
Chapter 467 - Lihuo Jiao Breakthrough, Nanming Lihuo Net

  The thought flashed through his mind, and Lu Xuan couldn't help but be stunned.

  He didn't expect to get such a message from the Qingqiu fox spirit beast.

  This fifth-grade spirit beast actually has the idea of ​​dedicating everything to the sect.

  Lu Xuan stood in awe, looking at the old fox with surprise and respect.

  He asked himself, he would never do this.

  There must be a sense of belonging to the sect, but not much, and he couldn't give up his life for the sect.

  If you can't do it yourself, you will admire those who can do it.

  The embarrassed old fox in front of him suddenly became different.

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart and returned to the cloud house.

  He was thinking about the several spiritual plants in the sect that were about to mature, and there were still a lot of monster scraps in the gluttonous insect sac that needed to be processed, so he told Sun Yun and others to return to the sect through the array hall transmission array.

  As soon as he opened the Liuguang Fu array and entered the cave, the children who sensed Lu Xuan's breath came out to greet him.

  The fastest one was Feng Hun, whose round belly suddenly stopped in front of Lu Xuan, and the flesh rolled.

  "Your belly seems to be getting bigger again. Tell me the truth, how far have you progressed with that green-haired Feng Hun?"

  Feng Hun folded its light green wings, lowered its head, and looked shy.

  Seeing Feng Hun's expression, Lu Xuan's heart couldn't help but skip a beat, and he hurried to its belly.

  He stared at Feng Hun twice, but its belly was already bulging into a ball, and there was no abnormality at all.

  In desperation, Lu Xuan had to take out a spiritual fruit and concentrate on Feng Hun.

  After confirming that it was not pregnant by the green-haired, he was relieved.

  "I'm telling you, don't get pregnant casually, otherwise I'll kick you out of the cave."

  Lu Xuan's tone was a bit of a warning.

  "It's just for fun."

  Feng Hun chirped crisply, conveying this thought to Lu Xuan.

  After it, the Cloud-Stepping Lynx appeared silently on a spiritual tree in front of Lu Xuan like a black lightning.


  It looked past Lu Xuan and looked into the distance, and a low roar with seven points of meaning came out of its throat.

  Lu Xuan waved his hand, and the green eyes of the Stepping Cloud Lynx pretended to look at him casually, and then fell down expressionlessly, and its thick white cloud-like feet stepped silently on the rocks.

  Lu Xuan pulled the two tufts of gray hair on the tip of its ears, and under his manipulation, the two tufts of hair bent down and formed a heart shape.

  Lu Xuan laughed loudly, and his mood became much happier.

  The Stepping Cloud Lynx didn't understand why, and returned to the dense jungle with a heart-shaped pattern on its head.

  Afterwards, the Lihuo Jiao flew up in the clouds and mist, like an arrow from a bow, leaped out of the small lake, and flew in front of Lu Xuan.

  After living in the cave for such a long time, this third-grade dragon has grown to four or five feet, and its body is covered with dark red dragon scales, and it is extraordinary.

  Behind its tail, a rock-shell turtle covered in black mud was hanging, and it flew to Lu Xuan together.

  After all, they were all hatched by Feng Hun, so they had some brotherhood.

  In the cracks of the rocks in the distance, the two-headed armadillo poked its head in this direction, and when it saw Lu Xuan's gaze moving over, it immediately went back into the mountain, as if it was still brooding over the Wu Ling soil that Lu Xuan had collected before.

  The demon vine went up along his trouser legs, trying to get into his robe.   

  The poisonous heart-eating worm came to Lu Xuan's feet at some point. It wanted to get close to Lu Xuan, but it knew that it was full of poison, so it circled around his feet.

  After a few circles, a circle of poisonous smoke formed beside Lu Xuan, rising up and forming a circle.

  Lu Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stepped out of the poisonous smoke circle.

  Just as he was about to feed the poisonous heart-eating worm a portion of mixed poisonous blood from the forbidden land, he suddenly felt a slight touch on his hand, as if a transparent liquid was flowing on the back of his hand.

  Lu Xuan focused his spiritual power on the back of his hand and found that Yaozhi was constantly changing its form on his hand, conveying a desire to get close to Lu Xuan.

  Even the green-horned dragon carp, which could not leave the water, spit out streams of water into the sky to welcome Lu Xuan.

  "They are worthy of being my children."

  Lu Xuan was very relieved, and felt that he had not raised them in vain.

  "It's good to get close, but it would be even better if some light balls could be exploded by the way."

  Lu Xuan sighed and took out a bottle of Emperor Liujiang from the storage bag.

  "Come, come, come, I brought you some delicious food this time."

  He shook the small bottle in his hand, and the milky white spiritual energy inside was like dense light, looming.

  The Emperor's Flowing Juice is indeed a sacred product for monsters. When the children smelled the breath, they all became excited. Even the Cloud-stepping Lynx, who had disappeared, quietly appeared beside Lu Xuan.

  "Don't worry, we have everything."

  Lu Xuan felt that this scene was like returning to his hometown after working away from home for many years. All the children in his hometown gathered around him, looking at the spiritual fruit in his hand with eager eyes.

  He evenly divided the Emperor's Flowing Juice in the bottle, and each beast got a portion.

  As soon as the milky white light came out of the bottle, it had a tendency to dissipate in all directions, making the children eager to absorb it.

  Each beast occupied a corner, and the aura on its body continued to rise. As more and more Emperor's Flowing Juice was refined and absorbed, the strength of its physical body continued to increase.

  There were even beasts with strange phenomena.

  Lu Xuan's eyes were attracted by the Fire Dragon.

  The bulge on the head of the Lihuo Jiao became more and more obvious, and a black and red dragon horn broke through the skin and flesh and slowly drilled out.


  A trace of pain flashed in its crystal fire dragon eyes, and it couldn't help but roared.

  The spiritual energy in the cave surged and gathered around the Lihuo Jiao. It silently emerged a layer of red flames, and the flames were arrogant and burned wantonly on its body.

  With the sound of dragon roars, the red flames on its body slowly calmed down, and in an instant they all poured into the body of the Lihuo Jiao, causing its breath to increase several times in an instant.


  The dragon roar resounded throughout the cave, causing the cave's spiritual energy to churn endlessly.

  The third-grade Lihuo Jiao was raised in the cave for many years, eating countless third-grade spiritual fruits and treasures, and living next to the fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass for a long time. Finally, with the help of Emperor Liujiang, it broke through and became a fourth-grade dragon!

  After the breakthrough, the Lihuo Jiao was even more majestic. The black and red horns on its head condensed rich spiritual power, and the red scales all over its body seemed to have been tempered by true fire countless times. It was pure and flawless, like pieces of scales stacked one after another, with amazing protective power.

  It growled at Lu Xuan, and its voice was full of gratitude. It thanked Lu Xuan for raising it carefully, helping it grow with all his efforts, feeding it the precious Emperor Liujiang, and helping it break through in one fell swoop.

  Lu Xuan nodded, his eyes completely attracted by the white ball of light above its head.

  He came in front of the ball of light and gently touched the surface of the ball of light.

  Suddenly, countless tiny points of light exploded, turning into a river of light that poured into Lu Xuan's body, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [The Lihuo Jiao broke through to the fourth-grade demon beast and obtained the fifth-grade magic weapon Nanming Lihuo Net. ]

  (End of this chapter)

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