

after unknown amount of time.....

Sam wakes up and found himself in a thick forest, with many unknown plants which glows and he also saw many unknown animals.

[ Host, I inform you that they are not the animals which doesn't attack till you attack, in contrary these are monsters which feeds on humans...]

before system completes it's talk he saw a 80 metre snake like thing flying in sky.

No!, it wasn't a long snake .

it had deer-like horns, prawn-like beady eyes, elephant-like ears, snake-like neck and abdomen, fish-like scales, phenix-like claws, and tiger-like palms.

every Chinese citizens should know what this thing was.

It was Dragon!

The symbol of China!

[ Host, welcome to Eldia ,

you have been unconscious for 5 minutes and 23 Seconds ]

[ When you were unconscious system automatically updated it's data compatible with new world, and completed scanning of surroundings]

[ According to scan results we are in the outskirts of Bluebird Empire which is a human Empire.

System suggests that Host should take the object beside him and run towards south 1KM to enter Bluebird Empire which is a protection zone where monster cannot enter. ]

when Sam Heard the Systemhe grabbed the spherical object of 50 cm diameter and it instantly disappeared. when Sam was trying to figure out where object disappeared he heard a System alert .

[ Host,Fire Dragon is coming to hunt you,I suggest that you should start running. ]

after seeing that Dragon's gazes met him sam started running towards Empire even if he doesn't know how he enraged Fire Dragon.

but by commonsense Dragons speed was so high when compared to Sam. Even he used every ounce of his power the distance between him and Dragon was about 10KM .

then he heard a notification.

[ Host, Because you surpassed your speed limit you gained skill 'super sonic dash' , Does Host want to use it ? ]

" Use any fucking skill and help me get into Empire, quick "

after hearing Sam's confirmation System activated 'super sonic dash' skill which increased speed of Sam from 50KMPH to 500KMPH.

" It's fucking awesome I am QUICKSILVER "

when he was about 100 metre away from Empire he can see guards. But unfortunately his skill was gone into cooldown. he doesn't has any guarantee that he can cover 100 metre before Dragon caught him so he yelled for help.

" help!,help!,help! "

the guards who were well trained and high level cultivators heard his yells and rushed to him and rushed back to the gate by using agility increasing wind magic. although it was not as effective as Sam's ' super sonic dash ' it was still able to increase speed by two folds.

After a few seconds Dragon reached entrance and tried to attack with flame but it was not able to penetrate the safe zone barrier.And lived after letting a big roar.

after Dragon left, guards came near Sam and asked

" Hey kid!, What are you doing outside the safe zone. first of all how the hell you get out of the safe zone? "