
受阻的爱:第 2 册

Alice's revenge on those who hurt her is over. She had also been living happily with Sean and their children. But who would have thought, that happiness did not go smoothly when the eternal enemy of the Black Dragon came and disturbed the peace of the Garendra family. The leader of Eagle Murphy comes back and sneaks between the Sanjaya family who will establish a relationship with the Garendra family through Troy Garendra's engagement with Mona Sanjaya. At the same time, one big fact came to light as the days progressed with complexity. And to unravel every past complicated relationship between Black Jack and the leader of Eagle Murphy, Alice, and Sean, and their families must be willing to sacrifice tears and blood again. What will their story be like, let's follow the continuation of the story of Alice and Sean and their family in BLOCKED LOVE: Book 2. Happy reading...

Knisa · perkotaan
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29 Chs


"Am I pregnant? I'm carrying a baby here?" Alice asked quietly as she placed her palms on her stomach.

Sean wiped Alice's tears while kissing his wife on the lips.

"Yes, Alice. You are pregnant. You have brought another happiness into our midst. You made me a daddy again. Thank you, darling. I love you even more!" Sean answered as he hugged and kissed Alice's forehead deeply.

"Ah, God. Am I dreaming? I'm pregnant but I have not known? What kind of woman am I?" Alice said softly in happiness while questioning her stupidity not realizing her pregnancy.

"You are the greatest woman. The most beautiful woman who is the only one in the world. And I am the luckiest man because only I have you," Sean replied softly.

"Sean, I still can't believe it, is it true that I'm pregnant? You're not lying to me, are you?" Alice asked again as if unsure.

"I'm not lying, honey. The baby is about five weeks old. Samuel will check on you again once the medical equipment in his room is properly installed," Sean explained.

"Hmm, yes. I trust you even though your face when you tell a lie or tell the truth looks the same!" said Alice as she hugged Sean tightly.

New happiness has come to their little family, strengthening Alice and Sean's bond of love. And it shows the world, in the crevice of the falling barrier of love between an ordinary person and a mafia, has grown a flower bud that blooms beautifully.

"Sean, I've come to know the reason why your attitude and expression were weird when you asked for a private talk with me earlier. You don't want your family to know about this pregnancy, do you?" Alice spoke again and asked.

"Not entirely true. I don't want to tell them all about this happy news. But after I talk to you first, then I will explain to them about our current situation, especially to mommy and daddy," Sean responded calmly.

"Rather than Troy and Shine, I'm more worried if mommy and daddy find out about your pregnancy. They don't understand the current chaotic situation, do they?"

"And it would be unfair if we didn't tell them about your pregnancy. So I asked for a moment to talk to you first before I talk to them," Sean continued.

"They're our parents. We can't keep the happy news from them. But, we have to make sure that Mommy and Daddy don't say anything to outsiders about my pregnancy, and I think Troy is one too,"

"Soon Troy will be in a more serious relationship with Mona. And we know Mona's father is someone we watch because it feels suspicious. I hope you can tell them what to do with the news of this pregnancy, without offending them or worrying them," Alice finished speaking.

"Okay, I'll say what you want. Get some more rest, I'll talk to them. They must be worried about you right now," Sean answered softly as he kissed Alice again before leaving and letting her rest again.


"Before I tell you Alice's current condition, I want to talk about Helena," Sean said calmly.

Currently, Sean and the rest of his family are gathered in the living room. And one word in the sentence that Sean said, suddenly made Mrs. Andini and also Mr. Bambang gasp in surprise.

While Troy was not too surprised after Sean said that Ken had brought Helena out of the mental hospital. But, Troy did not know at all the news of Ken's death yesterday.

"Why mention that demonic woman's name, Sean? Do you need to mention it? We don't want to talk about that woman. We just want to know how our daughter-in-law is doing!" Mrs. Andini objected to Sean's words.

"But what I'm going to say about Helena has something to do with Alice, Mom!" Sean immediately broke the scolding of the mommy.

"What do you mean, Sean?" Mr. Bambang asked Sean, "Honey, calm down and let our child finish the sentence!" Mr. Bambang turned to talk to his wife.

"Okay I'll start explaining the current situation," Sean began to tell the beginning of the complicated problem that was going on.

