
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

S.i.n.c.l.a.i.r y.o.u d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!!!!


Sinclair (point of view)

"When I checked her temperature,it was same as before, so,only solution was to inject the antibiotic directly into her body through an "INJECTION".

Through injection drug would directly interact with her blood and work faster as compare to other processes, this what he thought.


She was very angry but when I told her that I am going to inject the drug in to her, right then, her angry parrot face rapidly turned into a puppy face.

Very difficultly I controlled my laughter at that time."I mean, I wasn't expecting this from her at least that she'd be scared of a mere injection!

"No wonder....."Such a kiddo" always slip out of my tongue"

(P.o.v end)

"Don't worry, you'll be fine after I'll inject a shot of antibiotic into your body" Sinclair stated with a straight face.

"W-what....in-...injection"??? She asked shuttering.

He nodded.

"Hmm,there's no other choice"

"N-no,look I am alright...I don't need an injection- She tried to get up but ended up falling on the bed on the bed again due to the weakness she was having with fever.

"Yeah- yeah,I can that!!! How much alright you're right now"! He said after he saw her falling.

"Well, lemme prepare the shot"! He said standing up from the bed.

At his words, Hazel felt like her soul would leave her body anytime soon.

"N- no, Sinclair I am fine..." She weakly defend herself.

"I've made that porridge for you, finish that first!!! He commanded without turning around to her.

"I won't"!!! She resisted like a child.

"Okay, as you wish but than I'll have to inject three injections"! Sinclair said holding back his laugh while maintaining serious face.

"What???,Th-...th....three?? She asked shocked.

"Yes, you are leaving me no choice! He said in a serious tone.

"As she studied his face and found out that he wasn't joking, she quickly grabbed the bowl and started to eat mouth full spoons"

"Aaah...I need to say it again....Such A Kiddo!!!" he mumbled looking at her.

"Eat slowly Hazel! I don't want you to get choked on your food!!! He murmurs.

But she didn't pay attention to his words. Thought of one injection was scaring her to death and he was talking about three damn injections"!!! She got scared for real.

And after fifteen minutes she left no grain in the bowl.


Now, Sinclair was sitting near her on the bed and was holding a filled injection.

"Okay so...move forward your arm Hazel! He said but it sound more like a command

"She couldn't respond, as she was just staring at injection with fear filled eyes.

"I said forward your arm or else!!! This time he warned her firmly.

"Okay"..."O-okay" she uttered difficulty.

Than she moved her arm forward in the front of Sinclair and turned her face to the other side and moreover closed her eyes as if, this would reduce the pain.

Sinclair tapped the area where he was going to inject, to get clear view of her veins, than he wiped it with an alcohlic swab.

"Okay so,I am going to inject alright!! He warned softly, looking at her.

Meanwhile, he slid the needle into her vein, she screamed out of her lungs in pain.

"Aaaah.!!!! S.i.n.c.l.a.i.r y.o.u d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!!!! She whined loudly and uncontrollably.

Sinclair's eyes widened at her words.

"Wa- What did you just call me!?" He asked while. injecting

"Its hurting"... She managed to say.

"I know"! He said removing the needle out of her skin and putting an alcoholic swab on it.

"Sssk" she hissed as the felt the burning sensation at her arm.

Sinclair's gaze was continuously at her.

"Wha-what....why are you staring at me.... like that? She asked confuse when she noticed.

"Nothing!!! "I was thinking that...you're so weak comparable to..."Lucy-

"Don't say that bitc* name in the front of me-

"Hazel, Shut Up"!!! He roared.

"Why?!! "I will....I will call her a bitch because she is a bitc-

"I said fucking shut up!!!! He yelled at her face raising a hand on her(Key word :"Just raising). His hand stopped in the mid air seeing her wide spread pupil in fear.

A shiver ran down to her spine seeing this,that once again he was going to slap her. But he stopped in time controlling his anger. She was poking his inner best again and again.

"You....you...a- again! She sobbed.

"You know what! " You are in complex! "You are jealous' of Lucy! Because you can't do the things what she's capable of!!! He spat in a sarcastic tone.


She was definitely about to get herself in more trouble by swearing at him but right than his phone call saved her from doing so.

He gestured her to keep quiet with his index finger on his lips.



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