
Chapter 86 - Xunlei Sword Pill

  Among the fifteen mature Lingying grasses, six were of good quality, seven were of superior quality, and the remaining two were of perfect quality.

  Lu Xuan put the fifteen mature Lingying grasses in a white jade box and picked up the fifteen white light balls that appeared one by one.

  Thoughts flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest one Lingying grass and gain six months of cultivation.]*2

  [Harvest one Lingying grass and gain nine months of cultivation.]*4

  In an instant, waves of spiritual power surged into Lu Xuan's body, like surging waves, raging wildly between his Dantian and tendons.

  After calming down, Lu Xuan felt that his cultivation level had increased a lot, and he was a long way closer to the eighth level of Qi training.

  The remaining nine white light balls brought Lu Xuan four first-grade talismans, including two first-grade sword qi talismans, one explosive flame talisman, and one exorcism talisman.

  In addition, there were three first-grade Peiyuan pills, and Lu Xuan put them and the Peiyuan pills he had obtained before in a jade bottle.

  Two second-grade sword energy talismans were produced from the light balls brought by the two perfect quality firefly grasses.

  At this time, he already had seven second-grade sword energy talismans and dozens of first-grade talismans of various types in his storage bag, which were placed in different categories.

  Lu Xuan counted and put away all the rewards, and then went back to the house to rest.

  He took out the book "Common Spiritual Plants and Their Treatment Methods" from the red-clothed girl to deepen his impression of various spiritual plants.

  After reading the book for a while, he got up to cook. Lunch was relatively simple. He steamed two bowls of spiritual rice, fried a portion of air-dried spiritual beast meat, and added a portion of cold spiritual fruit. One person and one lynx ate their own.

  The taste was average. Lu Xuan missed the red carp nourished by the spiritual spring he had eaten a while ago, and he couldn't help but look forward to the young iron claw crabs growing up quickly.

  After a short rest, he entered the spiritual field again.

  The iron claw crabs at the bottom of the spiritual spring pool have good recovery ability. With such kung fu, they have become lively again and crawl around at the bottom of the pool.

  One of them used its hard claws to cling to the surface of the stone wall of the pool, trying to flip over and get free.

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel relieved, and even had a thought of reflection. They

  recovered so quickly, was he not pushing them hard enough?

  He asked the Cloud-Stepping Lynx to catch four young iron-clawed crabs from the spiritual spring pool. Before they could land in a good position, a piece of uneven fine iron ore was delivered to the claws of the young.

  The young seemed to have forgotten the lesson in the morning. It raised its blue-black claws high and fiercely clamped the ore handed over.

  "Yes, that's it. Don't be discouraged. As long as you persist, you will handle all the ores."

  "No, you will defeat the ore demon and make him unable to provoke you with ore again!"

  Lu Xuan smiled slightly and changed to a more appropriate statement.

  After patrolling the spiritual field, when he passed the area where the sword grass was, he noticed that the progress bar below the sword grass had been pulled to the maximum and entered the fully mature stage.

  The quality is top-notch.

  He carefully pulled out the sword grass, and suddenly, a thought emerged from his mind.

  [Sword grass, a second-grade spiritual plant, is shaped like a sword blade and is extremely sharp. It is a natural sword weapon. It can be used directly or used to refine a flying sword. ]

  What surprised Lu Xuan was that the part of the sword grass that grew on the outside was similar to a sword blade, and the rhizome buried in the spiritual soil was also closely related.

  When it was pulled out, it was not stained with any soil. There were shallow lines on the rhizome. When held in the hand, the feel was the same as holding a flying sword.

  "It is indeed a natural sword weapon..."

  The more Lu Xuan looked at the sword grass, the more he liked it. The firefly grass, eclipse moon fruit, blood jade ginseng, red cloud pine, etc. that he had planted before could only be used as materials after maturity, but this sword grass could be used directly as a sword weapon.

  He suppressed his inner joy, put away the sword grass, and moved his eyes to the place where the sword grass was planted.

