
Chapter 485 - Unraveling the Mystery

  Huo Zhi led Lu Xuan and the others to shuttle between the ridges of the spiritual field.

  "The Flame Soil is unique to Huoyun Cave. Once it is transplanted from Huoyun Cave, it will slowly lose its fire spirit aura over time and become ordinary spiritual soil."

  "So, in order not to waste this piece of Flame Soil, the sect let us live in Huoyun Cave."

  "It just so happens that the environment here is suitable for our life and practice, so we hit it off and settled down for a long time, generation after generation, and have been here for who knows how many years."

  "Most of the spiritual plants in the spiritual field are second- and third-grade, and there are also two fourth-grade ones, mainly fire-type spiritual plants."

  "This time, the inexplicable spiritual plant mutation occurred. The spiritual plant masters in the clan used many methods, but none of them worked. They couldn't even find the cause of the mutation.

  If it can't be solved smoothly, it will be a big loss for our clan."

  The more Huo Zhi spoke, the more worried he looked.

  "Uncle Huozhen, don't worry. Junior Brother Lu is the most famous spiritual plant master in Tianjian Sect. Even the master who has reached the Jindan stage is not as accomplished as him in spiritual plants. This time, he was the first to discover the source of the mutation of the Fire Spirit Ganoderma."

  "With him here, we will definitely be able to save the many spiritual plants in the spiritual field."

  Huo Lin'er said in a deep voice.

  "Junior Brother Lu, then I'll leave it to you."

  Lu Xuan nodded, walked to the front, and carefully examined the spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  Many spiritual plants in the spiritual field are somewhat similar to the Fire Spirit Ganoderma at that time. There are black and red thin lines inside the plants. The thinnest is only the size of a hair, and the thickest is almost equivalent to half of his finger. Several of them are put together, occupying nearly half of the area of ​​the spiritual plants.

  He secretly performed the Earth Attraction Technique, and the flame soil of the spiritual field changed slightly. The roots of the spiritual plants separated and combined with the spiritual soil, allowing him to quietly complete the planting process.

  [Fire Spirit Ganoderma, a third-grade spiritual plant...]

  [Red Thunderwood, a third-grade spiritual plant...]

  His mind was focused on the spiritual plants, and thoughts emerged in his mind.

  "Sure enough, the root of the mutation is exactly the same, it's all the work of the mysterious magic fire worm."

  After Lu Xuan understood it, he felt relieved and turned to look at Xu Yong and the others.

  "Next, I'll have to trouble you two, Senior Brother Xu and Senior Sister Zhou."

  "You can cast relatively fine ice-cold magic on the mutated spiritual plants. I will use my spiritual sense to observe the state of the spiritual plants. When the time is right, I will notify you in time."

  Ice-cold magic on fire spiritual plants is likely to cause serious damage to the spiritual plants. Lu Xuan, who can know the detailed state of the spiritual plants, is needed to grasp the degree.


  Xu Yong and the others nodded and said that the spiritual power in their bodies surged.

  A ball of ice mist floated out of Xu Yong's body and came to a spiritual plant in front of him in an instant, silently wrapping the spiritual plant.

  With concentrated perception, you can find that there are endless tiny ice spikes in the ice mist, which are almost invisible and flying wantonly.

  As for Zhou Yunning, a miniature white jade coffin emitting an extremely cold aura appeared in front of her.

  She pointed at a spiritual plant not far away, and the coffin turned into a white light, covering the diseased area of ​​the spiritual plant, constantly changing its shape, and finally became the branches and leaves of the spiritual plant, sticking closely.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness spread out, closely watching the movement of the black and red thin lines inside the spiritual plant.

  After a while, the spiritual plant under the ice mist changed first.

  The black and red thin lines moved faster and faster, revealing a faint vitality.

  "It's okay, Senior Brother Xu."

  Lu Xuan said softly, and then in the eager eyes of Huojin, his spiritual consciousness turned into a thread and penetrated into the mutated spiritual plant.

