
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

chapter 6 | The last battle and a bit of shopping *edited*

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

AN) Let me know if you would rather have one chapter of this length a day or two of my normal size ones )


Three days have passed since the humanoid invasion devastated the city, leaving only two survivors. They managed to reach the capital city of the kingdom of Kithage and informed the skeptical king about the attack. As evidence mounted from their account and the city's destruction, the king's anger grew. Faced with the truth, he rallied his people for war.


(scene break)


On day 3 of 7, Jake and his summoned companions returned to the small outpost. Some of the B1s were patrolling due to lack of space. With his newfound fortune of 228,680 SP, Jake decided to establish various shops. He started with a shop offering Star Wars vehicles/starships:


- LAAT Gunship: 500 SP

- Nu-class attack/transport shuttle: 1000 SP

- Lambda-class T-4a shuttle: 400 SP

- Multi-Troop Transport: 500 SP

- Sentinel-class landing craft: 1500 SP


For his first purchase, Jake acquired 20 Multi-Troop Transports, each capable of holding 120 B1 battle droids. With these, he could accommodate up to 2,400 B1s. These transports had a maximum speed of 31 KM. -10,000 SP. Additionally, he opened the droid shop



- B1-Series Battle Droid: 100 points for 5 units

- Droideka: 250 points per unit

- HK-77: 500 points for 2 units

- Vulture Droid: 2000 points per unit

- Viper Probe Droid: 100 points per unit

- Trade Federation Droid Bomber: 5000 points per unit


After purchasing, Jake bought 4 Trade Federation Droid Bombers for a total of {-20,000 SP} and 20 Vulture Droids for a total of {-40,000 SP}. With these, he plans to attack the Kingdom while preserving his summons. Jake discovered the Capital of Kithage's location after Kushimaru extracted the information through torture during a raid. The city is said to have around 500 thousand inhabitants. Jake still has {158,680 SP} remaining.


Afterward, he acquired 2500 B1 Battle Droids, spending {50,000 SP}. He then directed them to board the Multi-Troop Transports. With this move, he now commands 1000 B1s on foot and has 2400 inside the Transports. Additionally, he controls 25 air summons, including 3 Ninjas. Still left with {108k SP}, he plans to make another purchase at the vehicle shop: an Armored Assault Tank, commonly known as an AAT. This tank has a maximum speed of 52 KM and comes with 4 droids – a pilot, 2 gunners, and a commander unit droid. It also has room to accommodate 2 other passengers, all for {-5000 SP}.


AN) Yes I know I use droids over clones there are two reasons for this one I think there were underrated and the other is it's easier to write with : )

He decides to ride in the Armored Assault Tank (AAT), recognizing the planet's primitive technology that can't even damage a regular vehicle, let alone an AAT. Jake's presence is crucial in case he needs to purchase more troops on the fly to salvage a dire situation.


Now prepared for the attack on the Capital of Kithage, he mentally summons Kushimaru, Haku, and Dosu, creating the impression that he wants to communicate with them. Swiftly, all three arrive, with Kushimaru greeting him, "What's up boss." Jake responds, "You and Dosu will accompany the MTTs and initiate the attack once the bombers complete their bombing run. Intelligence from my probe droids indicates they're aware of our presence. Two individuals escaped during the recent city assault, and they've called back much of their forces to the Capital. You'll reach there in about an hour, given the MTTs' speed." Both nod and make their way towards the MTTs. Turning to Haku, Jake adds, "You'll be with me and the ground troops. Our arrival is expected in approximately three hours."


Approximately 50 minutes later, Kushimaru spots the Capital on the horizon and lets out a whistle, remarking to Dosu, "I thought the great hidden villages were sizable, but this is on a different scale. It's even larger than the Leaf Village." Dosu agrees, noting its massive expanse (think of E-Rantel from the Overlord anime). They proceed to slow their advance, avoiding the bomb run's path. Fifteen minutes later, their army gathers at the gates, and Dosu grimly observes, "Looks like they've noticed us." Kushimaru responds, "Of course they did; otherwise, I'd be more concerned about them having the observational skills of a bat," punctuating his statement with a dark chuckle.


