

Imagine being reborn into the marvel cinematic universe, with nothing but a system which gives you powers from different anime characters permanently. Using these powers, will our main character "Will" be able to rise to the top with his powers? Read more to find out. [Ding! Congrats for defeating your opponent reward: [Flying Rajin Jutsu] [Cremation quirk] ... (Only posting 1 chapter a day) Join my (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) if you want early chapters Patreon.com/EternalKings I don't own Marvel nor the cover, only the oc that I make.

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1: New York


"wake up, will" a feminine voice was heard throughout the hospital room.

"will" was laying atop a small hospital bed.

his whole body bandaged and he seemed to be in pain as he grunted in bed due to his injuries.

the middle aged woman who sat beside Will's hospital bed was on the verge of tears, although the doctor's said her son would wake up soon, he still wasn't awake.


a few minutes went by, only the sound of sobbing was heard as well as the continuous beeps of the hospital equipment in the room.


will released a grunt as his eyes struggled to open up.

seeing this, the middle aged woman sat up immediately and looked at her soon warmly.

"w-where am I?" Will asked, seeing this unfamiliar face in front of him.

he was just on his way to work a while ago, untill he had blacked out, now he seemed to be in the hospital.

did he get jumped by some gangsters?

what the fuck?.

"will, your awake, I missed you so much, I told you to leave those kids alone at school, yet why did you get into another fight" the middle aged lady said emotionally.

her words confused will.

"school?" will thought inside his head, he hadn't been to school in over a decade, what is this lady talking about?

While will was about to sit up to confront this weird lady, his mind was suddenly assaulted by a splitting pain.


will yelled in pain, his head flung back before he fell back onto the hospital bed.

"WILL" the middle aged lady shouted in shock, she was confused on what had happened.

"Doctor, Doctor, come help my son" she busted out of the hospital room and shouted, causing many nurses to run into the room immediately.


will went through the newfound memories he had gained inside his head.

as much as he didn't want to believe it, he had been transmigrated into the body of a university freshman with the same name as him.

to make matters even more strange, he was still on earth.

at least he thought he was.

he was currently in new York city, living with his mom and his little sister.

the middle aged woman who he had previously seen was his mother.

According to Will's memories, he was actually beaten up by a group of students at his university.

because of what reason you may ask?

he had accidentally bumped into one of them one day during lunch, now they just bully him any chance they get.

it had even led to an altercation which had sent him to the hospital today.

"what a sad life" will thought as he opened his eyes once again.

his heart nearly fell to his ass when he saw a group of people hovering over him and looking at him with concern.

"will, are you ok?" his mother grabbed his hand gently before asking.

will passing out unexpectedly earlier had shocked her too much.

"yes mom, I'll be ok" will replied almost unconsciously.

the nurses around the room released a sigh of relief.

"a doctor will be in here soon, just rest for a while, ma'am, your son needs to rest now" another nurse said before they all left the room with his mom.

Will ignored the pain which caused his body to shake uncontrollably and sat up.

looking outside of the window, he saw the tall buildings and crowded streets of New York city, the night lights around the city seemed to create a wonderful scene in will's eyes.

"is this another chance at life?" will mumbled this under his breath, although he was confused, he had no choice but to accept his current circumstances.

crying over his current situation definitely wouldn't make it any better to be honest.

after sorting out his memories will looked at his phone, there were many text messages from the few friends which he had at the college he went to, his heart felt warm seeing their care for him, but he didn't respond for now.

he was still trying to understand his current situation.

after a short while, an old doctor with a white beard walked in holding a clipboard.

after doing a small check up on will, The doctor announced to him that he was okay and just needed to rest for a while inside the hospital.

"that's good" will released a sigh, atleast he wasn't permanently injured after being beated by a couple school thugs.

"I'm this day and age, people still actually bully others?" will found it unbelievable, he didn't understand why such humans were actually existing.


system starting up!!!





a virtual holographic screen appeared in front of will, this almost scared the shit out of him.

"what is going on" will was confused, but he finally had a thought and realized what this was.

a system?

will was a fan of web novels and other similar stories in his past life, he wasn't new to the idea of having a system, but to think he would actually get a system? it was absurd.

the loading screen on the holographic screen continued to increase before it peaked at 99%.

after a while the loading screen jumped.



[hello host, congrats on gaining the anime system, all anime abilities will be at your disposal permanently, good luck," say "status" or "inventory" to get started]

after this screen, the holographic screen disappeared like a gust of wind.