
Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter

The classic set-up. Death -> Wishes -> Reincarnation -> Lots of drip and cool crafts and the like. The plot follows Ōetsu Nimaiya who has the two Meta Essences: the Crafter, for obvious reasons and the Mad Doctor, to spice things up. He will craft and show the world what it truly means to be the Number One Zanpakuto Creator!!

Cedric_7512 · Komik
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25 Chs

Oetsu's Zanpakuto

Well, time passed. Oetsu didn't even realise that it had passed because he was so busy with all of his projects. And he thinks that he is ready for something substantial.

He has spent many years creating Asauchi and even some Zanpakuto. His very own Butler, Kikiaru the Gentleman Sword was the first success where he combined a Zanpakuto with a Hollow and made something truly unique. 

Kikimaru was his loyal helper and companion who helped him get over the loneliness that he felt sometimes. But that was no longer a problem. He had also created some Zanpakuto to help him with forging. 

Because he had some very hard and nigh-impossible tasks during this time. In the story, Oetsu Nimaiya had a couple of female Zanpakuto who helped him get over his boredom. 

He was not interested in having his Zanpakuto be a woman. He was more interested in Shinigami women. And there was something that happened today that was the sole reason why he was even out of his forge right now.



The five female Zanpakuto who helped Oetsu in his forge were Mera Hiuchigashima, Tokie Tonokawa, Hasuka Hashihara, Nonomi Nomino and Tsumiko Tsuchimiya.

Now Oetsu didn't need all of these five. And he also didn't want female Zanpakuto. He made them male. Why would he give them female characters when he only wanted to use them in the forge? 



The first one Oetsu created was Mero Hiuchigashima. The male version of Mera and he had the same job as she did. Heating up the forge. But unlike Mera, Mero wasn't a pure Zanpakuto. He had to give him more power to be able to heat all the metals and elements that Oetsu used.

So Mero could easily heat up the forge to about 15 + million degrees Celsius if necessary. How did the forge and the Zanpakuto's not melt? Well, Oetsu had designed clothes that had special properties. 

that was something he did very early on. After he had almost burnt himself to death, when he created the Hogyoku, he created temperature-resistant clothes that protected anything. 



The second one Tolkien Tonokawa, was the male version of Tokie Tonokawa and also had the powers of water generation and manipulation. 

It was necessary for Tolkine to be able to manipulate the water as well because Oetsu didn't want to make another Zanpakuto. He wanted Tolkien to be able to manipulate the water to freeze if necessary. And it was necessary most of the time. 

The amount of water Tolkien could generate per second was about 1000 litres. It was necessary to have that because the heat of Mero would go overboard most of the time and destroy most of Oetsu's island. 



Hanzo Hashihara was the male version of Hasuka Hashihara. He had the power of 'bone manipulation'. It was a special bone though. It was more like metal due to its composition. 

These bones had the property of heat immunity. That was something Oetsu had to add extra after Hanzo was already created. The task of Hanzo was to hold anything that Oetsu was currently working on in the forge. 

So if he was hammering away on Uru or Proto Adamantium and wanted to mix something in it, Hanzo was the one holding everything, so that Oetsu could focus on hammering and fusing the things together. 

Overall, Hanzo was an important member of the FF, the forging five. 



The fourth Zanpakuto was called Nomu Nomino. The male version of Nonomi Nomino. And he had a truly important job. Well, they all had important jobs but without Nomu, Oetsu's island would have already been destroyed multiple times. 

He had the power of earth and rock manipulation and generation. He used him to fix all and any damage that the forge endured after a forging session. It was also he who created most of the other houses and storage areas.

Oetsu spent some time to have Nomu learn a lot about building so that he could have him as a builder and sculptor.

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber that he was working on, was made together with Nomu. After Oetsu had created some things, Nomu would then take these components and build with them or around them, however, Oetsu wished.



The last member of the Forging Five was Tsumo Tsuchimiya, the male version of Tsumiko Tsuchimiya. 

Similar to Tsumiko Tsuchimiya, Tsumo had the power of dental moulding. No matter what tools Oetsu needed, Tsumo could make them for him. 

Apart from that though, Tsumo also acted as a storage keeper. He was the one who stored anything Oetus created and he was also the one who got the things out of the storage when Oetsu needed them again.

So apart from dental moulding, Tsumo was responsible for the inventory and material gathering and retrieval.



Oetsu was currently on a very important work. He was currently making his own Zanpakuto. He was making the ultimate Asauchi for himself. He knew what he wanted out of his Zanpakuto and it was not a useless discussion whether he was worthy of its power.

So that was already a goner. He was in the process of creating an Asauchi or Zanpakuto that had a pre-programmed Zanpakuto spirit inside it. The power of his Zanpakuto was something he already knew what it was and he was infusing it with the adjustments that he wanted. 

Apart from the base that was the soul material that all Asauchi's were made out of, Oetsu added a ton of powerful material from all over fiction. There was 

- Element X that helped him create whatever he imagined, 

- Proto Adamantium to make it nearly unbreakable, 

- Vibranium to absorb any hits he did on either the metals or other materials, 

- Uru to also increase the durability further and enchant it later, 

- Nth metal to make the Zanpakuto weightless because it can stop gravity and fly because ... why not

- Supermanium for that added indestructibility

- Prometheum, volatile and depleted for increased durability and the powers source

- Adamantine for its indestructibility and protection against psychic and magical attacks ... because at this point it no longer matters.

