
Chapter 430 - Green-haired Wind Falcon

  "Although you are a little fat, your strength is also among the best among your kind."

  Lu Xuan adjusted his mood and spoke to comfort the fat bird.

  "Besides, the reason why you have grown to this size is because you eat too well. Like other wind falcons, they don't have the opportunity to gain weight!"

  He pinched the wind falcon's soft belly, and the belly was covered with layers of light green waves.


  The fat bird tilted its head, and a trace of doubt appeared in its small eyes.

  "Absolutely, can I lie to you?"

  "For example, the Fiery Fruit, Ice Fruit, Jade Scale Fruit, and Fairy Peach are high-quality spiritual fruits, and the rare and rare hundred-fruit spiritual juice I brewed myself." "There is

  also roasted monster meat that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fried monster meat that is spicy and fragrant, and steamed monster meat that melts in your mouth and is fat but not greasy..."

  Lu Xuan said slowly, counting on his fingers.

  The more he talked, the more confused Feng Falcon's eyes became. He recalled the various cooking methods of monster meat, and his round belly kept shrinking, and he couldn't help but drool.

  "Come on, I'll go make you a portion of your favorite roasted monster meat."

  Lu Xuan saw that the fat bird's attention was diverted, and said hurriedly.

  Half an hour later, Feng Falcon and the spirit beasts in the cave were immersed in the delicious food.

  "I should find a chance to follow Feng Falcon out to see what it is that makes it have such strange thoughts."

  Lu Xuan looked down at the beasts and thought secretly in his heart.

  The next day, while he inspected the spiritual field and cultivated spiritual plants, he paid close attention to Feng Falcon's movements with his spiritual consciousness. When he found that Feng Falcon had left the cave, the green shoes under his feet appeared with spiritual light, and he performed the floating light body technique and followed the fat bird closely.

  The fat bird did not notice Lu Xuan's breath behind him, and shuttled through the mountains, making crisp calls from time to time, so that Lu Xuan behind him could sense its inner restlessness.

  After a while, the fat bird stopped in a valley, stood there, paced back and forth, and seemed quite nervous.

  After a few breaths, the fat bird made up its mind and entered the valley.

  Lu Xuan restrained his breath and followed closely.

  "It turned out to be this yellow-haired one, no, green-haired one."

  He stood on a tall spiritual tree, looking into the distance, and sighed secretly.

  There were several wind falcon monsters in the valley, one of which was extraordinary, with wings drooping down, like thin and long green jade, with spiritual light emerging, beautiful and gorgeous.

  The breath was on par with the fat bird, and it was also a third-grade monster.

  "Most wind falcons are second-grade monsters. To have the strength of a third-grade monster, either like me, they use a lot of cultivation resources to pile up, or they have good blood."

  "However, this wind falcon is too thin, as if it has no nutrition, unlike my fat bird, which is round and plump."

  Lu Xuan hid in the bushes and observed secretly, while paying attention to the movements of several wind falcons.

  "Fellow Daoist, why are you sneaking around here to look at my spirit beast?"

  Suddenly, a voice as thin as a mosquito's whistle came out of his ear.

  Lu Xuan fell from the spirit tree and saw a simple-looking young man appear not far from him, looking at him alertly. The young man

  was in the middle stage of foundation building and looked a little unfamiliar.

  "Excuse me, senior brother. I am Lu Xuan. Because the wind falcon spirit beast I raised secretly ran out, I followed it to see what was going on."

  Lu Xuan bowed and said.

  "So it's Senior Brother Lu. I have heard of your name for a long time. After seeing you today, you are more outstanding than I thought."

  Lu Xuan has been staying in the cave and rarely goes out, but his attainments in spirit plants have long been spread throughout the Tianjian Sect. When the simple-looking young man heard his words, his originally vigilant expression instantly relaxed.

  In addition, this place is in the inner sect of the sect, with restrictions everywhere, and several inner disciples living around, so there is no need to worry about safety.

  "My name is Guo Ping, Senior Brother Lu, you can just call me Junior Brother."

  "The plump wind falcon in the valley turned out to be raised by Senior Brother Lu? It has been playing with my spirit beasts these past few days. I am quite curious about which senior brother in the sect has a third-grade spirit beast! If it's Senior Brother Lu, then I'm not surprised."   

  The honest young man said with a smile, showing some goodwill to Lu Xuan in his words.

  "I was lucky. I was raising it for a while, and it broke through by itself."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  "But Junior Brother Guo, your third-grade wind falcon is extraordinary at first glance."

  "I have rich experience in raising wind falcons. After trying to breed with wind falcon monsters with outstanding bloodlines several times, combined with other small tricks, I accidentally got this third-grade alien wind falcon."

  When the young man mentioned the alien wind falcon in the valley, a trace of complacency appeared on his face.

  "So that's how it is. Junior Brother Guo has such a skill in raising spirit beasts. I have to ask you for advice when I have the chance."

  "Senior Brother Lu, you are too kind. Compared with your attainments in spiritual plants, this thing is nothing at all."

  Guo Ping said sincerely.

  Although Lu Xuan rarely left the sect, went out to explore secret realms, and did not make many friends, there were more and more stories about his deeds in spiritual plants in the Tianjian Sect, and his reputation was naturally known to most of the inner disciples.

  "Junior Brother Guo, I think my wind falcon seems to have some strange feelings for your alien wind falcon. What do you think?"

  Lu Xuan changed the subject and asked the honest young man.

  "Brother Lu, can you tell me about your spirit beast?"

  The two of them talked like parents exchanging information on each other during a blind date.

  "My wind falcon is a little fat, but its strength is still enough, the same grade as your third-grade alien wind falcon."

  Lu Xuan said in a deep voice.

  "It is quite good, but its appearance is not very good."

  The young man automatically translated what Lu Xuan said.

  "Its bloodline is second-grade, and it broke through to the third grade by chance."

  "Limited potential."

  The young man continued to translate in his mind.

  "I have had the experience of hatching two spirit beasts before."

  Lu Xuan briefly told the experience of the wind falcon hatching the Lihuo Jiao and the rock-shelled turtle.

  "That is, it got pregnant before marriage..."

  The honest young man sighed in his mind and labeled the fat bird.

  "Brother Lu, I personally have no objection to two spirit beasts dating, but the main thing is to see what the spirit beasts think of each other."

  "If they are willing to try to be together, it would be great, but if they don't have feelings for each other, this kind of thing can't be forced. What do you think, brother?"

  He politely refused.

  "Brother Guo, what you said makes sense."

  Lu Xuan heard the refusal in his words and nodded in agreement.

  "Then it depends on whether the two beasts have a destiny with each other."

  He left a simple sentence and said goodbye to the honest young man with a smile.

  After returning to the cave and waiting for a long time, the wind falcon flew back to the mountain peak, still looking depressed.

  "Are you back? How do you feel this time? Have you suffered any grievances?"

  Lu Xuan asked with concern.

  (End of this chapter)

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