
Chapter 493 - Drinking Blood and Eating Meat

  "That's right. Unlike the other second- and third-grade sword grasses, the fifth-grade sword grass spirit seed has already figured out the method of condensing seeds, and can be obtained in batches and stably."

  "To obtain the fifth-grade sword grass spirit seed, you need to have a specific environment and coincidence to give birth to one."

  "The Jindan uncles in the sword hall already have more than one fifth-grade sword grass, so the one that is being nurtured will be given to the sword hall disciples in the foundation-building realm to cultivate."

  "At present, you and the sword hall's true disciple Jian Wuxia are the most likely."

  "The two of you, one is born with a sword body and has a terrifying talent for swordsmanship, and the other has added a new variety to the sword hall, which has only more than 20 kinds of third-grade sword grass until now. The success rate of cultivating sword grass is terrifyingly high."

  "If nothing unexpected happens, it will be you, junior brother, competing with junior sister Jian Wuxia."

  Shen Ye revealed the truth to Lu Xuan.

  "Senior sister Jian Wuxia is a true disciple. Logically speaking, junior brother, I can't compete with her, but since it involves the fifth-grade sword grass, I would like to try."

  Lu Xuan smiled and said with a firm tone.

  The fifth-grade sword grass, he didn't know what kind of rich light ball reward it could produce, he had to give it a try.

  "It's great that you have this ambition, it's still uncertain who will win or lose."

  "By the way, the method of condensing the seeds of the wind and thunder sword grass that you handed over to the hall earlier is now in the stage of cultivation and preparation for condensation. I believe that the first wave of successful varieties will appear soon and enter the stage of mass planting."

  "Then I'm relieved."

  Lu Xuan was proud to hear this news.

  Shen Ye asked Lu Xuan to wait in the room for a while. After half a minute, he took out a fourth-grade sword peacock spirit seed from the depths of the sword hall and handed it to Lu Xuan.

  "Brother Shen, if there is any new news about the fifth-grade sword grass spirit seed, please inform me in time."

  Lu Xuan took the spirit seed and specifically instructed.

  "Of course."

  Lu Xuan was dug out by Shen Ye himself, so naturally he was more inclined to get the fifth-grade sword grass spirit seed.

  Back in the cave, Lu Xuan took out the sword peacock spirit seed.

  The spirit seed looked like a miniature carving of a peacock spreading its tail. Hundreds of hair-thin sword-qi feathers were clearly visible, and it felt sharp when held in the hand.

  He planted the sword peacock in the Wuling soil, and the spiritual power surged, the sword energy turned into silk, echoing each other, forming a subtle formation, and pouring into the spirit seed.

  "I have to go to the lower sword hall from time to time in the future."

  "It's not to obtain the fifth-grade sword grass spirit seeds, but also the remaining four-grade spirit seeds. The main purpose is to make some contributions to the fellow disciples of the sword hall and help them cultivate powerful swords."

  Lu Xuan thought shamelessly.

  He has cultivated a sword thousand owl among the eight fourth-grade sword grass spirit seeds in the sword hall. With the new ones, there are two sword peacocks and one blue lotus sword grass in the spirit field. The remaining five are currently uncultivated.

  He has the idea of ​​collecting them all.

  After planting the sword peacock, Lu Xuan then inspected various parts of the spirit field to check the details of the spirit plants.

  When he met the diligent and tireless grass puppet, he did not forget to feed it a spirit grass bead.

  There weren't many Naling Grass beads left in his hand, but he wasn't worried about not having enough. A new batch of Zangyuan Grass had already reached maturity, so he could replenish them.

  That day, he drove the escape light and left the sect alone. He

  found a remote and deserted place, took out the Thousand-Chapter Strange Mask, stretched his muscles and bones, and turned into a tall, middle-aged cultivator with an ordinary appearance.   

  Then, he entered Jianmen Town quietly.

