
Chapter 483 - Devil Flame Bug Fire Cloud Cave

  Lu Xuan nodded gently and took the mutated Fire Essence Ganoderma with both hands.

  A trace of spiritual consciousness slowly seeped into it, carefully observing the black and red thin lines.

  Although the black and red thin lines are obvious in shape, upon closer inspection, it can be detected that they are integrated with the spiritual plant and are indistinguishable from each other.

  He recalled the many spiritual plant classics he had seen before, and could not find a similar situation.

  "Then I can only use the plug-in, a way to solve all my worries."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart and asked the old man.

  "Uncle Qingxu, can you give me an empty spiritual field? I need to plant this mutated Fire Essence Ganoderma and observe it experimentally."


  The old man nodded and said.

  A handsome boy led him into a spiritual field and found an empty area.

  "Master Jiedan is different. The spiritual power in the spiritual field is even better than that in my cave. Although this spiritual soil is not as good as my Wu spiritual soil, the area and weight are many times more."

  Lu Xuan sighed, asked the handsome boy to leave, and stayed alone in the spiritual field, performing the earth-drawing technique to plant the mutated fire spirit ganoderma.

  After completing this process, his mind was focused on the spiritual plant, and a thought emerged.

  [Fire spirit ganoderma, a third-grade spiritual plant, grows in the fire-type spiritual soil and needs to be cultivated with fire-type spiritual power. ]

  [The plant contains rich fire-type spiritual power and can be used as the main material for many third-grade and fourth-grade elixirs. It can also assist in practicing fire-type magic. ]

  [Parasitized by the magic flame insect. ]

  [The magic flame insect is a third-grade demon insect. It is extremely rare. It likes to parasitize in fire-type spiritual plants and devour the vitality of the fire system. It has a strong camouflage ability. When parasitizing, its own vitality is restrained and integrated with the spiritual plant, lying dormant in it. After the vitality of the spiritual plant is completely absorbed, it will recover and leave the withered spiritual plant. ]

  [You can use ice-cold magic and magic tools to slowly stimulate the spiritual plant to wake it up, and then under the guidance of the spiritual plant master, separate the magic flame insect from the spiritual plant. ]

  "It turns out that this demon insect is causing trouble."

  Lu Xuan's brows relaxed, and his ability to sense the specific state of the spiritual plant took effect again. He soon learned the factors that caused the mutation of the Fire Spirit Zhi.

  "Ice-cold magic and magic tools have a significant damage to the fire spiritual plant. Under normal circumstances, they will not be used on them. This is also the main reason why the root cause of the problem cannot be found."

  "However, perhaps it is related to the extremely rare magic flame insect. At least, I have not seen any information about it in the many classics in the Sutra Library."

  Lu Xuan carefully took out the mutated Fire Spirit Zhi and brought it to the place where the True Man Qingxu was.

  "Brother Lu, how is the situation?"

  Huo Lin'er had a hint of anxiety in his eyes, and seemed to be very concerned about this mutated spiritual plant.

  "It's probably clear."

  Lu Xuan nodded and said.

  "This black and red thread is a strange insect called the Devil Flame Bug. After I learned more about it, I suddenly remembered seeing a few words about it in a certain book."

  "This strange insect usually does not seem to have any signs of life. It will only be exposed briefly after absorbing the vitality of the spiritual plant's fire spirit."

  "I see, does Junior Brother have a solution?"

  Huo Lin'er asked eagerly, relieved.

  "You can use cold-attributed spells or instruments to slowly act on the Fire Spirit Ganoderma to stimulate the Devil Flame Bug and wake it up. Then let a spiritual plant master who is proficient in spiritual plants carefully peel it out of the spiritual plant."

  "There are two key points in this."

  "Cold-attributed spells and instruments must control the degree of restraint on the Fire Spirit Ganoderma to avoid causing serious damage to the spiritual plant."   

  "The other thing is how to separate the demon insects from the spiritual plants. We must send experienced spiritual plant masters who can sense the subtle changes of the spiritual plants to avoid harming the spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan spoke confidently.

  "Junior Brother Lu is indeed the best spiritual plant master in our sect. He was able to find the problem so quickly."

  True Man Qingxu nodded slightly, his eyes full of admiration.

  "Then, Junior Brother, are you willing to go with me to Huoyun Cave and help me solve the problem of my fellow tribesmen?"

  Huo Lin'er looked at Lu Xuan with expectation in his eyes.


  Lu Xuan was stunned.

  "Huoyun Cave is where I was born. It used to be a secret place of the sect. After it was developed, it became the habitat of my people."

  "The fire spirit inside is rich, which is suitable for practicing fire-related skills and cultivating fire-related spiritual plants."

  "I hope you can help me and go back to Huoyun Cave with me."

  "Excuse me, Senior Brother Huo, is the journey far? Recently, evil spirits have been breeding everywhere in the cultivation world. I have ordinary cultivation and am not good at fighting. I am afraid there will be considerable risks if I go out."

  "The distance is not very far, less than ten thousand miles."

  Huo Lin'er said in a deep voice.

  "As for the risks, as far as I know, it has been relatively peaceful recently. No powerful evil spirits or evil cultivators have appeared. Moreover, with me and other fellow disciples accompanying you, Junior Brother Lu does not have to worry about his own safety."

  Lu Xuan pondered in silence, as if thinking about the pros and cons.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you said that solving the magic flame bug requires an experienced and powerful spiritual plant master. Looking at the entire Tianjian Sect, who has more experience than you?"

  "If you are worried about safety, I can give you a fifth-grade protective talisman in advance as a reward for solving the problem of the magic flame bug parasitism."

  "With that fifth-grade talisman, even if you encounter a Jindan cultivator or a disaster-level evil spirit, you will have a high probability of escaping."

  The clear-headed old man on the side suddenly spoke up.

  Lu Xuan was shaken.

  Although he, an inner disciple, had the right to refuse the request of the Jindan uncle, once he said it, he would have no face to stay in the Tianjian Sect.

  Moreover, he had a good relationship with Huo Lin'er, who usually took care of him. Now that his people had problems, he asked for help from him, and he should not refuse it in terms of emotion and reason.

  Of course, the most important thing is that he has been under the protection of the Tianjian Sect for many years, and obtained a large number of rare spiritual seeds from the sect, so that he can get to where he is today. Now the sect needs him, as long as it does not involve his life, he should repay the sect.

  On the surface, with Huo Lin'er, a powerful true disciple, and other fellow disciples, the fifth-grade talismans given by Qingxu Zhenren, his safety has been greatly guaranteed.

  Not to mention, he has more than ten fifth-grade magic tools, treasures, and many fourth-grade sword talismans with extremely strong killing power. With his own strength, even if he encounters a Jindan cultivator, even if he cannot kill him, he can easily escape and save his life.

  Thinking of this, Lu Xuan's mind became firm.

  "Then I will go to the Fire Cloud Cave with Senior Brother Huo Lin'er, but please protect my life."

  "Hahaha, thank you Junior Brother Lu!"

  Huo Lin'er laughed heartily.

  "Junior brother is so cautious and cherishes his life, and is willing to take risks to help me solve problems. Even if I give up my own life, I will ensure that you return to the sect safely."

  He restrained his smile and promised Lu Xuan solemnly.

  (End of this chapter)

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