
Chapter 436 - Green Lotus Sword Grass

  "It's hard for you to be so aware, Junior Brother Lu."

  Shen Ye's eyes showed a strong admiration for Lu Xuan. It is

  extremely rare to find a sect disciple with such a spirit of dedication and sense of belonging.

  "It should be."

  "It is our duty to restore the glory of the Sword Hall!"

  Lu Xuan said earnestly.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you have made a great contribution by offering the method of condensing the seeds of the third-grade sword grass. If the Sword Hall condenses new spirit seeds in the future, you will be the first to have the qualification to cultivate them."

  "Junior Brother Lu can apply for the sword grass cultivated for the Sword Hall for his own use, or hand it over to the Sword Hall. According to the grade and number of the sword grass, the hall will give you a generous reward."

  "It's just that the fourth-grade sword grass spirit seeds are extremely difficult to condense, and it is rare for them to appear in batches. Once they are successfully condensed, they will be snatched up by many sword cultivators in the hall."

  "But Junior Brother Lu, don't worry. As long as the fourth-grade sword grass spirit seeds appear, I will contact you as soon as possible, and you can choose whether to cultivate them first."

  "As for the fifth grade, this is already in the category of forming a pill. Only one or two will occasionally be born in the sword pool and other strange places in the Sword Hall. If you are unlucky, you may only encounter them once in decades. I will also pay more attention to it for you, Junior Brother."

  "Thank you, Senior Brother Shen!"

  Lu Xuan bowed and saluted, saying sincerely.

  It will take some time to verify the method of condensing the seeds of the wind and thunder sword grass, so Lu Xuan said goodbye to Shen Ye and returned to the cave.

  Regardless of the uproar that the thin paper caused in the sword hall, Lu Xuan devoted himself to the spiritual field, quietly cultivating spiritual seeds and raising spiritual beasts. The

  seventy water fireflies that were left had successfully condensed seeds, and more than three hundred azure and slender spiritual seeds were obtained.

  Lu Xuan took out two hundred seeds as usual and scattered them in the cultivated spiritual field.

  Threads of spiritual rain fell down, seeping into the spiritual soil, moistening the slender spiritual seeds.

  He planned to use the other one hundred spiritual seeds to induce improvement, to see if he could get the third-grade mutant spiritual seeds, so that he could break through to the level in the future, and the cultivation rewards brought by the light group would not be better than nothing again.

  He took out several hundred pieces of ice souls, placed the one hundred spiritual seeds in the middle of the ice souls, and moistened the spiritual seeds with the extremely cold breath spread by the ice souls.

  The five elements of water fireflies tend to be water, so it is more appropriate to use ice souls to stimulate improvement.

  If the pure yang true fire is used to stimulate the spiritual seeds, it may cause all the spiritual seeds to become useless.

  "Next time I go to the incomplete secret realm, I can put it in the spring and use the mysterious spring spirit to stimulate and improve the spirit seeds."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  After taking good care of all the spiritual plants in the spiritual fields around the mountain, he returned to the house.

  High in the sky of the mountain, a gray-white pupil quietly emerged from the void, appearing and disappearing, and its whereabouts were mysterious.

  Seeing that there was nothing unusual around, Lu Xuan's mind moved, and a golden jade book appeared in his hand.

  Gently opening the jade book, a majestic cry sounded in his ears, and a barefoot golden crow came into view.

  The golden crow was burning with white and gold flames all over its body, and the flames were jumping, with the momentum of burning everything in the world.

  Lu Xuan's eyes were fixed on the lifelike barefoot golden crow on the jade book.

  In a trance, a huge fireball covering the sky and the sun appeared in his mind. Inside the fireball, there was a golden crow flying happily, and pure white flames kept falling as its wings waved.

  He stretched out his palm, and a wisp of pure white flame appeared at his fingertips, burning quietly, brewing extremely terrifying power in the calm.

