
Chapter 494 - Tianyuan Treasure Meeting

  As many spiritual plants in the underworld courtyard entered a rapid growth period, Lu Xuan gradually became a little stretched when feeding and cultivating them.

  In terms of blood essence, the stock is the most sufficient. Although the demand for blood flowers is much greater than before, there are many dragons and chilongs in Qianlong Lake to support them, so they can be used for a long time.

  However, at this consumption rate, Lu Xuan also felt a sense of crisis.

  "Take some time to give those dragon cubs a physical examination."

  "This time, we can try to develop some high-level users and try to extract the blood essence of dragons and chilongs of the third grade and above."

  He decided secretly in his heart.

  In terms of monster blood and flesh, the situation is the most serious.

  The main reason is that he lost the source of the forbidden land of the Ten Thousand Monster Cave.

  After completing the task of managing the blessed land, he had no good opportunity to enter the Ten Thousand Monster Cave again, and thus could not get enough monster blood and flesh scraps.

  Lu Xuan considered asking the little white ape and the phoenix to help take some out, but finally gave up.

  First, it is difficult for the little white apes to enter the forbidden area, and they can't find a suitable opportunity to take the scraps of blood and flesh for themselves like Lu Xuan did. In addition, if a large amount of monster blood and flesh is taken out of the blessed land, it will also arouse the suspicion of Cangwu Zhenren.

  But if you go to collect it slowly by yourself, it will be difficult.

  Although there are monster blood and flesh for sale in the stalls of casual cultivators in Jianmen Town or some shops, the quantity is limited, and most of them are first-grade and second-grade monsters, which is nothing to the flesh spirit god.

  In addition, Qianqiu Hand and Yishou Pantao are also big meat eaters. The amount of monster blood and flesh required by the three evil spirit plants is very considerable.

  As for the resentment of ghosts, the Yin Ku Wood is fine. It has not been planted for a long time, and the soul-guiding lamp is full of monster resentment absorbed from the forbidden land of Wan Yao Cave.

  But the Holy Infant Fruit is different. It needs to absorb the souls and resentment of the dead infants during its growth. The wooden infants obtained earlier have been squeezed dry.

  "It's a pity that I, a righteous cultivator, am actually worried about how to get a lot of flesh, blood, souls, and blood essence..."

  Lu Xuan smiled bitterly and left the underworld courtyard.

  Walking on the bluestone street of Jianmen Town, he carefully observed the goods on the stalls and shops on both sides, especially the flesh and blood of monsters.

  Unfortunately, he did not see a satisfactory result.

  "In the future, when cultivating evil spirit plants such as blood evil flowers and meat spirit gods, the quality of flesh and blood essence should be focused on quality rather than quantity. The blood and blood essence of a fourth-grade monster can be cultivated. The effect can be said to be better than the flesh and blood of hundreds of second-grade monsters."

  As his mind was scattered, he unknowingly came to the Wanbao Building.

  "There should be more high-grade monster flesh and blood in Wanbao Building."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself, revealing a trace of the breath of the middle stage of foundation building, and entered Wanbao Building expressionlessly.

  "Daoyou, please come this way."

  As soon as he entered the hall, a short and fat old man with a kind temperament flashed in front of Lu Xuan and greeted him warmly.

  The old man was the owner of the Jianmen Town branch of Wanbao Tower. His surname was Li. Lu Xuan had dealt with him several times.

  However, he had a new face now, so he naturally did not recognize Lu Xuan.

  "I wonder what you need when you come to Wanbao Tower?"

  The short and fat old man led Lu Xuan into an elegant room upstairs. As soon as he sat down, pretty female cultivators came in one after another with spiritual fruits and tea.

  "I need some monster flesh and blood. The higher the grade, the better."

  Lu Xuan said coldly with a blank expression.

  "High-grade monster flesh and blood? Daoist, wait a moment."

  Upon hearing this, the short and fat old man saluted Lu Xuan with a fist, and then left the elegant room.

  A moment later, he came to Lu Xuan with a beautiful jade plate.   

  Inside the jade plate, there were various monster flesh and blood, which were full of spiritual power and were not ordinary.

  "Daoyou, this is a portion of the essence of the fourth-grade monster Han Chi. It can be used to practice body-refining techniques, or to make fourth-grade talismans."

  "Here is a portion of the flesh and blood of the Feiyun Scorpion monster insect, which is extremely rare and a great tonic for cultivators."

  "Here is..."

  The short and fat old man talked endlessly to Lu Xuan about the sources and functions of the monster materials in the jade plate.

  Lu Xuan sighed helplessly in his heart.

  Although the monster flesh and blood presented by the old man met his requirements, the amount was too little. It was estimated that it was not enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of the Flesh Spirit God and the Blood Evil Flower.

  "Master Li, the monster flesh and blood I need must not only be of high grade, but also of large quantity. This is still far from enough."

  He interrupted the short and fat old man and said.

  "A large amount of monster flesh and blood?"

  The old man felt that Lu Xuan's request was a bit strange.

  The monster materials that appeared in front of Lu Xuan were the most valuable parts of the monsters, which were the essence of the monsters. They could usually be used to refine magic tools, elixirs, talismans, etc.

  Most cultivators valued these special parts more and often looked down on the relatively mediocre flesh and blood parts. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan did the opposite and needed those relatively ordinary flesh and blood parts.

  "Although this building has the monster flesh and blood you need, it is difficult to meet your large demand."

  The old man said with regret.

  "Does Wanbao Building currently have any high-grade or extremely rare spiritual seeds?"

  Lu Xuan asked helplessly.

  "There are two fourth-grade spiritual seeds in the branch building, but they are all relatively common species in the cultivation world. I guess it is difficult to satisfy you."

  "However, there is a place that can provide the rare and exotic spiritual seeds you need."

  Just when Lu Xuan showed a disappointed look, the short and fat old man said hurriedly.

  "In recent times, evil spirits have been rampant in the cultivation world, and even alien demons have invaded, so many strange and bizarre things have appeared."

  "It is precisely because of this that Wanbao Tower has joined forces with several major forces to organize the Tianyuan Treasure Meeting."

  "Tianyuan Treasure Meeting?"

  Lu Xuan was a little curious.

  "Several major forces will hold an exchange meeting lasting half a month, where cultivators can freely exchange resources and treasures, relax and enjoy themselves. Only those who have at least foundation building cultivation can be qualified to participate."

  "By then, a large number of high-grade treasures will appear, including rare and rare treasures of unknown origin. As far as I know, there are some strange and unknown spiritual seeds in them."

  "If you are interested, you can get a name card from me, and I will guide you to the treasure meeting location in about a month."

  "Strange and unknown spiritual seeds?"

  Lu Xuan was tickled.

  In his previous farming history, he had obtained many rare spiritual seeds by picking up leaks, and his strength progressed rapidly.

  After entering the Tianjian Sect, as he learned more and more knowledge about spiritual plants and stayed in the sect for a long time, such situations happened less frequently, but he still obtained several high-grade underworld spiritual plants by luck.

  Now that he heard from the short and fat old man that there was such a good opportunity to pick up rare spiritual seeds, he instantly became very interested.

  (End of this chapter)

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