Shifting the perspective to the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Kithage, the entire city is tense as the returning army grows in number. Rumors about the king preparing for war gain validation as strange, house-sized carriages appear, carrying two figures engaged in mysterious conversation – likely discussing something considered "sinister." Suddenly, a cry of "dragon" echoes through the crowd as one of Jake's bombers executes a bomb run, devastating a significant portion of the South District. This attack claims the lives of an unspecified number of people, including the two individuals who had managed to escape earlier.


People are in a state of panic. Strange objects have appeared at their gates, and now a dragon is attacking them. The situation worsens as someone shouts that there are more dragons. These turn out to be Jake's vulture droids, which proceed to cause damage with a blast run, including destroying a few buildings. Shifting the focus back to Jake's summons...


After the bomb run concluded, Kushimaru sprang into action, charging at the now panicked army. Dosu accompanied them on the MTTS, propelling forward. Kushimaru initiated his attack by employing the {Water Clone Jutsu}, generating 10 copies of himself. While each clone had only 10 percent of his overall strength, it proved sufficient to manage the situation. They utilized the "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu," combining it with the wire from the Nuibari. Swiftly encircling a large contingent of the kingdom's army, they executed the "Long Blade Ninja Art: Wire Crucifixion," resulting in the demise of an estimated 500 to 700 individuals in a single sweeping motion.


Taking pleasure in the terror reflected in their adversaries' eyes, Kushimaru readied himself for the next move. Employing the "Water Release: Water Shuriken Technique," each of the 11 Kushimaru clones generated 10 water shurikens. These projectiles soared through the air, striking their designated targets, eliminating an additional 70 foes and causing injuries to 20 others. Transitioning to Kenjutsu, Kushimaru and his clones adopted the Silent Killing technique, systematically eliminating their adversaries one by one.


Dosu lets out a sigh upon spotting Kushimaru, thinking, "That idiot will exhaust his chakra at this rate." Meanwhile, the MTTs begin to open, releasing B1 battle droids that start decimating the opposing army. The shields the droids are using provide limited protection against the enemy's attacks, but the metal eventually becomes too hot for sustained defense. Meanwhile, archers behind the droids work to eliminate the foes with rapid arrow shots, although their efforts fall short. Dosu intervenes, employing the "Ninjutsu: Vibrating Sound Drill," causing 50 enemies to collapse dead , bleeding from their ears, while another 70 lose consciousness.


The battle had raged on for a span of two hours. Kushimaru, drained of chakra, had to retreat to the MTTs before collapsing from exhaustion. As he glanced back, he noticed Jake's additional summoned reinforcements approaching in the distance. The need for them was evident, given the loss of a thousand B1 droids and the unexpected scale of the opposing force—300,000 soldiers, surpassing even the combined strength of the great ninja wars. While these foes might not be as formidable individually, their sheer numbers posed a challenge.


Reflecting on historical examples like the Spartans facing countless Persians, Jake contemplated the concept that quantity often prevails over quality in war. Jake engaged Kushimaru, seeking a report. Kushimaru delivered the grim news—they had vanquished over 20,000 enemies, but their own ranks had been halved.


Jake, already well aware of the casualties thanks to the SP tracker (+437,500 SP for 21,875 enemies), also factored in the bomber run (+134,820 SP, eliminating 6,741 foes), along with his existing SP (+103,680). These combined to grant him a total of 676,000 SP. Calculating strategically, Jake deduced that he could acquire 33,800 battle droids, and considering that one droid could eliminate around 20 adversaries, he determined that 14,000 B1s would be necessary. Understanding the impending need for reinforcements, Jake decided to invest further, purchasing 30,000 B1 battle droids (-600,000 SP) and retaining 76,000 SP for future considerations.


Now that a substantial number of B1 battle droids were on the field, their efficiency in eliminating foes increased by a remarkable 1500%. The battle grew bloodier as the kingdom's soldiers came to terms with their impending defeat. Facing an adversary they couldn't overcome, their struggle escalated. Initially challenged by a mere 2,000 droids, they now contended with an unknown, overwhelming force. The soldiers abandoned their formations in desperation, inadvertently aiding the B1 droids in dispatching them. Amidst the chaos, some troops attempted to escape into the plains, but not all managed to evade Haku, who was vigilant in hunting down fleeing soldiers.


