
Chapter 431 - Rich Woman, Hungry

  "Tick, tick..."

  The fat bird chirped weakly, in a low voice.

  "It seems that it is still the same as yesterday, and it is not welcomed by its companions."

  "Do you know why you are in this situation?"

  The fat bird shook its head, indicating that it did not understand.

  "If you want to get the favor of your beloved bird, you must be good enough to attract its attention."

  "Your bloodline is not as good as its, and although your strength is comparable to its, it is the result of the accumulation of many spiritual fruits. Your potential is limited, not like those alien spiritual beasts."

  "In terms of appearance, although in my eyes, you are the cutest, but in the eyes of your kind, it may be a different scene. The reason why it can attract you is the elegant and beautiful body. Am I right?"

  Lu Xuan asked the fat bird softly.

  The fat bird nodded continuously like a chicken pecking at rice.

  "In addition to the above factors, there are other aspects."

  "For example, background. Well, the masters behind you two are both inner disciples in the middle stage of foundation building, and they look similar."

  Although Lu Xuan wanted to tell Feng Xuan that he had made good friends with the true disciples and even the real people of Jindan, these were relatively empty and could not be directly used to support the fat bird.

  "The last thing I have to say is financial resources."

  "Although you don't have spiritual stones, you have a lot of spiritual fruits. Your kind will not be like you, treating second-grade spiritual fruits as snacks and enjoying third-grade spiritual fruits and spiritual juice every now and then."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "Can it be like this?"

  The fat bird looked confused. It had been living in the cave since it was born. It had a simple mind and had no idea what the spiritual fruits it often ate on weekdays represented.

  "For you spiritual beasts, you can do whatever you want with spiritual fruits."

  Lu Xuan said with a firm tone.

  "If you don't believe me, take some spiritual fruits out tomorrow and see what attitude the green-haired wind falcon will have towards you."

  After he explained the reason to the fat bird earnestly, he ignored it in deep thought, went back to the house, took out a lot of spiritual fruits, and cut them into even strips.

  The next day, he deliberately found a shallow cloth bag, hung it on the fat bird's neck, patted its little head gently, and pinched its soft belly.

  "Go, let them see the power of spiritual fruits."


  The fat bird let out a long cry, turned into a green light, and flew to the valley at a high speed.

  After a while, it came to the edge of the valley. With

  a lot of cut spiritual fruits hanging around its neck, and Lu Xuan's patient teaching yesterday, the fat bird seemed much more confident.

  With its head held high and its round belly bulging, it came to the alien wind falcon that it had a good impression of before.

  The alien wind falcon raised its head, glanced at the fat bird, and continued to play with its companions.

  "Tsk, tsk!"

  The fat bird had long been accustomed to it, and greeted a few wind falcons. After playing on the edge for a while, it pretended to raise one foot and took out a spiritual fruit from the bag around its neck.

  The spiritual fruit was like a blazing flame, emitting rich spiritual power, and it was of high quality at first glance.   

  Several wind falcons around smelled the fragrance of the spiritual fruit, and they all raised their heads and looked at the fat bird.

  The eyes of the extraordinary and extraordinary wind falcon also lit up, staring at the flaming fruit that the wind falcon was holding tightly.

  The fat bird casually threw it into his mouth, swallowed a few times, and the spiritual fruit piece slid into his stomach.

  It did not stop, and took out another piece of light blue spiritual fruit that exuded a slight chill.

  The ice and fire spiritual power merged in its throat and stomach, making it involuntarily reveal an intoxicated expression.

  Several wind falcons unconsciously gathered around, looking at the cloth bag hanging on the fat bird's neck, their eyes full of desire.

  Because they were all domesticated, although the wind falcons were extremely eager for spiritual fruits, they did not burst into animality and snatch the spiritual fruits from the fat bird.

  Seeing that he had become the center of the companions, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes, and he took out another piece of the fairy peach from the cloth bag. The

  fairy peach, which was so pink that it was almost squeezed out of water, immediately made the wind falcons uneasy.

  This is a third-grade spiritual fruit!

  Even the inner disciples who raise them cannot enjoy the third-grade spiritual fruit like a snack.

  How can this fat fellow in front of them be so worthy...

  Similar thoughts flashed through the minds of several wind falcons at the same time.

  The alien wind falcon has been completely convinced by the fat bird.

  When it first saw the fat bird, although it could clearly sense its goodwill towards it, due to the fat bird's size, it never took it to heart, and even sometimes deliberately ignored the fat bird.

  Unexpectedly, the companion in front of it was so wealthy!

  The alien wind falcon chirped crisply, and gently placed its broad light blue wings with spiritual light on the fat bird.

  Rich woman, hungry, food...

  In front of so much wealth and billions, it doesn't matter if this spherical fellow weighing hundreds of pounds or thousands of pounds is suppressed.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan, who was standing far away, smiled.

  He has cleared all obstacles for the fat bird. As for how the fat bird will choose in the future, it depends on itself.

  Whether to see the true face of the alien wind falcon and draw a clear line with it, or to understand that the other party is not his true love, just to play with the alien wind falcon with a majestic appearance and excellent bloodline, or to let the alien wind falcon fall into the endless spiritual fruit, it all depends on the fat bird's own luck. On the

  other side of the valley, the honest-looking young man saw the fat bird swallowing pieces of third-grade fairy peaches, and he wished he could turn into an alien wind falcon and ask for a few spiritual fruits from the fat bird's claws.

  He has already decided in his heart that when the alien wind falcon returns to the cave, he must make it try every means to please the fat fellow in the future, even if it is a little wronged.

  Here, Lu Xuan saw that everything went smoothly and there was no abnormality, so he left the mountain, found a spiritual crane nearby, and came to the Sinong Hall for free.

  In the past few days, he would try to refine the second-grade beast spirit pill in his spare time, but unfortunately there was no progress and he rarely succeeded in refining it.

  Every time the things that came out of the pill furnace were different, but it was certain that they were definitely not the beast spirit pill he wanted.

  The medicine beast hiding in the furnace was well fed, and its changes in form were no longer as smooth and natural as before, because it was too full.

  "It is difficult to make an elixir. It is better to take a shortcut than to accumulate refining experience honestly."

  After realizing his true talent for alchemy, Lu Xuan thought of a way. He recalled the detailed information on the recipe of the Beast Spirit Pill, and wanted to find the spirit seeds of the main spirit medicine in the recipe. After cultivating them to maturity, he wanted to see if the recipe of the Beast Spirit Pill could be made in the light group.

  The recipes of Peiyuan Pill and Yunling Pill that were obtained before were obtained from the light group of Lingying Grass and the improved Shuiying Grass. The recipe of Jianji Pill also came from the light group of Cangyuan Grass.

  Therefore, Lu Xuan was very confident that he could make the recipe of the Beast Spirit Pill from the light group of Xiangguang Spirit Plant.

  He ordered Linghe to stop at the square of Sinong Hall, forced a piece of spirit fruit into Linghe, and then entered the inner hall.

  (End of this chapter)

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