
Chapter 87 - Wang Family Invitation

  The appearance of two third-grade treasures, Hidden Spirit Cloak and Xunlei Sword Pill, gave Lu Xuan more confidence and made him full of motivation when cultivating spiritual plants.

  That day, a gentle voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

  "Is Daoist Fellow Lu here?"

  Lu Xuan opened the courtyard door. There were two high-level Qi training cultivators standing outside the door. The leader was a refined scholar with a warm smile. The cultivator behind him had an ordinary appearance, with a centipede-like scar on his face, and a faint evil spirit emanating from his body.

  "You are Daoist Fellow Lu Xuan, right?"

  The refined scholar said with a smile.

  "It's me."

  "Daoist Fellow Lu is younger than I thought. At such a young age, he has a very deep attainment in the field of spiritual plants. He has a bright future."

  "Who are the two Daoists?" Lu Xuan asked in confusion.

  "I am Wang Ruhai, from the Linyang Wang family. This is Daoist Fellow Li Jianfeng, a guest of the Wang family."

  "I came to Daoist Fellow Lu this time to ask for something. I want to invite Daoist Fellow Lu to the newly discovered secret realm."

  The refined scholar said with a smile.

  "I have always lived in seclusion, I don't know how you two Daoists found this place." Lu Xuan frowned when he heard this.

  "Daoist Lu is too modest. With your ability to cultivate spiritual plants, it is difficult for you to live in seclusion in the city."

  "The Wang family was looking for a spiritual plant master in the market, and accidentally learned from an alchemist in Baicaotang that Daoist Lu was an expert in spiritual plants, so they came directly to invite him."

  The elegant scholar explained.

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart when he heard this. The alchemist in Baicaotang recommended him to the Wang family, perhaps to sell himself to the Wang family, or to value him and seek benefits for himself, but no matter what the purpose was, it was contrary to his original intention.

  "As far as I know, the Wang family has basically mastered the new secret realm. Is there any place where they need spiritual plant masters?"

  "The family found a strange place in the secret realm, where many strange second-grade spiritual plants grow, but they are mixed with some evil plants, and their appearance is difficult to identify. At the same time, there are strange insects parasitizing them, so some high-level spiritual plant masters are needed to identify, separate, remove insects, and pick them."

  Lu Xuan nodded, pretending to ponder, with a trace of hesitation on his face.

  "Thank you for the Wang family's appreciation, but I am just a casual spiritual plant master born in the wild, with low cultivation, I am afraid it will be difficult to..."

  "Fellow Daoist Lu, are you going to refuse the invitation of the Wang family?"

  The elegant scholar Wang Ruhai interrupted him directly, with a hint of pressure in his tone.

  As a high-level Qi training cultivator in the Wang family who is in charge of Linyang Market, he usually says what he means, and no one dares to object.

  Seeing Lu Xuan's solemn expression, he slowed down his tone.

  "Fellow Daoist Lu, don't worry about safety. The destination is in the middle area of ​​the secret realm. The monsters and evil spirits inside have been cleared out, and there are at least two high-level Qi training monks to escort you."

  "Moreover, many of the spiritual plant masters invited this time are from big families and big forces in the market. If we accidentally lose a few of them, the Wang family will not be able to explain it."

  Wang Ruhai seemed to see the reason for Lu Xuan's hesitation and directly assured Lu Xuan of the safety of this trip.

  "Let me go into the house and think about it."

  Lu Xuan said.

  "Okay, then the two of us will wait here for Fellow Daoist Lu's reply."

  Wang Ruhai stood outside the door, looking like he would not give up until Lu Xuan replied.

  Lu Xuan returned to the house with a gloomy look.

  The Wang family invited him to enter the secret realm to pick spiritual plants in special states. There were only two choices before him, not to go, or to go.

  If he didn't go, he would definitely be at odds with the Wang family and lose face for the Wang family. As a casual cultivator, it would be difficult for him to stay in the market.   

