
Chapter 447 - Difficult Birth of Spiritual Beast

  While the old dragon turtle was talking about the many masters and uncles of the sect, Lu Xuan's mind quietly focused on its body.

  Because he fed the old dragon turtle with the hundred-fruit spirit juice, detailed information about the dragon turtle instantly emerged in his mind.

  [The dragon turtle is a sixth-grade spiritual beast that has stayed in the Tianjian Sect for thousands of years. It has a trace of true dragon blood in its body and is powerful. It has a tortoise shell and can predict good and bad luck. ]

  [How to spend the long years alone? ]

  Lu Xuan sensed a bit of loneliness from the detailed state of the dragon turtle.

  After living for thousands of years, watching friends around him grow old and die one by one, and finally slowly left alone, only relying on the gossip about the sect's Jindan Zhenren and Yuanying Zhenjun to remember the distant past.

  This gossipy dragon turtle is actually just an old beast that is extremely lonely.

  Well, in its unknown life span, it may not be called "old".

  After listening to the gossips of the sect's great masters for a long time, both the man and the turtle were satisfied.

  One satisfied his desire to talk, and the other satisfied his desire to learn.

  "Boy, what's your name?"

  The dragon turtle asked Lu Xuan before he left.

  In the Tianjian Sect, there are not many cultivators who can sit down and listen to him chat for a long time.

  The foundation-building cultivators have a natural fear of it as a sixth-grade spirit beast. They are all on pins and needles. After hearing all kinds of gossips about the sect's master and uncle, their faces suddenly changed, as if they had committed some great taboo.

  Although Jindan Zhenren and even Yuanying Great Masters can sit beside it calmly, there are not many people, not to mention that they have watched them grow up one by one, and what should be said has been said countless times.

  And at their level, they would rather spend time practicing and comprehending the skills than listen to the nonsense of the dragon turtle for a long time.

  Although Lu Xuan only has the cultivation level of the middle stage of foundation-building, he is not afraid of it as a sixth-grade spirit beast. Sometimes when it talks about some extraordinary gossip, he will be amazed and even ask actively.

  This greatly satisfied the old dragon turtle's desire to talk, and he also had a good impression of Lu Xuan.

  "Junior Lu Xuan, senior, you can just call me by my name."

  "Okay, come and chat with me again when you have time."

  The dragon turtle nodded, and the two dragon whiskers hanging from its chin swayed in the wind, sinking silently into the lake.

  Seeing that it had been out for long enough, Lu Xuan no longer wanted to continue exploring the blessed land, so he turned around and rushed to the cloud house.


  Somewhere in the blessed land.

  A golden-furred demon bear was lying in a shed made of spiritual grass, baring its teeth and howling in pain.

  The demon bear's abdomen was bulging high, constantly shrinking and expanding, and blood and qi were condensing, as if it was pregnant with something terrifying.

  "Brother Sun, what should we do? This thunderstorm bear can't give birth!"

  An ordinary young man in the early stage of foundation building had an anxious expression on his face and a panicked tone.

  He had been raising this fourth-grade thunderstorm bear mother beast. He originally thought that the mother beast would be able to give birth smoothly and he would also be able to make a contribution. Unexpectedly, during the delivery, the mother beast was unable to give birth to the young life in her belly. As

  time passed, the mother beast was exhausted and it looked like her life might be in danger.

  Sun Yun, who was standing aside, managed to keep his composure.

  "Did you feed the mother beast with the elixirs to help with childbirth?"

  "I fed her early, and her condition was a little better at that time, but she immediately returned to this state."

  Sun Yun frowned, pondered for a moment, and said.

  "If it really doesn't work, just do a caesarean section."


  The young man hesitated.

  Direct caesarean section is equivalent to external force interfering with the birth of the cub, which will have a great impact on the cub's innate spirituality. If it is congenitally deficient, the growth rate will be extremely slow.   

  At the same time, it is also very harmful to the mother beast. It takes a long time and countless pills to strengthen the body and blood to restore normal.

  The probability of success is indeed very high, but once it fails, the loss will be great.

  Spirit beasts are extremely difficult to breed. The higher the grade, the greater the difficulty. He spent a lot of time, energy, and resources to successfully conceive this fourth-grade thunderstorm bear. He can't bear the responsibility of failure.

  "Why not ask Brother Lu Xuan? He has the Demon Control Order in his hands. He is in charge of all the spirit beasts in the blessed land. Let him decide the fate of the mother beast and the baby in the belly."

  The young man gritted his teeth and said firmly.

  "Okay, that's it. You stay here and I will notify Brother Lu as quickly as possible."

  Sun Yun knew that this was not the time to pay attention to personal disputes. He cut the Gordian knot in his heart. A four-winged spirit bird came to him and carried him up to the sky and rushed to the cloud house where Lu Xuan lived.


  "You said that a fourth-grade female beast was in a difficult labor situation?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the handsome young man who suddenly appeared in front of him with a solemn expression.

  "Yes, now it has become a serious situation. Please make a decision, Junior Brother Lu."

  Lu Xuan quickly learned the information about the spirit beast from Sun Yun.

  The fourth-grade thunderstorm bear is extremely powerful and has the powerful ability to control lightning. It is one of the strongest spirit beasts of the same level. With

  high grade and strong talent, once such a spirit beast is successfully bred, we must try our best to make it give birth to the cub safely.

  "On the premise of ensuring the safety of the mother beast, try to make it give birth to the cub normally."

  Lu Xuan's expression was firm.

  "But the problem now is that it is difficult to meet both conditions at the same time, and even the success rate of giving birth to the cub is not very high."

  "If you directly cut open the abdomen of the mother beast and take out the cub, it is likely to cause it to be congenitally deficient, and its physique and intelligence will be affected."

  Sun Yun quickly replied.

  "Take me to the scene to see, I have a lot of experience in the breeding of spirit beasts."

  Lu Xuan looked confident.


  Sun Yun was not doubting Lu Xuan's situation in his heart. When he occasionally returned to the sect, he also heard about Lu Xuan's deeds, so he invited Lu Xuan to come to the back of the four-winged demon bird and quickly rushed to the location of the thunderstorm bear mother beast.

  Along the way, Sun Yun gave Lu Xuan a detailed introduction to the specific situation of the mother beast and her current state, but when Lu Xuan asked him about the reason for the mother beast's dystocia, he shook his head and said he didn't know.

  Lu Xuan stood on the back of the rapidly flying demon bird, his eyes were piercing, and his robes fluttered in the wind.

  "The beast master is back, but before, he solved the low fertility of the spiritual crane group, the difficulty of the Yin-Yang Kun fish to reproduce, the mutual disgust of the poisonous heart-eating insects, and the Chi Yin beast parasitized by the color-eating insects..."

  "The difference is that before, it was all assisted pregnancy, and now it is the delivery."

  "After this battle, my reputation as the beast master is probably completely consolidated in the sect."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.

  He is confident in solving the problem of dystocia of the fourth-grade spirit beast.

  With the special ability to obtain information about spirit beasts through feeding, he can understand the reason for the mother beast's dystocia, and then prescribe the right medicine to let it give birth to the baby smoothly.

  This is also the key to Sun Yun and his team's failure to solve the problem.

  They can only rely on experience and fixed methods to deliver young animals, but cannot find the root cause and solve it.

  This is also the difference between Lu Xuan and them.

  (End of this chapter)

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