Nearly ten hours had passed since the battle's commencement, and the few remaining survivors had sought refuge within the castle's panic room. The kingdom's king, grappling not only with the loss of his realm but also his son—who led a troop contingent to the gates—found himself in anguish. His maid endeavored to console him, yet tragedy struck anew as a slender, sword-like weapon impaled him alongside his guards. The maid's pleas fell on deaf ears as Kushimaru silenced her with a fatal strike, sealing the fate of Kithage.


As for Jake, notifications from the sky drew his attention. The first announced a substantial gain of +9.88 million SP. The second message celebrated his conquest of the planet, granting him the ability to acquire civilians/workers who would contribute to his SP accumulation. Every 100 individuals would translate to 1 SP, negating the previous 10% summon rate by the week's end. The final notification unveiled the unlocking of power items in the shop, expanding Jake's options further.


Filled with satisfaction, Jake reveled in his achievement of planetary control. His triumph led him to discover a fresh menu tab, which he eagerly opened. Within it, he found details about the owned plants, yielding a noteworthy income of +205,000 per week.


With curiosity piqued, Jake proceeded to explore the newly unveiled shop, brimming with potential opportunities.



**Power Items**

- Devil Fruit (One Piece) - Price: 100 million to 100 billion (Note: Only one devil fruit power can be possessed at a time. If you purchase and consume multiple fruits, only the power of the last one eaten will be retained.)

- Green Lantern's Ring (DC) - Price: 10 billion points

- Death Note - Price: 1 trillion points (Allows the user to kill anyone whose name is known; facial recognition not required.)

- The Fountain of Youth (from the 7 Deadly Sins) - Price: 1 billion points




AN ) The price of these might change if I feel like it would be impossible or too easy to get :)

Feeling a touch of frustration, Jake had hoped to find an accessible power among the listed items, but it seemed they were all beyond his current point balance. Determined to explore other options, he proceeded to open the final shop that he had recently unlocked.




- 100 civilians - Price: 10 SP

- 1000 civilians - Price: 90 SP

- 10000 civilians - Price: 800 SP

- 100000 civilians - Price: 7000 SP

- 1 million civilians - Price: 60000 SP

- 10 million civilians - Price: 500000 SP

- 100 million civilians - Price: 4 million SP

- 1 billion civilians - Price: 40 million SP


After careful consideration, Jake decided to invest in the growth of his civilization and purchased 100 million civilians (-4 million SP). This addition substantially boosted his weekly income to 1.2 million SP. With his remaining balance now at 5.95 million SP, Jake was set to continue shaping his newfound domain.



Fleet Ships

- Imperial I-class Star Destroyer - Price: 5 million SP

- Imperial II-class Star Destroyer - Price: 10 million SP

- MC75 Armored Cruiser - Price: 5 million SP



In a strategic move, Jake decided to acquire an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer for -5 million SP. The colossal vessel materialized in the sky, manned by a complement of Imperial Stormtroopers and officers, responsible for maintaining its functionality and piloting. With this acquisition, Jake's remaining balance now amounted to 957,800 SP, providing him with a powerful asset in his rapidly evolving domain.



Star Wars Vehicles/Starships

- LAAT Gunship - Price: 500 SP

- Nu-class Attack/Transport Shuttle - Price: 1000 SP

- Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle - Price: 400 SP

- Multi-Troop Transport - Price: 500 SP

- Sentinel-class Landing Craft - Price: 1500 SP

- Multi-Altitude Assault Transport (MAAT) - Price: 2500 SP


Eager to enhance his arsenal, Jake chose to purchase 16 Multi-Altitude Assault Transports (MAATs), each capable of accommodating 50 troops. These additions brought his remaining balance to {950,300 SP}, equipping him with a versatile array of vehicles and starships from the Star Wars universe to further solidify his influence.


AN and that's going to be the end of this chapter I will say this again would you guys rather have a chapter this long or 2 as the ones I have been doing a day :)