
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

"Quite Hot Inside"

"I am "Sera", said the girl the girl who was sitting silent all this time.

Her tone wasn't straight. She pretended ad if it was an honor for me to her name!

"Pleased to meet you" I replied pretending positive AF!

"But I am not!!"she threw a stupid answer right away shamelessly at me!

"Did she just insulted me?"! I wondered.

I was going to explode for sure this time if Sinclair wouldn't have laughed and said; "Don't mind, Hazel. She is just like this!

"Come, sit here! He offered me a place to sit right next to him as on the other side Lucy were sitting.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting this but he did offered me so...I couldn't refused and sat next to him".

"Ah" I hissed under my breath while holding my lower belly with one hand".

"Ugh, why its hurting! Hope so, its not that what I am thinking it might can be!!!"

Sinclair was totally busy in Lucy.

Sera and Hanley were busy scrolling their phones and there remains "Cedric!

"At first, I couldn't seem to notice Cedric was scanning me from head to toe! But when I casually looked at him than I realized his deep stares piercing holes through me!

As he noticed that I am now paying attention towards him! He moved his hand forward and grabbed a wine glass.

He poured drink into it not while breaking the eye contact with me.

I felt weird at his actions so, I lowered my gaze!

Cedric got up from his seat, holding the glass of drink.

"I felt relief as I thought he was getting out of my sight! But very next moment I got startle to see his feet right close to mine! While I was still gazing at the glass clean floor.

I instantly turned my face upward so see his giant figure towering over me"!

"Can I sit here?" He asked trying to make his tone sexy.

"A-a...yeah...sure! I replied as refusing would be rude I thought!

He sits down next to me as soon he got the permission

"You seem dumb but...I can tell that you're quite hot inside" he commented while snickering.

"Well, I don't...think so! I confusedly stated.

"Ahan" he looked straight into my eyes and said; "Here...have a drink".

"No-" I politely tried to refuse but-

"She doesn't drink"! My sentence got cut by Sinclair in the middle.

"And.She.Is.Dumb, nothing else "Mr Cedric! Sinclair said with a calm face but in a low tone with anger inside his eyes, while turning to my side.

"I didn't knew that Sinclair was very well aware about our conversation which we both were having a few seconds ago".

"Sinclair, she isn't a kid,! she can make the choice herself!! said Cedric trying to light the atmosphere!.

"She.Is.a.Kiddo and she is not even an adult!!

Sinclair said chewing every single word.

"Woah buddy! Calm down! She's just your friend right! Cedric asked suspicious.

"Haha- what a joke Cedric! What...a joke!

Of course! She's just a friend!

Everyone is very well aware about mine and Sinclair's relationship! Lucy added laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah...we...we're just friends" I added, not to get caught because I know if anyone else will get to know about our relationship here, Sinclair's will get spoiled right away!

"Ok- okay guys! I got it!

"I got suspicious- sorry my bad!!! Cedric said getting up from his seat.

"We're here to enjoy, so, lets go out and enjoy! Said Lucy.

"Yeah sure" Sera finally added into the conversation.

"Yeah lets go than"

Someone's Phone rang.

"Oh guys one minute, please stay quite"said, Cedric picking up the call.

"Yes boss...

"Oh that one, I haven't completed yet- tomorrow?! But- ...

"O- okay, okay sir!

Bye, Have a good night! "Oh, this Mf Oldie!" Cedric mumbled cutting the call.

"Guys...I need to go! Cedric announced sadly.

"What is it? Asked Hanley.

"Office work!! Cedric replied making disgust expression.

-But I really wanna stay! Cedric made a puppy face this time!

"No, you better should go! Sinclair said rapidly.

"What" Cedric arched an eyebrow at him!.

"I mean to say that office work is more important than this party you know! You can join us some other day too! Sinclair explained.

"Yeah, ya right actually! "Okay than, you guys carry on, Bye! Cedric waved and left.

~Outside, In the dancing area~

"Ugh, this loud noise" I muttered looking at the dancing crowd.

"Hey Hazel"

."Yes, Sinclair?"

"You stay here near the bar okay! He instructed to me.

"What? I can't hear you properly! I said entering my index finger into my left ear and using sign language with other hand".

He got more closer to me and than his voice fanned my ear.

"You stay here near the bar, Don't go in the crowd neither try to drink anything weird except if its juice and take it as my "Warning!!! With this he disappeared into the crowd with Lucy"

But I was standing still at my place with my eyes wide open as I was getting some other feelings~

Sinclair P.O.V.

"Today is my Fun day so, I am enjoying it goodly!

Everything's going smoothly but just one thing annoyed me the most and it was when that Fucking Asshole "Cedric" was trying to flirt with Hazel!! And I don't know who to blame because no matter what the place is, Men always try to flirt with her!! I don't know why?!

"Well, now I am dancing with my girl and enjoying my moment.

"Time to time I was glancing at Hazel too who was now standing near the bar and was sipping from her glass.

When this time I glanced at her she turned her back on me and I- I noticed something...just something what I didn't wanted anyone else to notice!!!"

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