
Chapter 509 - Paper Figure Evil Spirit

  "It's a matter of drinking and eating, and there is a destiny."

  "I helped Senior Brother Ge solve the problem of breeding the ancient beast Yin Yang Kun fish, which greatly increased his hope of breaking through the Dan stage."

  "Now, he brought me this sixth-grade spiritual seed, everything is in the dark."

  Lu Xuan sighed.

  "However, the growth environment requirements of this Yuanci Lingmu are too high. It actually needs a special environment with Yuanci spiritual power."

  "Where can I find such a spiritual field and spiritual soil?"

  Thinking of this, he was a little worried.

  "The boat will naturally straighten out when it reaches the bridgehead. For now, I will collect the spiritual seeds. Maybe I can cultivate them one day."

  He put the Yuanci Lingmu spiritual seeds into the gluttonous insect bag.

  As for the soul-burning flower, although the cultivation process was a bit dark, it was still within his tolerance.

  "Pure soul, you are quite picky."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself. There are currently two kinds of spiritual plants in the underworld courtyard that need to be nourished by the resentment of ghosts.

  They are all of the fifth grade. One is the Holy Infant Fruit, which needs to absorb the resentment of infants and children. The other is the Yin Ku Wood, which has no taboos. As long as it is a ghost, it doesn't matter what size, pure or not.

  However, considering the fifth-grade spiritual plants, this requirement is nothing.

  He rested for half a day and found an opportunity to congratulate Ge Pu and congratulate him on getting the treasure he wanted.

  In the following time, Lu Xuan changed into another look and wandered around the lower and middle areas.

  He was not satisfied with getting several high-level spiritual seeds and other treasures, and still wanted to pick up another big bargain from the treasure meeting.

  Unfortunately, he didn't have the good luck before.

  On this day, when he was observing the stalls everywhere, he suddenly heard a movement not far ahead.

  "Go quickly, there is a cultivator selling a young evil spirit in the lower level."

  "There are still evil spirits for sale? In the juvenile stage, do you want people to buy it and raise it for fun?"

  "The world is so big, there are all kinds of strange things."

  "Maybe it can be used for some special purposes after it grows up."


  "Evil spirits in the juvenile stage?"

  Lu Xuan felt a little curious.

  He followed several monks to the stall selling evil spirits, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the evil spirit placed in the middle.

  The evil spirit was a palm-sized paper man, all white, as thin as a cicada's wing, with deep and hollow eye sockets and two bright red blushes on his cheeks, which made it look even more evil.

  There was a dark yellow talisman on its forehead, which almost covered its entire body. If it weren't for the gloomy aura, it would almost be mistaken for a piece of paper-cut with some evil.

  "Fellow Daoist, where does this paper evil spirit come from?"

  The stall owners were two late-stage foundation-building monks, one tall and thin, the other short and fat, with a strong evil aura on their bodies, and it was obvious that they had countless dead souls under their command.

  "Hello fellow Taoists, this paper man-like evil spirit was caught by us by chance in a secret place."

  "It has not grown up yet, but it is quite powerful and has a lot of strange abilities. We used a magical weapon to restrain evil spirits and went through a lot of trouble to catch it alive."

  "It probably has the strength of the early stage of foundation building, and has great potential. It may grow into a disaster-level evil spirit."

  "If any fellow Taoist present wants it, please make an offer and the highest bidder will win."

  The short and fat monk smiled and said to the people gathered around the stall.

  "The potential of a disaster-level evil spirit?"   

  Everyone was immediately interested when they heard this.

  Lu Xuan stood aside and watched quietly.

  Although he was now wealthy, he had no intention of buying this paper evil spirit.

  First, there was already a flesh spirit god in the underworld courtyard, and the fact that raising the evil spirit would be rewarded with a light ball had not been truly confirmed.

  This evil spirit had grown to a certain level. According to the previous experience of cultivating mutant spiritual plants in Linyang Market, this uncertainty was increased a lot.

  Secondly, it was the origin of this paper evil spirit.

  The flesh spirit god was obtained from a blessed land and had a clean origin. Since this paper evil spirit had the potential to grow to the disaster level, it was naturally of great origin. Lu Xuan didn't have to take risks for it. With

  such an idea in his mind, his mentality was naturally different, and he stayed aside to watch the fun.

  The palm-sized paper evil spirit was finally bought at a high price by a cultivator who had completed the foundation building. Lu Xuan walked around for a while and returned to the house.

  It was late at night.

  After practicing the "Shen Yan Jing" for a long time, he was exhausted and closed his eyes to rest.

  Suddenly, the light Qingqiu Feather Clothes that were draped over him moved silently, and a clear air quickly formed on the surface of Lu Xuan's head, blocking a cold thought that seemed to have realized something.

  Lu Xuan felt something in his heart and woke up from his sleep. He looked solemn and ready.

  "Was there some powerful existence spying on me just now? It's just that the Qingqiu Feather Clothes exist to isolate the cold breath from outside."

  Lu Xuan felt heavy in his heart.

  The divine thoughts that could penetrate the many restrictions in the rest area of ​​Duobao Tower and enter it were naturally not ordinary people.

  "I don't know if it's the Jindan Zhenren guarding Duobao Tower, or the spiritual thoughts that infiltrated from the outside world."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart. No matter which one it was, it meant that it might be disadvantageous to him.

  As his mind moved, a slight crack appeared in the air in the room, and a cold and ruthless gray-white pupil silently drilled out of the crack and then disappeared.

  Several fourth-grade sword talismans quietly slipped from his sleeves, ensuring that they could be activated at any time.

  A golden jade book emerged silently, and the golden light of the jade book was about to overflow. The barefoot golden crow inside burned with white and gold flames, burning the surrounding spiritual power into nothingness.

  With many treasures protecting his body, Lu Xuan felt a little safer.


  At this moment, a creepy laugh appeared in the entire Duobao Tower.

  The laughter sounded directly in everyone's mind, as if it was going to freeze the souls of all the cultivators.

  Green light flowed on the surface of Lu Xuan's head, silently eliminating and purifying this creepy laugh.

  Lu Xuan was shocked in his heart, and his spiritual consciousness passed through the Duobao Tower and saw an evil scene at a glance.

  Outside the Duobao Tower, a huge ghost cave appeared at some point. The ghost cave was gloomy, and evil spirits were rampant inside, covering the sky and the sun.

  Two paper figures about ten feet tall floated in the air, their bodies swaying in the howling wind, their empty eye sockets staring at the Duobao Tower, and the corners of their mouths outlined a strange amplitude, making a giggling laugh. In such an environment, the laughter seemed extremely creepy.

  Behind the paper figures, there were all kinds of ghost soldiers beating gongs and drums. Both the ghost soldiers and the gongs and drums were made of eerie white paper. This turned out to be a ghost world formed by countless paper puppets.

  Feeling the familiar atmosphere in Duobao Tower, the two tall paper figures blushed even more. With a thin palm across their chests, countless thin and long eerie white paper strips flowed out like a dam opening, appearing in the air, turning into dark objects all over the sky, wrapped in gusts of eerie wind, attacking Duobao Tower from all directions.

  "Oh no, the parents of that little evil spirit are here! Looking at this posture, they are coming with great force!"

  Lu Xuan said in his heart, "Oh no!" and prepared to run away.

  (End of this chapter)

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