
Chapter 446 - Gossip

  "Five spirit beasts with Jindan strength..."

  Lu Xuan was secretly shocked when he heard this, and was impressed by the depth of the Tianjian Sect.

  There are five fifth-grade and sixth-grade spirit beasts raised, and there are at least two fifth-grade and sixth-grade potential stocks like the white jade monkey and the little phoenix.

  Not to mention the large number of third-grade and fourth-grade spirit beasts in the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave.

  If he sent out any spirit beast, he would be able to raze the Linyang market where he was waiting in the Qi training realm to the ground.

  "Don't worry, my friend. Although the old fox has a perverse personality, he has no ill will towards the Tianjian Sect cultivators and will not hurt you."

  "What's more, you still have the Demon Control Order in your hand."

  The old ape glanced at the beast head token hanging on Lu Xuan's waist.

  "Having the Demon Control Order means that Cangwu Zhenren, with the spirit and blood in the token, can have an equal dialogue with all the spirit beasts in the blessed land, and even take the initiative."

  Lu Xuan said hurriedly.

  "The token was given by Uncle Cangwu. It is probably just a little deterrent. They will not really use it."

  "It is best not to use it. Otherwise, it will be disadvantageous to both parties."

  The old ape said slowly to Lu Xuan with calm eyes.

  Lu Xuan did not stay for long. After sitting for a while, he said goodbye to the two spirit beasts and returned to the cloud house.

  In the next few days, he no longer needed to take care of the spirit plants. The spirit beasts in the blessed land were also fed by Sun Yun and the other four. He had more free time.

  Every day, he would practice for a period of time. The rest of the time, he would wander around the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave, occasionally looking for white apes and phoenixes to play with, consolidate their relationship, or looking for spirit beasts such as lions and beasts that he had domesticated at that time, or exploring the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave alone.

  All the spirit beasts in the blessed land belonged to the sect, and he had the Demon Control Token in his hand, which was like a nuclear weapon, so there was no danger.

  On this day, he wandered around and came to a huge lake.

  "Well, what is that?"

  At the edge of the lake, Lu Xuan saw a bunch of strange things from a distance. Out of curiosity, like a floating light, he instantly swept in front of the things.

  In front of him was a pile of mottled tortoise shells. The tortoise shells were dark blue and had a history of many years. There were countless translucent lines on them, forming strange hexagrams.

  The lines kept moving, as if they had vitality.

  The hexagrams on the tortoise shells also changed accordingly.

  Lu Xuan looked at them carefully, trying to figure out the changes in the lines.

  "Where did you come from, little guy? Don't you know it's impolite to stare at an old man's body like this?"

  Suddenly, an old voice sounded in his ears.

  Many tortoise shells on the ground flew up together, and a spirit beast with a dragon head and a dragon tail and a tortoise body jumped out of the lake.

  All the tortoise shells gathered on its body, just right and seamless.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness swept over it and immediately realized that the spirit beast in front of him had a very strong aura. Looking at its shape and thinking of the old ape's previous introduction, he instantly knew that the spirit beast was the dragon tortoise in the blessed land.

  "Greetings, senior, I am a little curious about those hexagrams. If I have offended you, please forgive me."

  He bowed his head and saluted, his tone respectful.

  "So you are the new little cultivator of the Tianjian Sect. Did Cangwu let you take charge of the blessed land?"

  The dragon turtle looked at the animal head token on Lu Xuan's waist and asked.

  "Yes, Cangwu Zhenren is temporarily out for something. There are no other Jindan uncles in the sect who have free time, so he let me take care of the blessed land temporarily."

  Jindan Zhenren is actually a child in the dragon turtle's mouth? Lu Xuan wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

  "Well, I know."

  The dragon turtle said lightly.

  "I put these tortoise shells outside to bask in the sun. Don't think they are ownerless when you see them in the future."

  "Junior will never do that."

  Lu Xuan said quickly.   

  "I don't think you dare."

  The dragon turtle yawned, and the two thin dragon whiskers hanging down from its chin rose up.

  "Your aura is quite interesting."

  It leaned its head in front of Lu Xuan and twitched its nose twice.

  "All kinds of mixed real dragon auras, I don't know how many dragon cubs in Qianlong Lake it has come into contact with, and the dead deer actually has its life essence, it's not simple."

  "Huh? The smell of monkey wine? Do you have monkey wine on you? If you do, let me taste some, I haven't tasted it for a long time."

  "I went to the White Ape Cave to steal a few times, but it found out and fought with it, and then I never saw monkey wine again."

  The dragon turtle's round and huge eyes revealed a bit of desire.

  "Excuse me, senior, I don't have any monkey wine in my hand, but I have a lot of Hundred Fruit Spirit Juice. Would you like to try it?"

  "Hundred Fruit Spirit Juice? Is it the special spiritual brew developed by the little cultivator before?"

  The dragon turtle seemed to remember the origin of the Hundred Fruit Spirit Juice.

  "Okay, take some out to try, don't be stingy like that white ape."

  Hearing this, Lu Xuan quickly took out the spirit juice and poured a full cup of it for the dragon turtle that had lived for thousands of years.

  The dragon turtle drank it in one gulp and smacked his lips.

  "Not bad, it still tastes like what I remember."

  "You are smart, little guy."

  With such a sixth-grade living antique in front of him, Lu Xuan naturally would not be stingy, and once again poured a full cup of Hundred Fruit Spirit Juice from the Drunken Immortal Gourd.

  "Senior, you seem to be very familiar with the Jindan master who brewed the spirit juice?"

  He saw that this sixth-grade dragon turtle was more casual, so he took the initiative to chat.

  "I have seen it many times. From the beginning of brewing the spirit juice to the final success, I was one of the test subjects."

  The dragon turtle replied in an old voice.

  "Senior is really knowledgeable." Lu Xuan complimented.

  "The longer you live, the more things you have seen."

  "Like those Jindan cultivators in the sect, and those Yuanying elders, none of them have stayed in Tianjian Sect as long as I have."

  "You know Cangwuzi, who gave you the Demon Control Order, that although he looks righteous, he actually likes those romantic things and has flirted with female cultivators everywhere."

  "When he was still in the Foundation Establishment stage, he once caused the daughter of a Jindan elder of Lingxiao Sect to become pregnant. The Jindan elder hunted him down from afar, and his master spent a lot of money to solve the problem."

  "Is there such a thing?"

  The gossipy soul in Lu Xuan's heart suddenly burned, his eyes lit up, he took out the spiritual fruits from the storage bag, threw some to the dragon turtle, and enjoyed them together.

  "There is also Gu Jiankong, who is very good at swordplay in the sect. Although he is very powerful now and hunts down evil cultivators and evil spirits everywhere, he used to be very timid and afraid of losing his life."

  "I don't know what stimulated him later, but he became very fierce and didn't care about his own life or death."

  The dragon turtle stretched out his mouth to take the spiritual fruit thrown by Lu Xuan. Seeing that there was such an audience willing to listen, he suddenly became interested.

  "And the leader of your Tianjian Sect, he joined the sect when he was very young, and always followed behind me, calling me Grandpa Turtle, Grandpa Turtle. I didn't expect that he is now in the Nascent Soul stage."

  The old dragon turtle sighed.

  "Oh, and..."

  Lu Xuan nodded in agreement, and immediately understood the many hexagrams on the tortoise shell behind the dragon turtle.

  "It turns out that they are all gossips..."

  (End of this chapter)

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