  "After contemplating the Pure Yang True Fire Scroll for several years, the Pure Yang True Fire I comprehended has probably reached the fourth level, which can be considered a powerful means."

  "It's just that I don't know when I can fully master it and comprehend this fifth-level magical power."   

  Lu Xuan thought to himself.

  After contemplating the golden jade book for a while, he took out a piece of old dry branch from the gluttonous insect sac.

  There were more than 30 evil pupils on the branch, some tightly closed, some looking around. After sensing Lu Xuan's gaze, all the pupils crawled around with great spirituality.

  A layer of hazy spiritual light emerged from Lu Xuan's body, and he picked up an evil pupil from the Hundred Pupils Strange Wood.

  Behind the pupil, there were many tiny translucent tentacles extending out and jumping around randomly.

  Lu Xuan directly stuffed the pupil into the center of his eyebrows. In an instant, his eyes bulged rapidly, as if something was crawling around in his eyes, and there was chaos in his sea of ​​consciousness.

  He tried to maintain his clarity of mind, operated the Delusion Breaking Pupil Technique, and tried to absorb the power of the evil pupil.

  After a while, his eyes returned to normal, and subtle spiritual power flowed into his eyes. The world suddenly underwent a huge change. The spiritual power flowing in the mountain was clearly visible in his eyes, and his eyesight was greatly enhanced.

  "Since I picked the Hundred Pupils Strange Wood, I have been refining an evil eye every once in a while to enhance my pupil skills, and occasionally feed one to the Cloud-Stepping Lynx. I have used up nearly half of the eyes on the trunk."

  Lu Xuan put away the old trunk that looked like human skin and sighed.

  For the next period of time, he has been maintaining this simple, boring, fulfilling and stable rhythm.

  Most of the time is spent on cultivating spiritual plants and raising and teasing spiritual beasts, and the rest of the time is spent on refining pills and practicing.

  The materials for refining pills include spiritual plants cultivated by himself, and some are purchased at a low price from the Alchemy Palace. The refined pills are temporarily saved in hand.

  Since the refining level of Peiyuan Pill and Yunling Pill has reached the Grandmaster level, the success rate is close to 100%, so it did not delay Lu Xuan too much time.

  As for practicing, it is mainly to visualize the "Pure Yang True Fire Scroll", practice pupil skills, and the fifth-grade "Shen Yan Jing" that can strengthen spiritual consciousness, and occasionally soak in the dragon's blood bath to strengthen the body. The

  remaining ten second-grade Huangyunzhi matured during this period, and the quality is ordinary.

  Six second-grade beast spirit pills, three beast spirit pill recipe experience packs, and two agarwood pills were produced from the ten mature white light balls.

  After absorbing the three experience packs, Lu Xuan's understanding of refining beast spirit pills has improved a lot again, and has reached the mastery level. When refining, he has about a 30% success rate. On

  this day, a small sword talisman flew over quickly and stopped outside the streamer talisman formation, making a sharp whistle.

  Lu Xuan opened the formation, led the talisman over, and stimulated the spiritual power.

  Shen Ye's familiar voice came, and joy could be clearly heard in the voice.

  "Junior brother Lu, recently, the elixir uncle has condensed five fourth-grade sword grass spirit seeds."

  "The variety is Qinglian sword grass. If you are interested, you can come to the sword hall to take a look. There is no time to lose. I can only hold one spirit seed for half a month at most."

  "If you don't come to collect the spirit seed within half a month, I can only give it to other fellow disciples in the sword hall."

  "Fourth-grade Qinglian sword grass?"

  Lu Xuan's voice was full of surprise.

  How could he miss the chance to obtain the fourth-grade sword grass spirit seed?

  "Let alone half a month, I can't even wait half an hour."

  Lu Xuan thought, called the fat bird that was going to meet the little fresh falcon, and instantly flew to its spacious back.

  "Hurry to the sword hall as fast as possible!"

  (End of this chapter)

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