
Chapter 510 - Building Collapse

  "Which evil spirit is this! How dare you come to Duobao Tower and act so recklessly!"

  A shout exploded like thunder.

  Then, a huge spiritual light shot up from the top of Duobao Tower, spread out, and turned into a spiritual shield, covering the entire Duobao Tower.

  Many paper figures and paper beasts surrounded by yin energy were isolated from the outside by the spiritual energy. No

  matter how much the yin energy washed away, the spiritual shield remained motionless.

  Three escape lights shot out from different places in Duobao Tower, and the figures of three extraordinary Jindan real people emerged, looking solemnly at the world of yin objects outside that was like a ghost den.

  "I wonder if the Jindan can stop these two disaster-level evil spirits."

  "However, with them blocking in front of me, I can be much more relieved. At least no evil spirit will notice a small shrimp like me."

  Lu Xuan quietly gathered his spiritual power and turned into a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator, which was considered average in Duobao Tower. He would not be treated as a soft persimmon by the evil spirits, nor would he be treated as an object that needed to be dealt with.

  In Duobao Tower, three Jindan Zhenren stood in the air, their spiritual energy surging violently, ready to go.

  "Brother, these two evil spirits are extraordinary. Even if the three of us join forces, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with them."

  A cold female cultivator with azure spiritual light flowing all over her body, like a tsunami, whispered.

  "As far as I know, there have been cultivators selling a juvenile paper evil spirit in the tower these two days. These evil spirits are probably because of this."

  "Two Taoist friends, if the foundation-building cultivator who possesses the evil spirit and the little paper man are offered to the paper evil spirits outside, will they stop?"

  An old man with a long beard moved his lips slightly and transmitted a message to the two.

  "Fellow Daoist Li, there is no need to say anything more. There are so many cultivators in Duobao Tower, including many disciples of major sects and quasi-Jiedan cultivators. If such an act is really carried out, the good reputation of my Wanbao Tower and your several major forces that have been built up over the years will be destroyed."

  "Moreover, don't be lucky. The thoughts of evil spirits are difficult for ordinary people to guess. If their offspring are stolen after much difficulty, they will most likely use the entire Duobao Tower as a blood sacrifice."

  A middle-aged cultivator with a majestic temperament said.

  "The formation of the treasure tower can temporarily protect these foundation-building cultivators, but under the attack of the yin energy of these yin objects, it is not a solution to hide and wait for death. We must take the initiative to attack and solve or repel these two evil spirits."

  He opened his mouth, and a gem surrounded by clear air spewed out from his mouth, rotating and enlarging, and strands of clear air fell down, purifying all the invading yin energy.

  As soon as he arrived outside the building, a dragon shadow emerged from the red sword in his hand. Then, accompanied by the exciting and high-spirited dragon roar, the flying sword turned into a huge red dragon, wrapped in heavy flames, and rushed towards a tall paper man.

  The other two followed closely behind. A blue-black spear flew out of the dantian of the bearded old man. The spear turned into two, and then four. In the blink of an eye, a forest of spears was formed. With a whistling sound, countless spears shot out like lightning and attacked another tall paper man. A blue

  spiritual light emerged in front of the female cultivator, and a huge wave of waves surged out of the spiritual light. Countless extremely cold ice cones shot out from the waves and rushed towards the countless Yin objects outside.

  The tall paper man laughed, and the blush on his cheeks became even more intense, so rich that it almost dripped blood.

  Facing the red dragon, his arms turned into two pale paper strips, flying all over the sky, endlessly, wrapping towards the flying sword that turned into a dragon.

  The outermost layer of paper tape was burned into black ash by the red flames beside the dragon, but the paper tape seemed endless. It piled up layer by layer and slowly surrounded the dragon. The

  pale paper tape had a strong pollution ability. Gray and white areas appeared on the dragon's shadow, and the gray and white areas tended to get larger and larger. The red flying sword inside let out a wail, and its spirituality seemed to have suffered a lot of damage.   

  In front of the other tall paper figure, countless spears turned into black light, like meteors, piercing its body, leaving dense holes, and paper scraps floating down from the sky, directly turning into delicate and exquisite paper figures in the air, like butterflies, dancing and rushing towards the spiritual shield. The

  many Yin objects outside the formation are also extremely difficult to deal with. Each one is no less than the foundation-building cultivation strength, as if it can't be killed. Even if the body is turned into countless fragments, it will evolve into long and thin paper strips like tentacles, or the gloomy paper figures that are reduced many times, continue to invade and pollute the spiritual shield.

  "The situation is a bit bad. It seems that the strength of these two evil spirits is far beyond that of ordinary Jindan real people. The three Jindan in Duobao Tower may not be their opponents."

  Lu Xuan's eyes appeared a layer of hazy spiritual light, through the formation, the many Yin objects, and the whole battle situation.

  "The pollution ability of these paper figures and evil things seems to be very strong. The formation of Duobao Tower can't be maintained for long. We must be ready to run away at any time."

  He didn't intend to use the many treasures in his hands to show off. The most important thing is to save his life.

  Just as his thoughts were scattered, suddenly, his brows frowned, and a pale pupil appeared behind his head, which appeared and disappeared from time to time.

  In the observation of the void nightmare, strange things happened among the many monks who were awakened and gathered in Duobao Tower.

  Some monks wailed in extreme pain, and their hands couldn't help scratching their bodies, and pieces of flesh and blood fell like rain.

  In an instant, the monk was left with only a shriveled skin hanging on his bones.

  The skin slowly turned gray and white, and drops of waxy yellow corpse oil were secreted on it.

  "Is this alienation?"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but step back a few steps, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

  Soon, no less than thirty people experienced such strange phenomena. In addition, many monks' bodies became extremely stiff and bloodless involuntarily, and they were only one step away from being transformed into skin bags.

  "The laughter of the paper man just now?"

  Lu Xuan recalled the creepy laughter that sounded in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and felt extremely lucky.

  "Fortunately, I have the Qingfei Feather Cloth that can resist the attack of the soul, otherwise, I am afraid I will also be transformed."

  The many monks who were hiding in the Duobao Building and protected by the formation fell into chaos. Most of them were panicked and looked at the monks beside them with vigilance. In the

  top floor area, the monks who originally maintained the operation of the formation were also greatly affected, causing the spiritual energy of the aura shield to stagnate slightly, and the countless paper men and paper beasts outside seized the opportunity to attack the protective formation frantically.

  "It seems that I have to rely on myself."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart. The situation was extremely chaotic. The momentum of the evil paper man could no longer be stopped. The formation was broken, and it was time for many monks in the building to escape.

  As soon as this thought came to mind, the spiritual shield outside the building could not bear the heavy load. With a cracking sound, cracks appeared one after another. The cracks spread rapidly, and countless paper figures and evil things rushed into the Duobao Building.

  The huge Duobao Building collapsed with a loud bang.

  (End of this chapter)

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