
Chapter 440 - I Learned, I Learned

  Lu Xuan followed Guan Wan and entered an elegant room.

  Inside the room, there were five cultivators sitting scattered around, all of them had decent cultivation, and the weakest one was in the middle stage of foundation building.

  "Junior Sister Guan, come here."

  "What is the origin of the person behind you? He looks unfamiliar."

  The five people looked at Lu Xuan one after another, with a hint of inquiry in their eyes.

  An old woman with silver hair asked.

  "This is Junior Brother Lu Xuan. You brothers and sisters should have heard of this genius spiritual plant master who has appeared in the sect in recent years. He has a very terrifying talent in spiritual plants."

  "Recently, a batch of Tibetan Yuan grass and five elements fruit have been cultivated for the Dan Palace. All of them have been successfully cultivated, and many of them are of good quality."

  Guan Wan introduced Lu Xuan to the five people in the room.

  "Hello, brothers and sisters."

  Lu Xuan bowed respectfully. In his eyes, these people seemed like fresh leeks, waiting for him to harvest.

  "It turns out to be Junior Brother Lu. I have heard of your name for a long time."

  "If there is an opportunity for you to help me cultivate spiritual plants in the future, please do not refuse."

  Someone said politely with a smile.

  "Of course not. As long as the senior brothers and sisters come to me, I will do my best to cultivate the spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan was waiting for this sentence and responded quickly.

  "As a spiritual plant master, why did Junior Brother Lu come to participate in the exchange meeting of my Dan Palace?"

  A middle-aged man with a red face, a bald head and no eyebrows asked.

  "Junior Brother Lu has joined the Dan Palace and learned several kinds of alchemy recipes. He has shown a very good talent. I took the initiative to bring him here to learn from the senior brothers and sisters."

  Guan Wan explained with a smile.

  "I see!"

  "Hahaha, although you are proficient in spiritual plants, you are still a little far from us when it comes to alchemy."

  The middle-aged man with a red face and no eyebrows laughed and said cheerfully.

  "Please give me more advice, senior brothers and sisters."

  Lu Xuan consciously walked to the corner, lowered his eyebrows and made a gesture of listening patiently and not disturbing.

  Several people chuckled, not taking him who had just started alchemy seriously, and began to discuss among themselves.

  "I have had some feelings recently. If I can make further progress in the art of controlling fire, I can control the fire of the elixir more finely, thus increasing the success rate of the elixir a little bit."

  The red color on the face of the middle-aged man without eyebrows suddenly intensified. He opened his mouth and sprayed a wisp of red flames, which changed into various forms in the air.

  While controlling the red fire, he explained his experience to the others.

  Several people soon fell into a fierce argument.

  Lu Xuan's mouth curled slightly, and a trace of disapproval flashed in the corners of his eyes.

  The fire control technique displayed by the middle-aged man with a red face and no eyebrows was a little weaker than his.

  He had obtained the "Flame Art" from the light ball before. After absorbing some experience packs of the art, his understanding of this art reached an extremely profound realm, and the flames were infinitely varied, as if he was using his arms and fingers.

  As for controlling fire to increase the success rate of the elixir a little bit...

  He had the sky blue elixir fire suitable for alchemy, so he didn't have to consider these trivial skills at all.

  With strong capital and rich skills, he could easily manipulate the alchemy furnace.

  Capital and skills are not as good as mine, and he is a master of alchemy, is that all?

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind. On the surface, he still maintained basic etiquette and nodded from time to time, as if he agreed with what the middle-aged man with a red face and no eyebrows said.   

  After the red-faced and eyebrowless monk left, two more alchemists explained some of their experience in alchemy, involving the processing of many elixirs and precautions for refining, which benefited Lu Xuan a lot.

  After listening to it, he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that nothing was left in his mind.

  "My own light ball is still reliable."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sighed secretly, and had a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of his own alchemy talent.

  "I have recently touched the great success realm in refining the second-grade soul-enriching pill, and I would like to share it with you fellow disciples."

  "Great success realm? I didn't expect that my senior sister's alchemy level is so terrifying!"

  "That's right, even if it's just a second-grade soul-enriching pill, it's hard

  to reach the great success realm."

  Hearing what the silver-haired old woman said, several people talked about it.

  Everyone present was an alchemy genius. They could successfully reach the mastery realm on many low-grade elixirs, but it would take a lot of time and energy to go up, especially the great success realm, which requires great opportunities, enlightenment, etc.

  Lu Xuan also became more energetic and stared at the silver-haired old woman.

  "During one of my refining processes, I discovered..."

  Seeing that everyone was focused on her, the silver-haired old woman had a smug look on her face, and she talked endlessly about what she had discovered by chance.

  Everyone was thoughtful after hearing what she said, and each of them wondered if they could apply the silver-haired old woman's experience to themselves.

  That's it...

  Lu Xuan sighed softly, and his attention became much more vague.

  With his master's attainments in Yunling Pill, he could find a few similarities with what the silver-haired old woman said.

  Could it be that the master of alchemy is me?

  Lu Xuan thought confidently.

  He was still noticed by the silver-haired old woman even though he was sitting in the corner.

  She saw Lu Xuan, who was holding his chin and looked a little absent-minded.

  "Junior Brother Lu, the alchemy experience I just taught you may be too profound for an ordinary alchemist like you who has just started alchemy."

  "When you reach that level, you will naturally understand what you said today."

  "For now, it is best for you to consolidate the basics of alchemy. When your alchemy level is improved, you can consider those difficult techniques." "

  Did Junior Brother Lu learn it?"

  The silver-haired old woman had a hint of pride on her face. It is

  extremely rare even in the Alchemy Palace to be able to improve the refining method of a second-grade elixir to the great perfection level.

  "Thank you for your reminder, Junior Brother, I have learned it, I have learned it."

  Lu Xuan bowed his hands and emphasized.

  Although the silver-haired old woman had a bit of boasting, he did not want to stand up and slap her in the face.

  In his eyes, the silver-haired old woman's performance was normal. It did not damage his interests or make him lose face, so Lu Xuan did not take it to heart.

  If he stood up and pointed out the old woman's shortcomings, although he could stand out, it would easily offend the silver-haired old woman who was in the late stage of foundation building, and it would also expose Lu Xuan's true level of alchemy.

  If the Alchemy Palace knew that someone had reached the master level of alchemy for a certain kind of elixir in a short period of time, there would be no telling what would happen.

  It was no longer possible to describe his talent in alchemy as a genius or even a demon.

  Lu Xuan has always been cautious and low-key. He has been cultivating spiritual plants alone, harvesting light balls, and slowly strengthening his own strength.

  He has no interest in such things as showing off and offending people. He

  can get by with just a few casual echoes. If he can scratch the silver-haired senior sister's itch, maybe he can get some rare spiritual seeds!

  (End of this chapter)

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