  What's more important is that there are two high-level Qi training monks waiting outside the courtyard.

  If you want to get out of there, you either have to escape silently or kill them.

  The former is feasible after having the Hidden Spirit Cloak, but the chances are not very high.

  After all, his Qi training level of the seventh level can only be maintained for a short time, and he moves slowly during this period. He is in a busy city, and he may be discovered by the two high-level Qi training monks when his spiritual power is exhausted.

  As for dealing with the two, Lu Xuan is confident that he has many treasures in his hands, and defeating the two is not a problem, but this is far from enough. He must kill the two instantly with the force of thunder, and at the same time, he can't make too much noise. He is also not very sure.

  "If you go..."

  "If it's really as the Wang family monk said, just go to the middle area of ​​the secret realm to deal with the spiritual plants, then it shouldn't be a big problem." "

  There are also spiritual plant masters from other family forces in the same group. If something really happens, they will not be able to end it well."

  The balance in Lu Xuan's heart has gradually begun to tilt.

  "After entering the secret realm, you must not cause trouble, do not fight, do not approach the core area of ​​the secret realm, and do not fight to the death with other cultivators for a little resource."

  "But you can't restrain yourself too much. If you really encounter something, it's not my thing to forcibly endure it."

  Lu Xuan has his own set of rules in his mind and secretly admonishes himself.

  There are high-level cultivation of Qi training, Gengjin Sword Art at the master level, second-grade magic weapon red thread needle, red scale armor, sword grass, second-grade talisman, third-grade immaculate jade, hidden spirit cloak, Xunlei Sword Pill, and blood-burning arrow secret technique. With

  all kinds of magic and treasures, Lu Xuan is full of confidence.

  "Then I will go to the secret realm as a well-known spiritual plant master in Linyangfang City."

  He came to the spiritual field and looked around at the many spiritual plants.

  With a thought, he quickly picked the remaining 95 spiritual fireflies.

  There was no need to worry about others seeing the white light ball. The talisman and elixir rewards that appeared were hidden by Lu Xuan in his storage bag. His cultivation level was directly improved, and the fluctuation of spiritual power was covered by the hidden spirit cloak.

  Since it was not the most suitable time yet, the quality of these spiritual fireflies was mainly ordinary and good. Lu Xuan did not care at all. After all, he did not know when he would come back this time, so he might as well pick them in advance and increase his strength a little bit.

  Ninety-five light balls brought more than ten years of cultivation rewards, and Lu Xuan broke through to the eighth level of Qi training.

  At the same time, there were dozens of first-grade talismans of various types, more than ten Yuan-cultivating pills, and more than ten wood-growing techniques and earth-inducing techniques experience packs.

  The remaining spiritual plants, the third-grade spiritual plants were too precious, so Lu Xuan transplanted the Jiao vine and the Huanyan Luo fruit and put them in the Shengsheng bag to maintain their vitality.

  As for the remaining first-grade and second-grade spiritual plants such as the Jingxuelian and the Tongguzhu, they were still left in the spiritual field.

  "Do you want to go out with me? If you go out, you may have to stay in the Shengsheng bag often."

  He asked the stepping cloud lynx at his feet.

  The lynx cub nodded without hesitation and was put into the gray-black cloth bag that made it feel extremely uncomfortable.

  "During the time I'm away, I'll trouble you to take good care of the spiritual field. Remember not to let those iron-clawed crabs escape."

  Lu Xuan stuffed three spiritual stones into the huge tumor on the straw puppet's head.

  With his mind focused, the straw puppet kept repeating his order.

  He felt a little relieved and sent out another sound transmission note, asking Manager He to come to the yard more often.

  The mist-hiding maze was opened, and thick white fog enveloped the yard.

  Lu Xuan walked out of the gate and nodded gently to Wang Ruhai and the other person who were waiting outside the gate.

  "Please take good care of me, fellow Taoists."

  (End of this chapter)