  He came to the location of the underworld courtyard and walked around the courtyard. The gray and white void in the sky stared coldly at the bottom. After confirming that there was no abnormality, he opened the illusion five elements array arranged outside the courtyard.

  As soon as he entered the courtyard, a cold and cold breath came to his face, which made Lu Xuan, who had achieved success in body training, shudder.

  Following the yin energy, there were various roars of resentful souls, mixed with the cries of babies that seemed to laugh and cry, and the sounds of chewing flesh and blood...

  "Very good, this environment is the most suitable for the many evil spirits in the courtyard."

  Lu Xuan admired the environment of the underworld courtyard very much. He walked in the dark mud meat and the resentful spirit mud, and swept through the many evil spirits with vigorous vitality, feeling satisfied.

  Suddenly, a huge blood-red palm emerged from the dark mud meat, quickly rushed to Lu Xuan's feet, tightly grasped Lu Xuan's calf, and sucked it hard.

  The blood in Lu Xuan's feet surged slightly, and his spiritual power turned to suppress this abnormality, ignoring the thirsty blood spirit palm ginseng.

  He came to the fifth-grade blood sin flower, and his spiritual consciousness passed through the hollow blood ball formed by countless blood vessel-like tentacles and came to the center of the blood sea.

  The blood sea was surging, and there was a blood-colored flower in the center that was in full bloom, as if it was watered by countless sinful blood, giving a sense of demonic.

  Sensing Lu Xuan's approach, the blood vessel-like tentacles slightly squirmed, showing Lu Xuan a desire for blood.

  "Look at him, he is much more polite than you."

  "If you want to ask for help, you should look like you are asking for help. How can you beg for food like this?"

  Lu Xuan threw away the blood spirit palm ginseng that was wrapped around his calf, took out a dozen bottles of dragon blood essence from the storage bag, and poured them all on the tangled thin blood vessels.

  The speed of the blood vessels squirming instantly increased several times, greedily absorbing the dragon blood essence, gurgling.

  "This fifth-grade blood evil flower has entered a rapid growth period, and the amount of blood essence of the monster beasts required has increased greatly."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  Ten or so bottles of dragon blood essence were devoured in dozens of breaths without leaving a drop, and the essence was all integrated into the sea of ​​blood, making the blood-colored flowers inside more beautiful.

  "Fortunately, there is still a lot of dragon blood essence that I pulled from Qianlong Lake."

  Lu Xuan took out another ten or so bottles of second-grade dragon blood essence and fed them to the blood evil flower.

  During the cultivation of the blood evil flower, he saw that the blood spirit palm ginseng lying in the corner was really pitiful, so he threw two bottles to it and let it drink as much as it wanted.

  Afterwards, he took out a large amount of monster blood and flesh scraps and placed them under the roots of the strange peaches that smelled of milk and looked harmless to humans and animals, allowing them to absorb the blood and flesh vitality inside.

  Qianqiu Hand, Youquan Flower, Yinku Wood, Shengying Pill, Dirty Insect Grass... were also carefully cultivated to meet their subtle needs.

  Lu Xuan came in front of the Flesh Spirit God, took out a large pile of monster flesh and blood, and threw it on the dark red stone.

  After waiting for a while, a small mouth with dense and sharp teeth appeared on the surface of the stone, and swallowed all the monster flesh and blood in a few bites, leaving no meat.

  He focused his mind on this gestating Flesh Spirit God, and immediately noticed the extreme desire for flesh and blood of this unborn little evil spirit.

  [I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat! ]

  A thought kept echoing and impacting in his mind.

  "The child has grown up, and it is not easy to raise it."

  First, the Blood Evil Flower entered a rapid growth period, and its demand for blood essence increased a lot. Then, the Flesh Spirit God, which had not yet been conceived, was estimated to have reached the time of birth, and its demand for flesh and blood also rose sharply, which made Lu Xuan a little worried.

  (End of this chapter)

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