  A white light ball was flickering slightly.   

  Lu Xuan picked it up with anticipation, and suddenly, countless points of light poured into his body.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a sword grass and obtain a third-grade Xunlei Sword Pill. ]

  A small ball appeared in his hand.

  The ball was the size of an egg, composed of countless fine sword qi, the sword light swallowed and spit, stretched and retracted, with a black hurricane sweeping inside, and lightning appeared from time to time.

  [Xunlei Sword Pill, a third-grade treasure, is nurtured in the body of a cultivator, and can transform spiritual power into sword qi, split the sword light, and kill with great killing power. It can also be integrated into a sword to warm up the sword and improve the grade of the sword. ]

  [A large amount of sword qi will be consumed when splitting the sword light. After frequent use, the sword qi is scarce and spiritual power needs to be replenished in time. ]

  "Third-grade treasure, sword pill..."

  Lu Xuan looked at the egg-sized sword pill in his hand and opened his mouth. Suddenly, the sword pill evolved into countless subtle sword intentions and drilled into his throat. It

  turned into a sword pill again at the dantian. Lu Xuan separated a wisp of spiritual power and probed into the inside of the sword pill.

  Suddenly, there seemed to be a strong black wind, lightning and thunder, and the sword light on the surface of the sword ball increased greatly, and the sword intent was filled.

  "So this is how to nourish with spiritual power..."

  Lu Xuan suddenly realized, opened his mouth and spit out, countless subtle sword energy suddenly left the body, and transformed into the shape of a sword ball in front of him.

  He controlled the sword ball to move in the air at a speed so fast that it formed a series of phantoms.

  With a thought, several sword lights extended from the small ball, surrounded by black air, cold air, and electric arcs jumping on the blade.

  In Lu Xuan's spiritual perception, these sword lights were sent and received at will. As soon as he had a thought in his mind, several sword lights whistled and shot towards the ground, and several dark holes appeared on the ground, which were bottomless.

  "It is worthy of being a third-grade treasure that is good at killing."

  Lu Xuan was secretly amazed and marveled at the power of Xunlei Sword Ball.

  "It's just like the Hidden Spirit Cloak. It consumes too much spiritual power. Even if it was fully nourished with spiritual power before, it still consumes a lot of spiritual power when it is used."

  "Of course, this is not the shortcomings of the third-grade Xun Lei Sword Pill and the Hidden Spirit Cloak, but my personal problem."

  Lu Xuan laughed at himself. He originally thought that his seventh-level cultivation was already quite good, and he couldn't help but feel a little complacent in his heart. However, the appearance of these two third-grade treasures made him seem stretched and his spiritual power was unusable.

  Of course, this is just a happy trouble.

  With these two third-grade treasures, he has a lot to rely on whether he is avoiding danger or facing a strong enemy.

  "At present, the attack has the third-grade Xunlei Sword Pill, the Burning Blood Arrow Secret Art, the second-grade Red Needle Magical Instrument, and the second-grade Sword Grass. The auxiliary has the third-grade Hidden Spirit Cloak and the third-grade Immaculate Jade. Only the defense is a little bit worse, with only the first-grade defensive magic wood wall art and the second-grade defensive magic instrument red scale armor."

  "However, even if there are only these two things, it can be regarded as outstanding among the Qi training monks."

  The appearance of two third-grade treasures made Lu Xuan's strength soar instantly, and also made him more determined to cultivate in the future.

  Before there is a higher-grade spiritual plant to replace the Lingying grass, plant Lingying grass on a large scale to increase cultivation.

  At the same time, plant and cultivate high-grade spiritual plants as much as possible, not only for the value of the spiritual plants themselves, but more importantly, the rich light ball rewards brought by the spiritual plants after they mature.

  Quantity and fineness, both hands must be grasped, both hands must be hard, and go hand in hand.

   Thank you all for the rewards. The first two chapters are presented, and there should be no less than three chapters later today. Please subscribe and vote for the monthly ticket!

  (End of this chapter)