It started with Kendrick who freed Helena from a mental hospital. Then Qiara who almost got hit by Alice, and now Qiara is at their house because Kendrick left it when he was looking for Helena who disappeared somewhere, without mentioning that Kendrick had died and also their suspicions on Arnold who felt he had hidden intentions.

"Helena is enough to make us cautious for now. We all know, Helena once worked with the mafia to kidnap Shine and harm Alice in the past. And now Helena is missing. We don't know what and when Helena acted. So, Alice and I remained to need to be aware of the situation," Sean finished explaining.

"So what does Helena's vigilance have to do with Alice's health? I still don't get it, Sean!" the mommy asked again.

"Alice is pregnant, Mom. She's been weak these past few days due to her pregnancy," Sean answered immediately.

Everyone was silent for a moment with their mouths open.

"What did you say, Bro? Alice is pregnant? My sister-in-law is pregnant?" Troy asked and confirmed once more.

Sean nodded with a smile and replied, "Yes, Alice is pregnant again. Sunny and Shine will have a sister," Sean replied.

"Oh my God, honey! Our daughter-in-law is pregnant, and we will have another grandchild," Mrs. Andini reacted with joy and emotion as she hugged her husband.

"My daughter-in-law is indeed filial and continues to make us happy!" replied Mr. Bambang and after that released his arms from Mrs. Andini and approached Sean.

Mr. Bambang hugged Sean while patting Sean's back repeatedly, "Congratulations Sean, you will be a father again, and I will be a grandfather again, hahaha!" said Mr. Bambang happily.

Mrs. Andini went straight to Alice's room with Shine who was also very happy.

When they just entered there, Mrs. Andini and Shine embraced Alice in turn. They congratulated and thanked Alice for continuing to bring happiness to their family.

"Sean has said it all, Alice. We were told that this news of your pregnancy must be kept secret from others," Mrs. Andini started complaining to Alice. Her expression turned sad after a few seconds but still looked happy.

"Does this make you sad? I can see your disappointment right now, Mom," Alice responded.

"I'm so excited and happy with the news of your pregnancy. What else can we expect at our age? We just want to see our children happy with our grandchildren,"

"However, news as good as this has to be hidden from the world. Moreover, the troubles and enemies that are always stalking you seem endless. I'm just afraid, you are in danger. Especially you, Alice. Your unusual status worries us! " Mrs. Andini admitted her anxiety in front of Alice.

"But, this is indeed the destiny that God has created for my life, Mom. I can't leave my responsibility as the leader of my group. I have to be responsible for my members too, Mom."

"With Sean and this family. I hope you and daddy can be more understanding and patient. I will try to keep my troubles and enemies away from our family," Alice replied calmly with a smile.

"I believe in you, honey. However, there's still one thing that continues to bother me if I don't tell you," said her mother-in-law again.

"Little Qiara? Do you mind if I babysit Helena's daughter at our house, Mom?" Alice guessed and Mrs. Andini nodded approvingly.

"That child will bring trouble to our lives, Alice. Leave her in someone else's care until her father returns. Don't take care of her, let alone in this house. I'm so worried. That woman is crazy, she can hurt anyone!" Anxiety continued to cling to Mrs. Andini's mind, and Alice could understand that.

Alice held her mother-in-law's hand with a smile.

"Mom, let's not think about that problem. You and daddy don't need to worry about Helena's problem. Keep a good mind, then only good things will happen to us, Mom," said Alice calming her mother-in-law.

"Forget about Helena and leave it to us. If one day Helena shows up, I'll be the one to confront her and keep her away from our family. That's my promise to you, Mom!" Alice continued confidently.

"But, I'm still scared. It's possible that Helena wouldn't come back here if her daughter wasn't with you. But things are like this, Alice. She'll be back!" Mrs. Andini is still worried.

"If Helena wants to come, then let her be. I'm not the least bit afraid of her. And let's see what she will do to us when she comes!" said Alice defiantly.

"Mommy, please take this anxiety away. Let's just think about happy things, like Troy and Mona's engagement later?" Listening to Alice's suggestion, Mrs. Andini, who was already impatient to marry Troy to Mona, immediately turned her anxiety into enthusiasm.