So that was the list of metals that Oetsu was going to mix with his Asauchi. Normally this would be impossible and is more of a joke than anything. 

But due to his Essence of the Crafter, it was not only possible, it was not even that hard for Oetsu to do. He had been practising with different metals since he became Oetsu Nimaiya and he had gotten very proficient in his work.


The forging five were being severely challenged right now. Mero had to use his power longer and harder than he had ever before. It was ridiculous how hot it was inside the forge right now. 

He was already surpassing his limits of 16 million degrees Celcius and was still pushing himself. 

Uru was a metal that could only heat and melt inside a Star and there were many others in there as well. 

Nomu was currently strengthening and fixing the building and the entire forge because it was melting away due to the enormous heat. He had to make it more and more durable as Mero used more and more of his power.

Hanzo had to replace his bones multiple times already. He didn't want the melted bones to mix with Oetsu's materials in the forge. So he had a delicate and tough job. 

Tolkien was assisting Nomu by manipulating water and making it freeze over the forge to cool it ever so slightly, only for it to then vaporise again and he had to do it all over again.

Tsumo was constantly creating more and more hammers for Oetsu to work with as they got destroyed. 


It was pandemonium inside the forge. But Oetsu didn't realise any of this. he was far too focused on his task. This was going to become his Zanpakuto, his partner and his strength. 

It was just as important as the Hogyoku was and he was breaking records at the moment. But he was still calm. He knew that failure was not an option. 

He had to finish this now. After almost THREE MONTHS of constantly forging he had to take a break soon. Also, there was a new member of the Royal Guards that was supposed to be collected today. 

Ichibe told him that when he arrived yesterday. But he left again quickly when he saw the state of the forge. 

So Oetsu had to finish it today or he would have to wait for another month or so before he could attempt it again. The forge needed time to cool off and with the state it was in, it would take a while. 

But Oetsu could feel it. He could feel that he was close now. Once again he had connected to his work. The metals and any other material that was involved in the process ... he could feel it all. 

The metals were seemingly alive for him and he could feel them. It is what made him such an outstanding blacksmith and mad doctor. 


After many more hours Oetsu could feel it. The process was finished. Now the last part was the only thing missing. 

"Tolkien!! Prepare the water now!!!" Mero, when I say stop! Nomu prepares for an explosion that will rock all our worlds. Hanzo when I tell Mero, you can also stop holding it and then make sure to take cover!!", Oetsu screamed over the loud banging of his hammer.

"Right" "Cool" "Yeah" "Sure" "Whatever"

After another few hits, Oetsu screamed.


Tolkien released a tsunami of water in the forge. It looked like everyone in the forge was going to drown. 

Mero stopped heating the metals and went to the back along with Tsumo and Hanzo. 

Nomu strengthened the walls and the ground as much as he could and he prepared for the explosion. 

As soon as the last hit was heard from Oetsu, the water crashed down on him and the metal. 


Just like he said, an explosion was heard through the forge and created a shockwave that might have destroyed the entire island of Oetsu if Nomu and Tolkien had not been prepared. 

The millions of litres of water evaporated and turned the forge into a steam room. 




Oetsu held his Zanpakuto in his hand. He had a smile on his face that threatened to split his face in two. It was a marvellous feeling that he had at the moment. 

All of his hard work and training had led to this moment. He was finally the owner of his own Zanpakuto and what a beauty it was.

His Zanpakuto in its sealed form took the form of an ordinary Katana. But unlike ordinary Zanpakuto, it was pure black. It looked like charcoal black. Oetsu could feel the power that lay behind this seemingly unassuming Zanpakuto.

He caressed the blade with his hands and smiled. He could feel the Zanpakuto vibrating as he touched it, seemingly happy as well. There was no challenge or test for Oetsu. He knew exactly what his Zanpakuto's name was.

He touched the blade and went along the blade till the end and said the release sentence.

"Illuminate the Forge, Hakkōhyakuhachijūichi Shō!"

Oetsu held in his hands a hammer-axe mix. It looked like Mjolnir of Earth-1610. Oetsu could feel the power it held adn the abilities adn potential it still had. 

Hakkōhyakuhachijūichi Shō was a Zanpakuto that represented Oetsu perfectly. On one side was he a crafter and inventor and on the other side he was a dangerous opponent that would split his opponents with a sharp edge.

The powers of Hakkōhyakuhachijūichi Shō were very versatile and he would have to try them out in a fight soon. 

Anything that Hakkōhyakuhachijūichi Shō hit with his hammer side could be made into a weapon by Oetsu. He had the ability to seal anything into a weapon that he hit with it. 

This was powerful as he could seal other Zanpakuto or anything into a weapon under his control. 

Oetsu could also use this to hit the ground and turn the entire battlefield into a weapon that he can control. 


Apart from that Hakkōhyakuhachijūichi Shō released flames and magma that were millions of degrees Celsius hot and allowed Oetsu to either burn and kill enemies or reshape and forge the battlefield the way he wished. 

As for the Bankai ... well it was ... something. But more on that later. 


The name Hakkōhyakuhachijūichi Shō is AI generated, because I suck at naming things. But the concept is still mine.

The Bankai will be revealed later in the story.