
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

"Hard Consequences"


"Hazel?! He called out as he entered the house.

"Where are you, Hazel? He called out louder this time.

"I- I was in the bathroom! She replied stepping down the stairs.

"Okay fine!

Listen now! He said as there was a pause after that.

'We're going to club, so, be ready before 8PM!! He said in his usual commanding tone.

"Why me?? She questioned in disbelief.

"No questions!!! said Sinclair.

"But Si-

"No buts And "No shorts! KEEP THAT IN MIND!!! He said cutting her off.


"Got it? He asked to confirm in a serious tone.

Hazel nods.

"Words, Hazel!"He said making his tone more serious because he wasn't in a mood to take any risk at all. Neither he wanted to babysit her.

"Y-yes Sinclair" she answered.,

"Okay, good! I gotta go to work. I want you to be ready before I get back home! He commanded and rushed to his room.

Poor Hazel! He couldn't even imagine that what's gonna happen with her today.

Hazel P.O.V

"Life is so colorless these days. My heart doesn't feel any happiness at all! I wonder if something's more painful than this!

-Of course, life isn't the of roses-

"My father...its been two month and I haven't listen to his voice yet. I wonder if he's doing fine"


"Her tears were soaking in the cushion which she were trying to hold in her eyes, earlier. She could finally cry now as no one was around her anymore. She was alone...all alone!


"A garden- beautiful garden, where she was sitting with her father on a bench with her head on his shoulder. Butterflies all around. She could feel the warmth of sunshine but suddenly she felt herself shaking- All the butterflies disappeared, sunshine and garden as well!

""Papa...papa..d-don't leave me...papa..."she cried as she saw her father disappearing too.

"Someone was shaking her shoulder now.....pa-..pa... She sobs.

"Papa don't leave me papa! PAPA...! Screaming this word she snapped opened her eyes and noticed a manly figure bending onto her.

"Hazel? Hazel! Sinclair shakes her shoulder again.

"Huh" She replied looking around, absentmindedly.

"What happen and why are you sleeping here at the couch"? Sinclair asked concerned.

"Oh, so it was a dream? She thought.

"Hazel!" Sinclair called out again but this time in a more serious tone.

"Y-yes...Si..Sinclair" she shuttered at his tone.

"I think, I told you to be ready before my arriving!!" He said digging holes into her body with his laser beams.

"Sinclair- I...I...actually I-

"Okay, enough of your "I's"! Go get ready. You have 15 minutes max!!! He cuts her off commanding.

Than she got up gathering up all her senses and rushed to her room to get ready.

~15 minutes skip~

After 15 minutes she was ready standing in the front of Sinclair wearing dull green crop top with black sacks. She didn't forgot to put on "the Gucci" belt. She had put on a moisturizer, mascara and a gloss in the name of make up. But still she was nailing it.

Sinclair eyed her from head to toe.

He exactly did not wanted that drooling shit to happen again. Somehow, It was unbearable to watch others eyeing his little wife up and down.

His gaze were making her nervous like hell.

After checking her out, he finally spoke!

"Okay, alright! Not bad, hm! Lets go now!

Hazel P.O.V

"I followed him to the car. Without opening the door for me he seated himself on the driving seat. So, I myself opened the door for me but before I could sit in he interrupted me saying,

"A- Un- you're gonna sit at the back because Lucy's gonna sit there!

Listening to her name I felt myself burning up but except glaring at him what else could I do??!!

"Now what"? Won't you get in,am leaving!!! He said looking at me through the window, when he noticed that I was still standing outside the car.

I didn't respond to his words.

"Don't spoil my mood, Hazel!"he said furiously.

"His furious tone made me scared, so, I rapidly opened the back door and jumped in. But shut the door harshly with a bang while cursing at myself for being a scared cat!

"Nobody talks in the whole ride. He stops the car in the front of a house!! A normal house it was! Nothing like Sinclair's Mansion!

"This must be that bitch's house!!! I thought whining in myself.

"I think I should call her now" Sinclair said pretending to self talk.

"Hello Bae.....

"Babe? babe my foot! I huffed in jealousy.

"Yeah, I am outside! Come hurry! Sinclair said talking to her on the phone.

"Hm, okay...bye" he dropped the call.

"Hazel" Sinclair called.

"Hm" I respond.

"You remember all the instructions right? he asked turning her face to the back.

"Which instructions??? I asked confused.

"By instructions I mean...

"Don't try to spoil my mood by creating any scene in the front of Lucy. He interpret.

I didn't respond.

"Hazel" Sinclair groaned low key with his teeth against each other.

"O- okay! I rapidly replied listening to his angry tone.

"Why his voice has a damn affect on me!! I cried in myself.

"And one more thing specially"!!! He continued.

"What?! I asked and dared to raise a brow at him.

"Don't.Even.Try.Drinking.There!!! "Otherwise, you won't be able to bear the hard consequences and don't let me remind this all to you again!!! He warned practically lifting his index finger at me.

"O- okay, Sinclair!!" I dared to answer!

Meanwhile, Lucy opens the front door as if she knew that, I would be sitting at the back (humph) and sets herself at the passenger seat saying"

"Hey, Sinclair ma love" she cupped his left cheek with her hand.

She were definitely mooching him off! I thought when I compared his and her resident.

"Looking so hot as always babe! He complemented kissing her hand as I wasn't even present there!!

"This leather Fucking suits you" She said pointing at his jacket"

"Ahan"* Sinclair said snickering.

"Oh, Hazel! "Hi, sorry I didn't see you" She said looking at me with those shitty eyes of her and face which was covered under the layers of heavy makeup. Ugh I hate that!!!

She faked a smile at me. I totally ignored her damn ass.

Sinclair glared at me as I didn't said greetings back!

Even tho I fucking hate her but Sinclair's fear was greater than the hate for her I also faked a smile at her.

I don't know what's fate holding for me next! Why do I feel that whatever it is, it's horrible for sure!

Please support me with your power stones.

don't be a silent reader please. Creation is hard, cheer me up.

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