
Chapter 439 - Plant the Zang Yuan and collect the elixir recipe!

  Seeing the sneaky look of the demon ghost vine, Lu Xuan was so angry that he kicked it away.

  "Go, go, go, go away."

  Being discovered by his own spirit pet to imitate the lascivious music in the pink miasma of the fairy peach, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

  This demon ghost vine was used to staying near the fairy peach, listening to music in the peach forest every day. When it heard the familiar sound, it came over and happened to see Lu Xuan's scene.

  Lu Xuan's mind moved, and the transparent gem slowly seeped out from his throat and was collected into the gluttonous insect sac.

  If the fifth-grade treasure was not fully refined, it might be discovered by his fellow disciples or the real person who had formed the elixir, so he chose to keep a low profile for the time being.

  After experimenting with the mirage sound gem, Lu Xuan took out the piece of the magic sound bamboo. After

  the spiritual power was stimulated, the many cracks on the root system of the magic sound bamboo opened at the same time, and all kinds of noisy and strange sounds came like a tide.

  It has been planted near the Immortal Peach. During its growth stage, it was instilled with the sound of love every day. Naturally, it also learned this tone. With a little control, it can make love sounds. The sound is very tempting, and you will sink into it unconsciously.

  In addition, after Lu Xuan got the Thunder Sound Sword from the Sword Pool, he often used the sword energy and thunder sound to stimulate and nourish the spiritual plant.

  This was also well simulated by the Magic Sound Bamboo. The two sounds switched at different times. One was fierce and domineering, righteous, and seemed to wipe out all the evil in the world. The other was joyful and lewd, trying to pull people into the sea of ​​lust and corrupt their minds.

  "With the higher-grade and more powerful fifth-grade Mirage Sound Orb, this Magic Sound Bamboo does not need to be kept in hand. You can find an opportunity to sell it."

  "But although it is not evil in itself, it has grown into this shape under the influence of the Immortal Peach. It is better to sell it outside the sect or exchange it for other treasures."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  "In addition, the free spiritual medicines I got from the Dan Palace have all been consumed, and I have also used up a lot of my previously accumulated resources. Fortunately, I have refined a lot of pills, which can be used to exchange for some spiritual stones."

  He planned to go to the Dan Palace and sell some of the increasing number of pills in his hands in exchange for spiritual stones or sword seals.

  Since the success rate of Peiyuan Pill and Yunling Pill is close to 100%, he plans to only take out about 30% of the pills and keep the rest for the time being, so as not to be discovered by the Dan Palace's alchemist.

  When he arrived at the Dan Palace, the gentle woman Guan Wan was standing at the gate waiting for Lu Xuan.

  "Senior Sister Guan, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

  Lu Xuan hurriedly walked to Guan Wan.

  "It's okay, I just came out too. I heard that you, Junior Brother Lu, were coming to hand in some pills, so I came to take you to experience it once to avoid some trouble."

  Guan Wan said softly.

  All the spiritual plants entrusted to Lu Xuan by the Dan Palace to cultivate have matured smoothly, and many of them are of good quality. Therefore, Guan Wan attaches great importance to Lu Xuan. When she knew he was coming, she went out to greet him as soon as possible.

  The two came to a wide hall, where there were many alchemists. There were alchemy hall stewards counting the number of pills and confirming the quality of the pills. The aroma of various pills filled Lu Xuan's nose.

  Guan Wan brought Lu Xuan to a beautiful female cultivator.

  "Junior Sister Liang, I brought a junior brother to hand in the pills in exchange for spirit stones."

  Guan Wan greeted the beautiful female cultivator and gestured to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan quickly took out several white jade bottles that had been prepared long ago.

  The beautiful female cultivator showed a kind smile to Lu Xuan, took the white jade bottle, covered her palm with a thin layer of spiritual power, took out the pills inside, and carefully checked the quality of the pills.

  "What is the current level of Junior Brother Lu's pills?"

