
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · perkotaan
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24 Chs

"Deep...Like An Ocean"

Everyone including 'Sinclair' and Lucy looked at her way as she said, "hello".

Sinclair POV:

"Everyone including me, were laughing at the joke which Sam had just cracked. Meanwhile I heard Hazel's voice.

"Hi everyone", she pronounced, so, I looked up but very next moment my smile disappeared and I felt my inside burning seeing her, showing mostly of her skin. She wore a short- I mean too short dress and in the front of my colleagues!!

Her dress was up to her knees and her bare thighs were inviting!!! Ugh!

I gazed at everyone's face and they were literally eye raping her!

Specially that "Michael", that bastard was literally drooling over her. This weren't their fault actually because, "Hazel" was the one standing there dressed up all cheap and revealing!!!

"Seeing her long revealed legs,arms and her V cut deep neck made me fūcking angry.

"I wanted to disappear her from the the scene right away!!!

"I wanted to ask her by grabbing her fragile body harshly, that "Did she have lost all her senses"!! or maybe something more than that but...everyone were sitting there so I hardly controlled myself"

"But- I made her understand with my gaze that "Miss Hazel""Just wait for them to go because you're gonna regret this one!!!" And somehow she for it too because I could clearly notice her skin turning paler.

"Oho- ho ho ho, so, you're...none other than Miss Hazel!!! Michael grinned.

Hazel who was scared and lost in her thoughts of the upcoming result of her doings, came out of her thoughts as Michael mentioned her name.

"Huh", she reacted like a lost puppy.

"Hey, Hazel. Are you going somewhere", Lucy asked in a sarcastic manner.

"What"?! Hazel asked blankly.

"Looking at you, all dolled up like this, I thought you're going to attend some party", saying this Lucy laughed scornfully at her own cold joke.

Hazel felt hella humiliated at her sarcastic words.

"Come Hazel, sit with us" berry said offering a place to sit between "Michael" and "Sam"!!!

She looked around. All sofas were already occupied, so, she got no choice but to sit between Sam and Michael", the most flirty ones there right at the moment.

"While sitting there, she noticed Sinclair hands turning into fists, but all she could do right at that time was "stay seated silently there"!!

"Wow Hazel, you're eyes are so beautiful and...deep...just like an "Ocean", Sam picked up a line to talk to her and madam Hazel just started to blush at her sudden praise which boiled someone's blood more.

"T-thank you" she shuttered.

"My pleasure", Sam replied putting his hand on her leg casually.

Looking at this, red lines of anger appeared in Sinclair eyes. Hazel didn't dare to look up at him because she knew that Sinclair was continuously glaring at her and she could feel the hot laser beams pointing at her.

Before Sinclair could lose control, she removed Sam's hand just in very unnoticeable way" But someone was noticing her every move she was making.

"Babe I want some more chips" Lucy chirped to Sinclair while pouting.

"okay, why not! Anybody else want something else?he asked.

YEAH, "Can I get one more drink" Jay asked shaking his empty can.


"Me too" Barry added.

"Okay, Sinclair replied making his way towards the kitchen.

"Sinclair was in the kitchen and everybody else were busy talking to each other, except Hazel who was just staring at her hands until Michael addressed her.

"Btw Hazel"...

She looked at Michael as he called out her name.

"You're lookin' pretty sexy in this dress, He compliments her in a low voice with his arm spreading over her bare shoulder.

"Hazel felt uncomfortable by his touch.

"T-Thank....Thank Y..you" She replied shuttering.

"MY PLEASURE" He replied grabbing her bare shoulder.

Hazel knew that she was doomed now because, foolishly, she herself had made the plan to get screwed. And she knew, it was going to happen as soon as the guests would leave.


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