasrir! Sasrir! Sasrir!"

The cheers kept erupting around them, as, they recited their names without any honorifics, which was offence in an asgard considering their status.

But, nobody cared about the rules now, under this festive atmosphere.

Both Hela and Sasrir looked at each other for a moment, and they finally started getting serious.

Immediately, they started using their power, which caused dark aura to erupt from both of them, to the surroundings near them. The dark aura had the stillness of death and the tranquillity of night. Also, Their power didn't affect the surrounding or people around them, under their pierce control of power.

"Go Hela! Defeat this ass-hole brother of yours." Brunhilde held the beer cup and cheered for hela with all her might. She got around the table where is match is going on, while giving a monologue of this fight to others.

"Hey hey hey, Do you really think my friend will lose? That is only in your dreams." A blonde-haired man walked out of the crowd, and he immediately refuted when he heard what the words of brunhilde.

"Oh, look who finally had time to show up. Ander, where is the elf chick that you have fallen for and always hang around, thus completely forgetting us?" Brunhilde spoke such crude words with an dramatic expression, under her drunken state, when she finally saw one of her best friends after some time.

"She is fine!" Ander replied with calm tone and his expression didn't fluctuate at all, when he managed to answer her.

*Aww* Brunhilde had an expression of being hurt, which was so fake for all to see. She then continued on.to say "Did she dump you? Poor thing!" She said with sympathy, but, the mocking smile on her lips said othewise.

"Fucking bitch!" Ande expression turned gloomy in an instant, when he heard him being exposed and mocked by her. So, he cursed out loud and wanted to fight her.

This also attracted the attention of people who were previously paying attention to the match between Sasir and Hela.

Just when things between them about to escalate, a deep voice sounded in the background.

"Silence!" Hela shouted causing the entire tavern to really fall into silence without any concept of sound for a fleeting moment. Then, she finally glared at the two of them who are making such a fuss during their fight.

Even though, her concentration seem to be in another place. But, her hands never lessened their strength or gave any chance for Sasrir to take advantage.

Both, Brunhilde and Ander felt shiver down their spine when they felt that death gaze on them and immediately stopped their fight and with that, the tavern once again fell into cheers, as people ignored them and concreted on match.

Hela felt something unusual all of a sudden. She felt that she might lose this match, but, it's impossible, as she is much older than her brother and more powerful than him.

"Oh, You are reducing all the probabilities of me winning this match, using your divinity of misfortune." Hela suddenly said with a smirk, as, her green eyes shone with splendour. If one looked carefully into her pupils, they might see a reflection of the rune that represent fate.

Hela's divinity isn't just death, she also has divinitiy of soul, magic, underworld/hell, reincarnation, and finally she also has some power over the domain of life.

"Yes sister, You may be stronger than me. But, in this match, strength doesn't mean anything, when I completely control the outcome of this event." Sasir admitted with wicked smile, as he manipulated the probabilities in fate for this match using his divinity of misfortune.

He was slowly gaining upper hand. As, his hand started pressing her hand towards the table.

"Do you know what death is?" Hela seeing that she was losing, she didn't fall into panic at all. Rather, she even wanted to talk in this situation. Then, she continued without giving him time to answer. "Death is an end that everything in existence must face without exception, and it also includes the fates too." With that answer, she had menacing aura of pure death erupting from her.

Sasrir immediately felt his control over the probabilities of battle completely collapse and all probabilities of him winning completely disappeared. It was as if they had been erased from existence itself.

But, he didn't give up that easily, as he used all his power to fight against this power of death using his authority of misfortune. He created new probabilities of her losing and him winning many times and even used concealment on the very probabilities, to escape from her senses. 

But, no matter what, all was erased under the assault of his sister. She even saw through his concealment of probabilities, thus erasing them too.

So, this match which was just a match of strength, now finally escalated into a battle of fates.

This hand wresting entered a stalemate, surrounding people who were cheering before quieted down soon, as they don't understand, why there was no movement after the sudden advantage got by sasrir.

"What is happening?" Brunhilde asked ander, who stood near her, as they watched this match.

"They are using their own divinities in the match." Ander can only guess this from the situation before him.

"But, why is there no reaction or even a felling of them using their divinities." Brunhilde said with some confusion, as the situation entered stalemate after the sudden advantage of sasir. Then, their eyes become out of focus and soon, there was only silence followed between them.

"I don't know." Ander really didn't know what was situation here.

But, at the moment something finally happened.


A breaking sound erupted in the surroundings, as Hela completely pressed the hand of the Sasrir on the table with full strength causing the entire table to break apart due to the excessive force. 

She had a victorious smirk, as she won the battle of fates. Even though, it was mostly due to how inexperienced her brother was when he used his divinity of misfortune in the battle of fates. But, this is not his fault, as it hasn't been long since he awakened them.