

Imagine being reborn into the marvel cinematic universe, with nothing but a system which gives you powers from different anime characters permanently. Using these powers, will our main character "Will" be able to rise to the top with his powers? Read more to find out. [Ding! Congrats for defeating your opponent reward: [Flying Rajin Jutsu] [Cremation quirk] ... (Only posting 1 chapter a day) Join my (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) if you want early chapters Patreon.com/EternalKings I don't own Marvel nor the cover, only the oc that I make.

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2 Chs

2: 1-Tomoe Sharingan

"status" will said in his mind, he followed exactly what the system told him to do.


Host: Will

Age: 18

Abilities: Nil!!

will looked at his short status screen, there was practically nothing on it.

"damn, I have nothing here," Will said with a laugh, he pretty much expected this scene.


Will said in his mind.

A virtual screen appeared before him, there were many boxes, but what caught his eye was that in the topmost left box, there seemed to be an item in there.

"what is this" will said while looking inside the box, magically, the item which was inside appeared in front of him and levitated.

It was actually a small gift box.

[item found!

Would you like to open it?


Will immediately selected the yes option and

Congratulations host on gaining the ability:

Sharingan (lvl 1)]

looking at this holographic screen, Will didn't know how to react for a second.

"Sharingan? are you serious?" as a huge fan of anime shows, will knew exactly what a Sharingan was.

it was the broken dojutus ability of the Uchiha clan in Naruto.

but after getting this ability, will was in wonder.

this world seemed so peaceful? what would he possibly need this ability for?

[correcting the host, this world is not peaceful, you are in the world of marvel's cinematic universe] the system's robotic voice was heard inside will's head, causing him to nearly shudder.

"marvel? what the f*CK" will cursed loudly.

this whole time he had been thinking he was in modern day new York, but no he was actually in the root of all problems inside the marvel universe.

this was terrible.

after thinking over his situation once again, will's attention fell on the system.

perhaps with the system, he wouldn't become cannon fodder in this world full of heroes, villains, and even divine beings.

the moment will got the Sharingan ability, his status screen flashed open once again before a line of words smoothly appeared.


Host: Will

Age: 18

Abilities: Sharingan (Lvl. 1)

seeing this, will felt a little more secure in this world, even if he managed to reach the stage of mangekyo Sharingan with the power of susanoo, there were still many terrifying beings in this world which could defeat him in battle.

he needed to make sure his strength was top tier before getting too confident.

a 1-tomoe Sharingan came with many abilities.

Will concentrated with his eyes closed, his eyes then flashed open and they turned red.

a blood red Sharingan with 1 tomoe could be seen in his eyes.

the Sharingan flashed all around the room, will was astonished by his increased perception, even the small butterfly flying outside seemed like it was moving at the speed of a snail to him.

after around 30 or so minutes of using his Sharingan, will began feeling a splitting pain inside his head.

"it seems like the Sharingan still has it's restrictions even from the anime" will thought silently while pondering, he even felt the circulation of some form of energy around his eyes while he used his Sharingan, he decided to call this strange energy form "chakra".

"then I'm guessing the higher the lvl of my Sharingan is, the longer I'll be able to use it?" will thought.

although he probably couldn't use any elemental jutsus, perhaps his genjutsu abilities will be useable due to him having a Sharingan.


after sleeping in the hospital till the next day.

will was finally discharged and was able to leave with his mother.

looking at himself in the mirror, will could only smile wryly.

not only did he look exactly the same from his last life, even his hair style and body was the same.

he wasn't too tall, only around 178 cm.

and since he was from a black heritage, he had slightly long dreads in his hair which partially covered his face, a few strands of his locs were even dyed a blonde color.

will took got dressed up before leaving the hospital with his mom.

the streets of New York was cold since it was in the middle of February, so will was wearing a black puffer jacket that his mother had brought him from home.

"ok mom, I promise I won't get into fights with those guys anymore" will said to his mother who seemed very concerned for his safety.

"that's better, as long as you promise, you must think about your family first, even your little sister cried all day at home and refused to come see you" his mother sighed as her brown curly hair blew in the wind.

they soon entered the small car and drove away from the hospital.

"so, how do you feel?, do you want to start going back to school or stay at home for a little while?" his mother asked him.

although will felt like he was physically in shape to continue going back to school, he still wanted to explore this new ability that he had gained.

"I will stay at home for a few days then start going to school, I'm probably missing a ton of work but I can do that virtually" will replied, he only said the last part so his mother could have peace of mind about his school work.

Their house was a simple home in the Bronx, his mother didn't make much money so they lived in the parts which were usually infested by gangs and drug dealers.

"I have to go back to work now, and your sister is at school, make yourself something to eat or order food if you want" his mother said while she dropped him off and drove off to work.

Will entered the house before closing and making sure to lock the door, alot of robberies went around these parts, he didn't want to become a victim at all.

after entering his room, will began to do some tests on himself.

according to the system.

if his abilities leveled up, he would also get an increase in his physical and his mental abilities depending on how strong the ability was.

Ever since getting the 1-tomoe Sharingan, he felt as if his physical powers had increased, but will wanted a good estimate on just how much.

so he started off with basic exercises, from pushups, to situps, pull ups- and many more.

Writing atleast 10 chapters and posting them on Patreon today, join if you want more chapters.


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