
受阻的爱:第 2 册

Alice's revenge on those who hurt her is over. She had also been living happily with Sean and their children. But who would have thought, that happiness did not go smoothly when the eternal enemy of the Black Dragon came and disturbed the peace of the Garendra family. The leader of Eagle Murphy comes back and sneaks between the Sanjaya family who will establish a relationship with the Garendra family through Troy Garendra's engagement with Mona Sanjaya. At the same time, one big fact came to light as the days progressed with complexity. And to unravel every past complicated relationship between Black Jack and the leader of Eagle Murphy, Alice, and Sean, and their families must be willing to sacrifice tears and blood again. What will their story be like, let's follow the continuation of the story of Alice and Sean and their family in BLOCKED LOVE: Book 2. Happy reading...

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29 Chs


Sean followed Alice without speaking to Ken again, leaving Ken alone with Qiara who was still silent and confused.

Ken looked at his daughter's frightened face with guilt. In his eyes, it was clear that Qiara didn't want to go home with him. And Ken knew why.

'Why is everything like this? I just wanted to make my daughter happy by bringing Helena home with us. But instead, Qiara became afraid and in pain. Am I wrong? Am I greedy if I decide to choose both, God?' Ken thought uncertainly as he looked at his daughter.

In the backyard of the hospital, Alice is seen talking to someone Sean believes is his wife's subordinate.

"Is there another problem, honey?" asked Sean who came over and sat down next to Alice.

"You go first. I will call you again. As much as possible to secure the mess that the man-caused earlier. Go away!" said Alice to her men before walking away. Then Alice turned to look at Sean.

"No problem. Just ordered my men to clean up the mess that Ken made earlier. Fortunately, the head of the hospital was willing to cooperate well. So, everything's fine," Alice explained to Sean.

"Because the hospital head is also one of you, right?" Sean answered with a smile.

"Ah, you found out," Alice replied with a smile.

"No, I didn't know anything before seeing the interaction you two were talking about earlier. Why is the head of the hospital so obedient to you without saying much? I almost thought you were the owner of this hospital, hahaha!" Sean laughed hilariously.

"Not like that. This hospital belongs to the government, right? I only knew the head of the hospital and that was also because he was the one who greeted me first. The head of the hospital is Lion's subordinate who has long been assigned to guard Lion's laboratory and lives as usual in this country. Incidentally, he was on duty at this hospital. Just that. You think I'm as rich as you who owns a private hospital?" Alice said and smiled.

"You are mocking me, right? How can you compare our wealth? It was clear that my wife was a wealthy woman who could buy whatever she wanted. I'm nothing compared to you, honey!" Sean chuckled at Alice's condescending attitude towards him.

"That's enough. I don't want to think about wealth. All I want is a simple and happy life with you, Shine, and Sunny. Other than that it means nothing to me!" Alice answered softly and leaned against Sean's chest.

"Sean, do you think I should be rude to that stupid guy?" Alice asked calmly, "He must have made up his mind, hasn't he? And I know Ken will never give Helena to you again," she continued.

"Hmm, yes you are right. Ken is stubborn. He told me he couldn't choose one of them. And he even likened himself to me," said Sean calmly.

"You mean? Comparing like what?" asked Alice in surprise.

"He asked me if I was faced with the choice of having to choose you or my son. Why is his thinking so shallow and equalize his problems with my life? He doesn't know that my life is more complicated than him. Is not it?" said Sean while looking at Alice lovingly.

"You're wrong too, Sean. How can he accept what you say? After all, he doesn't know what kind of life we live. In his eyes, there was only that demonic woman. Other people are not important to him. Even when faced with his daughter's happiness or just letting go of Helena, he couldn't. He's a coward!" cursed Alice indignantly at the thought of Ken's attitude.

"He's in love, honey. Men in love are like that." Sean answered while rubbing Alice's arm to calm her down.

"Yeah, he's stupid like you. Falling in love makes a man stupid!" Alice continued nagging Sean.

"I don't mind being stupid for loving you. I fell in love with the right and great woman. But Ken, the woman he chose was wrong. His childhood love blinded him long ago," Sean answered guiltily.

