
Chapter 437 - Swords Produce Lotuses

  Sword Hall.

  In a quiet and elegant room, there was a fierce quarrel.

  The voice was like a sword, as if it would pierce the eardrum.

  "Junior Brother Shen, I ask you to give me that Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed."

  A tall bald monk said to Shen Ye, who was sitting quietly at one end, with a serious expression.

  The monk carried a huge stone sword on his back. There were countless cracks of different sizes on the mottled sword body. The cracks were all black and red. I don't know how many evil beasts had soaked their blood. The bald

  monk, who had killed countless people and accumulated a strong evil spirit, was a little depressed at this time.

  "Junior Brother Shen, you know my current situation. The flying sword in my hand is no longer usable. The most outstanding swordsmith in the sword hall cannot repair it."

  "Therefore, this rare Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed is too important to me. I hope you can help me. I will remember this favor all my life."

  The bald monk said earnestly.

  The reason why he had such an attitude was that he was too eager to get the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed.

  The fourth-grade sword grass spirit seeds were extremely rare, even in the sword hall. Once they appeared, they would be scrambled for by all the sword cultivators in the sword hall.

  The value of the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed was among the top four-grade sword grasses, so it was naturally more important.

  The flying sword in his hand was indeed seriously damaged. If he could get the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed, cultivate it carefully, communicate with the sword grass, and get a rare sword. If he

  cultivated his mind and spiritual power for a long time, there was a slight possibility of refining the sword grass into a magic weapon.

  Therefore, he wanted to get the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed in Shen Ye's hand so much.

  "Brother Xiong, the sword in your hand is a little damaged, but with your wealth, it is not a problem to repair it."

  "Unlike me, my senior brother, my time is coming, I can only strive for the sword grass spirit seed and try my best to get a chance to break through the Dan."

  A thin old man said with a gloomy face. There was a thin sword mark on the old man's forehead, which seemed to contain extremely terrifying sword energy.

  "Brother Huang, if your life span is not much left, I advise you to find a way to get a treasure to increase your life span. Putting your hope on the green lotus sword grass spirit seed will only make it more illusory." The

  bald sword cultivator snorted coldly and replied.

  "Brother Shen, you know my situation, please pity me and give me the green lotus sword grass spirit seed."

  "Brother Shen, give it to me, I will definitely cultivate it successfully."

  The two looked at Shen Ye who was sitting on the wooden chair.

  Shen Ye was calm and was not affected by the two at all.

  "Two senior brothers, I do have a green lotus sword grass spirit seed in my hand."

  A hint of joy appeared on the faces of the two, but Shen Ye changed the subject unexpectedly.

  "However, I specifically asked for that Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed from my uncle and left it for an acquaintance."

  "If you want to get the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed, you might as well ask for it directly from my uncle. He still has three or four seeds in his hand. Maybe you can get it."

  "Junior Brother Shen, the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed has just condensed. Who has the power to occupy one?"

  The thin old man asked in a deep voice, with a sharp sword intent flashing across the sword mark between his eyebrows.

  "Senior Brother Shen, I'm coming."

  Just as Shen Ye was about to answer, a familiar figure quickly entered the room.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I didn't expect you to come so early!"

  Shen Ye was a little surprised that Lu Xuan was so fast.

  "Haha, I was too curious about the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed that Senior Brother Shen mentioned, so as soon as I received the communication talisman from Senior Brother Shen, I rushed here at the fastest speed."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile when he was about to get a new fourth-grade Sword Grass Spirit Seed.

  "These two senior brothers are..."   

  After he entered the room, he noticed the bald monk and the thin old man. His spiritual sense sensed that both of them had perfected their foundation building, so he saluted them.

  "This is Senior Brother Xiong, and this is Senior Brother Huang."

  "As for Junior Brother Lu, he is the owner of the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed."

  "He is also the owner of the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass Seed Condensation Method that has recently appeared in the hall."

  Shen Ye introduced Lu Xuan to the two.

  "Junior Brother Lu is the monk behind the scene who figured out the third-grade sword grass seed condensation method?"

  The thin old man heard this and couldn't believe that Lu Xuan was so young, so he couldn't help but ask.

  "It was indeed me, Junior Brother. I was lucky and figured it out in a muddle."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  The two looked at each other and gave up the idea of ​​competing for the Green Lotus Sword Grass Spirit Seed.

  Although both of them were much stronger than Lu Xuan in terms of cultivation and swordsmanship, they were nothing in front of the new third-grade seed condensation method.

  The Tianjian Sect is famous for its swords. Most of the high-level sword cultivators are in the Sword Hall. In the entire Sword Hall, there are no less than 20 sword cultivators who have reached the perfect foundation, which is even slightly more than the method of condensing the sword grass that the Tianjian Sect has studied for thousands of years.

  Who is more important is naturally clear.

  The two left one after another.

  Seeing this, Shen Ye took out a spirit seed from the storage bag.

  At first glance, the spirit seed looks like a lotus seed, the size of a pigeon egg, and is cyan. If you look closely, you can see that the surface of the lotus seed is composed of dozens or hundreds of slender sword blades, and the sword intent is surging, as if it will burst out with powerful and sharp sword intent at any time.

  "This is the Qinglian Sword Grass Spirit Seed, which I left for you, Junior Brother Lu."

  "This jade slip also contains the relevant sword techniques for cultivating Qinglian Sword Grass, the fourth-grade "Qinglian Sword Sutra". Please absorb it as soon as possible and don't leak it out."

  Shen Ye then took out a dark green jade slip and handed it to Lu Xuan together with the spirit seed.

  Lu Xuan reached out to take it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  The fourth-grade sword grass spirit seed and the fourth-grade sword scripture were obtained without spending a single spirit stone and with a sword order.

  The joy of getting something for free!

  He expressed his gratitude to Shen Ye again and said goodbye.

  As soon as he returned to the mountain, Lu Xuan couldn't wait to jump off the fat bird and found an empty spiritual field.

  The earth-inducing technique was performed, and a long and thin crack appeared in the Wu Ling soil, which took the lotus-shaped spirit seed into it.

  The mind was focused on the spirit seed.

  [The Green Lotus Sword Grass is a fourth-grade spiritual plant. It is cultivated with the Green Lotus Sword Qi. When it matures, it can condense the Green Lotus Sword Vision and integrate it into the sword grass. It can be sent and received by the heart, changing rapidly, and has extremely strong attack. ]

  [The swords give birth to lotus. ]

  "Another fourth-grade sword grass."

  Lu Xuan laughed. At present, there are already three fourth-grade sword grasses in the spiritual field, the Sword Thousand Owl, the Sword Peacock, and the Green Lotus Sword Grass that he just got.

  The three sword grasses have their own characteristics. The sword Thousand Owl is full of spirituality and can differentiate the sword intent of the fierce beast owl. The sword peacock is gorgeous and contains a strong murderous intent, and has the ability of a sword formation.

  The blue lotus sword grass can condense the blue lotus vision and has infinite changes.

  "It seems that I have to spend a lot of time to practice the "Blue Lotus Sword Sutra" again, otherwise I can't cultivate the blue lotus sword grass well."

  Lu Xuan said helplessly.

  "I just want to farm, but I have become a sword master inexplicably?"

  (End of this chapter)

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