

" Enemy spotted!, need assistance, hurry and reach fourth block here I am facing a complete squad "

" I don't have enough ammo, atleast pass me some ammo guys! "




" Damn!, I got a group of dumb squad members again! "Sam hit his keyboard in frustration.

SAM KNIGHTWALKER shut-in gamer who plays video games all day.he crossed 25 years but still unemployed ,and lives alone in a bachelor room with savings money of his mother after she died 3 months ago . after her death he became depressed and locked himself in his room. Dad has already left at age of 8.

after playing games a lot ,today he slept on his bed after two days of continuous gaming .

when he was about to sleep...

" What the heck is going on?... "

At a point I was in my room and next everything around me is black. There is no light at all and can't see any thing.

" Did I die?,No,no,no..I can't die just like that "

[ Welcome to the VERSATILE SYSTEM. This system can help you become anything and achieve every thing. I will be here to give you all sorts of things. But eventually you will still have to make some effort. ]

[ Do you agree to become host of VERSATILE SYSTEM ?]

[ YES/NO ]

okay, calm down,i didn't see this one coming. So I probably died and right now I am getting a system. It's like all those novels I have read, Where protagonist will get an OP system and does whatever he wants.

" But I don't think I have done some nice things in my past 25 years of SHUT-IN life to get myself a system. "

[ I think you don't remember but you have fed a old man a bun who was starving.]

" WTF! , I don't understand how can that incident leads to my death?. "

[ I think you didn't understand the situation, you haven't died.. ]

" So I am not dead yet, that is one good thing to hear. Then what is this dark place and what is special about that old man ?. "

[ That old man is EROS (God of Lust) , when he screwed Moon god's wife he got kicked out of heaven for one month with a mortal body.

He doesn't knew anything about mortal word, And when he was starving to death you helped him. And because of that help he gave you VERSATILE SYSTEM. ]

" Ha,ha,ha...,So gods also have their own problems. "

[ I repeat once again do you accept the VERSATILE SYSTEM ? ]

[ YES/NO ]

" Ofcourse,Yes "

[ VERSATILE SYSTEM initialisation .... ]

[ initialisation complete ..... ]

[ recognising Host .... ]

[ recognition completed ..... ]

[ Host, Now you are officially user of VERSATILE SYSTEM... ]

[ Host, you have now two options,

options 1: Continue to live in your previous world. But because your previous world doesn't have Mana, and there is no way to obtain any cultivation methods, so you can't use your system to its fullest potential. ]

" And what is second option?. "

[ You have the eligibility to transfer yourself into a parallel world. Which is full of Mana, cultivation methods, cultivators, monsters, demihumans.... ]

[ Yes , so what choice does host chooses? ]

Sam doesn't have any reason to stick to my old world . And to be able to live in a fantasy world is a golden opportunity for a SHUT-IN like Sam.

" I choose, second option. "

[ System wants to confirm again because this decision can't be changed again . ]

" I choose, second option. "

[ Command accepted..... ]

[ Preparing portal for transfer ...]

soon a circular portal of diameter 3 metre

opened and Sam's body sucked into it and fell unconscious.

hi guys

this is my first novel hope you can give me some useful advices

Ryomen_Sukunacreators' thoughts