
Chapter 484 - Flame Earth

  After making the decision, Lu Xuan didn't have much time left due to the urgency of the situation.

  He returned to the cave, made some preparations, and then rushed to the cave where Huo Lin'er was.

  Among the spirit beasts in the cave, he brought the Cloud-Stepping Lynx and the Demonic Ghost Vine. One could detect the traces of evil spirits, and the other had a very strong and keen perception of spirit seeds.

  "Brother Huo, I'm late."

  Huo Lin'er and two fellow disciples of the Tianjian Sect had already been waiting in front of the cave.

  "No, we've just got ready."

  Huo Lin'er said with a smile.

  The two fellow disciples were a man and a woman. One had white hair and beard, and exuded a chill all over her body. The other had a frosty face and a cold expression.

  "Junior Brother Lu, let me introduce these two brothers and sisters to you."

  "This is Senior Brother Xu Yong, and this is Senior Sister Zhou Yunning. They are both in the late stage of foundation building, and they have profound attainments in ice magic, which is suitable for dealing with the early stage of the mutated fire spirit."

  "Hello, Senior Brother Xu, Senior Sister Zhou."

  "Junior Brother Lu, I have heard a lot about you."

  The two nodded to Lu Xuan.

  "Then there is no time to waste, let's set off immediately."

  Huo Lin'er said, taking out a small boat from the storage bag and throwing it on the ground.

  The small boat quickly grew larger, and in an instant it was more than ten feet long, and the surface was covered with a thin layer of spiritual power.

  "This is my usual means of transportation, the Qingling Boat, a fourth-grade magic weapon, suitable for long-distance travel."

  He briefly introduced it to Lu Xuan and the others, and jumped up and jumped onto the pale green flying boat.

  Lu Xuan and the other two followed closely, jumping onto the flying boat one by one.

  The flying boat took off into the air, and the speed continued to increase. One mountain after another passed under the eyes of the four people.

  In a dozen breaths, they arrived outside the sect.

  "This time, several junior brothers and sisters went to Huoyun Cave, where I used to live, to help my people solve the problem of spiritual plant mutation. I am very grateful."

  "When we arrive at the destination, we will have to rely on you fellow disciples for everything."

  "Brother Huo, you are joking. We are just going to help. We mainly rely on Brother Lu's spiritual plant skills."

  Xu Yong, who was white-haired, smiled slightly, and Zhou Yunning nodded gently to express his agreement.

  "The two senior brothers and sisters are too modest. Your ice and cold magic is the main force."

  "Also, Brother Huo, when we get to Huoyun Cave, you must do your best to be a good host."

  Lu Xuan chuckled.

  "Of course, Huoyun Cave still has some good specialties. Let the junior brothers and sisters taste them."

  Huo Lin'er laughed. The problem faced by the people was about to be solved, and he felt much better.

  The flying boat shuttled through the white clouds at a high speed. The four chatted for a while and then quieted down. Xu Yong closed his eyes to rest, Zhou Yunning meditated and practiced, and Huo Lin'er controlled the flying boat while paying attention to the surrounding movements.

  Lu Xuan stood behind the flying boat, his hand hidden in his sleeve gently stroking a talisman.

  The talisman was given by the True Man Qingxu, named Qianren Talisman, fifth grade, with a very strong protective effect, even under the hands of the True Man Jindan, it can last for a long time. Nothing

  unexpected happened along the way, and half a day later, the flying boat came to a mountain range.

  After turning seven or eight times, it entered a fiery red mountain thousands of feet high.

  The upper part of the mountain was piled with thick black and red volcanic ash, and occasionally red magma flowed through.

  The flying boat entered a bottomless cave.

  "Inside is the Fire Cloud Cave. Many years ago, it was a secret realm of the sect. After the resources inside were almost developed, it was rewarded to my clansmen, just in time to make good use of some treasures left in the secret realm."

  Huo Lin'er introduced to Lu Xuan and others.   

  He passed through several formations and restrictions with ease and came to the underground world.

  "We're here."

  "Lin'er, you're finally here."

  As soon as the flying boat landed, several people flew over from a distance. The leader was tall and exuded a fiery aura. He had the cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building.

  "Hello, Uncle Huozhen."

  "This is one of my elders, named Huozhen, and he is the current patriarch of my Huoyun Cave clan."

  "These are all my fellow disciples in the sect. This is Xu Yong, and this is Zhou Yunning."

  "This is Lu Xuan, the most powerful spiritual plant master in the Tianjian Sect. It was Junior Brother Lu who discovered the problem and found a solution to the mutated Fire Essence Ganoderma sent to the sect this time."

  Huo Lin'er introduced the two parties to each other. When talking about Lu Xuan, he also specifically pointed out the key role Lu Xuan played in this incident.

  "Friend Lu, I have to rely on the help of Friend Lu and the other two daoists this time."

  Huozhen held Lu Xuan's hands tightly with an eager smile on his face.

  At first, he saw that Lu Xuan had the lowest cultivation level among the few people, so he was relatively uninterested. After hearing Huo Lin'er's words, he suddenly became much more enthusiastic.

  Even Lu Xuan felt a burning feeling in his hands.

  "You are too polite, Huo Clan Leader. This is what we should do."

  Lu Xuan smiled and tried to pull his hands out.

  "Fellow Daoists, please come in. I have already prepared a banquet in my mansion. However, Huoyun Cave is not as good as Tianjian Sect. The conditions are simple and there are only a few special products. Please don't blame me for the poor hospitality."

  Huozhen smiled and led Lu Xuan and the others in.

  The underground world is full of red rocks, and the air is filled with a smell similar to sulfur. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of magma flowing behind the stone wall.

  The residence of Huo Lin'er's people is built in such an environment. Along the way, you can see simple houses built with red boulders, and there are obvious or obscure sights coming from the houses.

  "Chief Huozhen, the mutated spiritual plants need to be resolved as soon as possible. Why don't you take us to the spiritual field first so that we can understand the situation first and have a rough idea."

  "There's no need to rush for the banquet. We can have a good gathering after the matter is resolved."

  Lu Xuan said.

  "Isn't this a bad idea?"

  Huozhen turned his head and looked at Huo Lin'er. Although he was the leader of the Huoyun Cave clan and Huo Lin'er's uncle, Huo Lin'er was the true disciple of the Tianjian Sect and his status was many times higher than his, so he still had the final say on all matters.

  "Just follow what Junior Brother Lu said."

  Huo Lin'er followed suit, and Xu Yong and others naturally had no objections.

  "Fellow Taoists, follow me."

  Huozhen held a banquet just to fulfill his hospitality as a host. In fact, he was already very anxious and wanted to solve the problem of the mutated spiritual plants immediately.

  Several people shuttled through the Huohongyan Cave for a long time and came to a spiritual field.

  The spiritual soil in the spiritual field attracted Lu Xuan's attention.

  The spiritual soil was light red, and from time to time, wisps of black smoke rose up, and a hot breath could be felt from afar.

  "This is a special spiritual soil in Huoyun Cave, called Yantu, which contains rich fire spirit aura. The aura is mild and harmless, and it is rarely seen in other places in the cultivation world."

  "For fire-type spiritual plants, Yantu can promote their growth to a certain extent."

  Huozhen saw Lu Xuan noticed the light red spiritual soil in the spiritual field and took the initiative to explain to him.

  "The world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders."

  Lu Xuan sighed.

  (End of this chapter)

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