"Hmm, I don't know! We'll see what the decision is after this. And if Ken continues to be stupid, I ask your permission to let me do what I think is right. You can, right?" Alice asked.

"Yes, do what you think is right. Whatever the case may be, there's nothing to hide. Stay with me to make a decision!" replied Sean smiling calmly.

"Yes, that's for sure. I won't be selfish anymore like before. I will not hide anything from you," said Alice.

"Yes, everyone. And tonight too. Don't cover up anything. Let everything be seen. I miss the free beautiful scenery!" Sean replied with a sad look and a sly smile.

"You suck! Can you not connect every single thing we're dealing with with your dirty mind, Sean? You are annoying!" Alice grumbled annoyed but also amused by Sean's always naughty attitude towards her.

Alice left Sean laughing at her on the park bench alone.

'Ken, how can you make a comparison about the woman we love? My woman is different from heaven and earth if you compare with Helena. You're wrong, Ken!' Sean muttered to himself, smiling at Alice's back walking away from him.

Alice walked back to the room where Ken and Qiara were talking.

Ken seemed to be talking and was heard persuading Qiara to go home with him.

"Have you made up your mind? I hope your decision changes after talking to Qiara!" said Alice.

Qiara ran to hug Alice and ignored her father who had been coaxing her.

"Seeing your daughter's expression, can I conclude something?" Alice asked the silent Ken, "I told you, didn't I? Your daughter doesn't want to go home and see her. Give up for your little angel and leave her to us again, Ken!" continued Alice.

"I think you're right. But, can't I just try a little more? I'm sure Helena will change and regret it and won't repeat her mistake to anyone again. Not to our daughter or anyone else much less to you. Please give me another chance to make things right!" Ken asked Alice.

Alice was silent and furious at Ken's stupidity.

'You stubborn idiot! You'll regret your decision for still keeping a woman like that in your life!' Alice cursed in her heart.


"Don't… don't take me… don't catch me!" Helena stuttered before her eyes closed in pain.

Blood was pouring from her head after the impact of her body being hit by a car.

A young woman looks panicked and trembling while trying to help Helena who was accidentally hit by the car she was driving.

"Miss, wake up! I will take you to the hospital! Please stay awake!" said the woman to Helena who was already weak.

"Do not! Don't take me. Please, don't take me!" said Helena again.

The words 'please and don't' stay out of her lips before her eyes are completely closed and Helena is unconscious again.

The young woman panicked, even more, when Helena was silent again.

"Miss, wake up! Hey, don't close your eyes like this! Don't die here, please!" the young woman panicked and tried to wake Helena by shaking Helena's body repeatedly.

From Helena's hand which was already limp, fell a wad of paper that Helena had been kneading earlier.

The young woman picked up the crumpled paper and opened it carefully.

The young woman frowned in surprise after reading the writing on the crumpled piece of paper.

"This?" she said briefly. Then she turned her gaze to the unconscious Helena.


"Alright, I assume you threw away a good choice. It's up to you what you want to do with that woman. But remember!" said Alice calmly, "Keep your woman away from my life and my family. I'm not a gentlewoman with angel wings who easily let go of a demonic woman like her!" continued Alice said coldly.

After warning Ken seriously, Alice crouched down facing Qiara.

"Qiara, listen to me first, honey. Go with your father and come home! Everything will be fine. Your father has promised to make everything comfortable as before. But if your mother scares you again, I'll take you out of there myself! I promise you, dear! Go, and be a good girl!" Alice advised Qiara softly and in a language that Qiara could understand.

"Yes, Auntie. I promise to you. I will be a good and obedient child!" replied Qiara happily.

"Smart kids! Come with the nurse waiting out there. They'll carry your stuff while you're here. Take it home so you can continue studying at your home!" said Alice again and immediately followed Qiara out of the room.

Ken also walked behind his daughter. However, her steps stopped when Alice spoke a warning sentence.

"It doesn't matter what and how you deal with Helena's madness. I remind you once again if Helena ever touches my family again, I will make sure you will see me destroy her!" said Alice firmly without confronting Ken.