  Find the stimulated magic flame insect that showed vitality, pull the demon insect, and slowly swim in the spiritual plant.   

  Wherever he passed, he avoided the main structure of the spiritual plant and tried to minimize the loss.

  "It's out, it's out."

  Huozhen couldn't help but mutter to himself, his expression excited.

  A black and red strange insect slowly pulled out from the leaves of the spiritual plant. After being stimulated by the external spiritual power, its body twisted unnaturally. "

  Head of the Fire Clan, this is the magic flame insect that caused the spiritual plant to mutate."

  "This insect is extremely rare in the cultivation world. It may be brought from a foreign land. It likes to absorb the vitality of the fire spiritual plant. When it parasitizes in the body of the spiritual plant, it merges with the spiritual plant and is extremely difficult to separate."

  "Forcibly separating it will cause serious damage to the spiritual plant, or even direct death."

  Lu Xuan handed the black and red strange insect in his hand to Huozhen.

  "It turns out that this thing is harming the thousands of spiritual plants in Huoyun Cave!"

  Huozhen looked at the magic flame insect in his hand that wanted to break free from the restraints, and said with gritted teeth.

  A wisp of red flame gushed out from the fingertips, directly burning the magic flame insect into black ash.

  "If you want to separate the alien insects, you must have a powerful cultivator who is good at ice magic. Under the exquisite control of magic, you must stimulate the magic flame insects inside the plant to reveal their true form. Then, you must have a spiritual plant master who understands spiritual plants to remove the magic flame insects while trying to avoid damaging the spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan said, noticing that the spiritual plants under Zhou Yunning's coffin also had slight movements.

  At his signal, the cold female cultivator removed the cold and deformed coffin, revealing the mutated spiritual plants with a thin layer of frost condensed inside.

  Lu Xuan followed the method and carefully took out the magic flame insects inside.

  "The spiritual plants that get rid of the insects need to rest for a period of time, and they need more fire spiritual power and more sophisticated cultivation. Please pay more attention to this point, Fire Clan Leader."

  Lu Xuan instructed Huo Zhi.

  Huo Zhi and several Huoyun Cave spiritual plant masters behind him nodded in unison, keeping it in mind.

  "The spiritual plants may contain devil flame insect eggs. After the adult insects are cleared, I will check the spiritual plants in the spiritual field in detail."

  "I'm sorry to trouble you, Brother Lu. Unfortunately, the spiritual plant master in the clan is not well-trained and does not have the ability to find insect eggs. So you, Brother Lu, can only trouble so many spiritual plants in the spiritual field."

  Huozhen sighed and turned to the several Huoyun Cave clan members who were shrinking their heads behind him. His tone was three parts scolding and seven parts angry.

  "You guys, follow Master Lu well. If you can't serve Master Lu well, I will only ask you!"

  Several people nodded repeatedly.

  Lu Xuan didn't care about this, and he was not afraid of what the Huoyun Cave spiritual plant master would learn.

  While observing and cleaning the devil flame insects in the mutated spiritual plants, he sent a message to Huo Lin'er.

  "Brother Huo, the origin of this magic flame bug is unknown. I don't know if it is from the outside world or from Huoyun Cave itself. You should pay close attention to the surroundings and try to find the culprit behind it." "

  Thank you, Brother Lu, for reminding me. I will pay close attention."

  Huo Lin'er expressed his gratitude to Lu Xuan and also transmitted his voice.

  In this way, Lu Xuan and Zhou Yunning cooperated with each other to slowly and steadily clean up the magic flame bugs parasitic in the spiritual plants.

  The more times he cleaned, the more handy he became. The speed at which his spiritual consciousness and spiritual power pulled out the magic flame bugs became faster and faster, and the damage to the spiritual plants became less and less.

  It felt like a smooth and natural process of pulling out silk threads from a cocoon.

  (End of this chapter)

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