  Guan Wan asked in surprise. She didn't expect that Lu Xuan could come up with so many pills after only learning alchemy for a while.

  "Since I learned the pill formula, I have been practicing day and night, and even the spirit plants have been abandoned a lot.   

  At present, I have barely reached a proficient level. If I am in good condition, I can have a success rate of nearly 30%. "

  Lu Xuan replied.

  "Already a success rate of 30%?" Guan Wan asked in surprise.

  "I didn't expect that Junior Brother Lu, in addition to your excellent talent in spiritual plants, is also not much inferior in alchemy."

  "In just less than three months, you have mastered the refining methods of three first- and second-grade elixirs, and even have a success rate of 30%. Even in the Alchemy Palace, this kind of talent is among the best."

  While she was asking, the beautiful female cultivator had already counted the number of elixirs.

  "The quality of the elixirs is ordinary. According to the pricing of the Alchemy Palace, the total cost is 3,400 spirit stones. Please take a look, Senior Brother. "

  The conversation between Lu Xuan and the other person was not concealed. She heard every word of it while checking the pills. When she learned that Lu Xuan had mastered three low-grade pill recipes in a short period of time, she couldn't help but take a closer look.

  Lu Xuan took the spirit stone and secretly sighed at the huge profits of the pills.

  Although most of the materials and spiritual medicines were bought for free from the Pill Palace, even if the value of the spiritual medicines was taken into account, it was estimated that these more than 3,000 spirit stones could earn about 1,000 or 2,000.

  This was under the premise that Lu Xuan showed about 30% of his alchemy level. If all of them were added, it would be even more terrifying.

  "No, it should be said that the huge profits are those alchemists with extremely high alchemy levels. Ordinary alchemists probably can't even make back their capital."

  Lu Xuan was therefore more grateful for the existence of the light ball.

  Without the various pill recipe experience packages in the light ball, he could only be like the most ordinary alchemists in the cultivation world, working hard to accumulate spiritual medicines, but in return he would get furnace after furnace of medicine dregs.

  "Peking Yuan Pill and Yunling Pill are only first- and second-grade pills. If it is a higher-grade and rarer foundation-building pill, it is estimated that it is not much different from robbing spirit stones. "

  Lu Xuan's mouth corners could not help but slightly rise, with only one thought in his mind.

  Plant the Tibetan spiritual plants and collect the Guangtuan pill formula!

  Just thinking about it, Guan Wan suddenly turned back, with a gentle tone.

  "Junior Brother Lu, there are several alchemy masters in the Alchemy Palace who are exchanging their experience in alchemy. Although it is unlikely to involve their signature skills, some small skills and experience of success and failure are still quite valuable. "

  "Junior Brother, are you willing to go with me to exchange alchemy experience?"

  After seeing the alchemy talent displayed by Lu Xuan, Guan Wan, who was originally very enthusiastic about him, was even more fond of him, and was willing to take Lu Xuan, who was still an ordinary alchemist, to the circle of core alchemists.

  "With my alchemy level, can I also participate in the alchemy exchange conference?"

  Lu Xuan asked in surprise.

  "It's naturally no problem for me to lead, not to mention that Junior Brother Lu, you have cultivated so many high-quality spiritual medicines for the Alchemy Palace. If those alchemy masters knew, they would not have time to curry favor with you."

  Guan Wan smiled.

  "Then I'll trouble you, Senior Sister. I'll just go there to listen and try to learn the basics of alchemy. "

  Lu Xuan agreed after hearing this. However,

  he had other ideas in mind.

  It goes without saying that the core alchemists have a say in the Alchemy Palace. If he gets to know them, it will be much easier to obtain the Tibetan Yuan Grass Spirit Seeds.

  Moreover, each alchemist has strict requirements for spiritual plants. Maybe he can get some rare spiritual seeds from them, or be commissioned by a private person to plant high-grade spiritual plants.

  (End of this chapter)

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