"This world shall be cleansed of pain," Nagato said, flying above the world. "But before that, people need to experience it." - https://discord.gg/3D4dPgH4Vk
Nagato activated his power to the fullest, forming a little black sphere. To the normal eye, it wouldn't seem like anything more than just a peculiar floating balloon. A creature like Ultron, however, felt an immense sense of dread coming from it.
'I have to stop this!' Ultron's smile disappeared from his expression. He had already relaxed earlier, thinking there was nothing else Nagato could change any more. It didn't matter whether Nagato could destroy the plateau itself, for the outcome wouldn't change at all.
This sphere was different.
Ultron saw the orb rising into the on its own, immediately feeling an immense attraction force. This kind of power couldn't belong to a mortal. Just who the hell is this man? No data has ever registered such an existence.
Ultron frowned as he attacked Nagato from the side, hoping to stop whatever was happening right now. However, Nagato didn't even try to dodge the attack, receiving a punch on his jaw, which sent him flying multiple feet away.
Ultron frowned further when he saw no changes in the floating sphere. Since they were descending towards the ground at a prompt speed, the sphere has already gotten high into the air. Only now did Ultron understand Nagato didn't dodge his attack for a reason.
Nagato cracked his neck, standing up from the rumbles. Seeing that the distance between them was good enough, Nagato joined his palms together.
"Chibaku Tensei."
Immediately, the plateau stopped descending as all the ruins hit against the surface. Affected by gravity, Ultron banged his head against the ground with significant force. He didn't even have a moment to realize what's happening when he suddenly felt gravity shifting.
"Impossible." Ultron glanced into the sky, seeing thousands of objects rising into the air. The plateau actually started moving back up, attracted by this extraordinary sphere. This wasn't scientific at all!
"Nothing is impossible when you have felt the pain I have." Nagato stood in silence, looking up as more and more buildings lingered in the air. Ultron's expression conveyed so much anger that it seemed he would break at any moment. Perhaps if Nagato died, then the city would start falling back to earth again?
"There is no need to fight anymore. Your fate has been determined." Nagato retracted his gaze from the sky, looking towards Ultron.
"You can't kill me." Ultron reminded, bracing himself for the upcoming battle. "Destroy this body and another will replace it."
"That's a lie," Nagato answered, forcing Ultron to frown even deeper. "I can feel that you have a soul now. Getting this new body was your biggest mistake."
"Only humans have souls!" Ultron shouted loudly, feeling the ground beneath him splitting apart because of the sphere above. "I have a consciousness, which merged from the entire network to create this perfect body!"
"That's nothing near perfection," Nagato whispered and Ultron rushed forth, no longer able to contain his temper. Beforehand, Nagato firmly believed that he for once met an enemy who didn't get influenced by emotions, but that was wrong. Ultron was, in some sense, one of the most human creatures he had met in long.
'I should deal with him promptly. This place is soon going to disappear.' Nagato thought, taking a battle stance. He made multiple hand signs in an instant as two vast walls appeared by Ultron's sides, falling against him. He easily shattered them with a simple punch, though they rose upwards immediately.
Taking this few seconds for his use, Nagato released a wind-style jutsu from his mouth and all the dispersed rocks in the air plummeted against Ultron. While he was being distracted, Nagato rushed forth.
Ultron didn't appear surprised anymore by these extraordinary powers, for they were nothing compared to that orb in the air. As he defended against another ordeal of flying stones, he caught a glimpse of Nagato rushing at him.
Not even considering his surroundings, Ultron shot at the approaching figure from his eyes. Surprisingly enough, Nagato got blasted in the chest, and Ultron felt a moment of euphoria, later followed by confusion.
"I will take this." Nagato's actual body hovered in the air, and Ultron felt an enormous wave of familiar pressure descending on him. Even with this body, it seemed as if he was just an insect in front of this man. Ultron's body drilled deeply into the ground, further destroying the plateau.
His metallic body actually deformed from the rear, and he could no longer feel any of his lips. Identical rods already pierced them before Ultron could even realize that. How could he fall just like this?
The pressure lessened by a wide margin, though Ultron couldn't even turn his face around to face the enemy. Such humiliation. Nagato grabbed Ultron by the neck, using his other hand to grasp the stone.
Ultron didn't want to die - it was quite a peculiar feeling. Fear. The emotion, which had a place in everyone's heart, even in Ultron's. He didn't want to die, for he apprehended the nothingness that lay beyond it.
However, Nagato didn't care.
'Brilliant.' Nagato felt power omitting from the stone as he clutched it, ripping it out of Ultron's forehead. The light in his eyes slowly subsided, making yet another enemy fall beneath his feet. 'I only need to deal with Thor now.'
Nagato closed around him for a moment, feeling this peculiar energy rushing through his limbs. It didn't reach the magnitude of either of the stones he had picked up, not even nearly. Though it had some singularities of its own.
Every stone affected the perception differently, but all of them were extremely useful. One just had to comprehend its powers, and how could they be used in warfare.
Nagato was going to do just that, soon.
"Thor is still here, I can sense him." Nagato glanced over the horizon, noting that almost the entire plateau had already risen into the air. Soon, there would be no terrain to fight on. Summoning the King Of Hell, Nagato threw the Mind Stone inside of his mouth.
He didn't forget to take Ultron's body as well for later use.
Sorry! Didn't have time to write yesterday, and didn't have the time today either. I wrote this chap in twenty minutes while I was on the bus, so it may have some mistakes.