
Chapter 417 - My scabbard is thirsty

  "Fifth-grade magic weapon!"

  "It's a special magic weapon for the soul!"

  Lu Xuan was overjoyed. Although the function of the piercing god cone in his hand was single, its effect was extremely powerful.

  Soul-type magic weapons are extremely rare. Once used, they are hard to defend against.

  "Another fifth-grade treasure."

  "The Void Nightmare Eyes that are good at illusions and can detect a large area, the Pure Yang True Fire Scroll with the pure Yang True Fire, the space-type treasure gluttonous insect capsule, and now with this fifth-grade piercing god cone, it is estimated that many of the true disciples in the sect will find it difficult to have such a fortune as me."

  A smile appeared on Lu Xuan's mouth.

  Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Lu Xuan's mind moved, and he summoned the fat bird. He communicated with it with his spiritual consciousness, and arrived outside the sword hall in less than half a minute.

  Passing through the sword energy restriction, he came to a mountain that was towering into the clouds and shaped like a sharp sword.

  Lu Xuan settled the fat bird, and a disciple of the sword hall came to lead the fat bird over, and he would retrieve it later.

  "Brother Shen."

  Lu Xuan found Shen Ye and greeted him.

  "Brother Lu, you are here."

  Shen Ye smiled and said gently.

  "Please take me to the sword pool."

  "No problem." Shen Ye nodded and took Lu Xuan to a large hall.

  There were already seven or eight disciples of the Sword Hall waiting in the hall, some holding swords, some carrying sword cases, all of them with extraordinary demeanor.

  "This is Zhong Baiyu, who is in the late stage of foundation building and is proficient in sword formations."

  "This is Shi Hao, who is in the middle stage of foundation building and has mastered several high-grade sword techniques to perfection and has mastered several different sword intentions."

  "This is..."

  Shen Ye introduced the disciples of the Sword Hall in the hall to Lu Xuan one by one.

  "This is Junior Brother Lu Xuan. He is in the middle stage of foundation building. His swordsmanship may not be the best among you, but he has a terrifying ability to cultivate sword grass."

  "So far, the success rate is 100%, and there is no shortage of good quality sword grass."

  "It is even possible to improve a new third-grade sword grass."

  "Hello, Junior Brother Lu." A fellow disciple in the late stage of foundation building named Zhong Baiyu greeted Lu Xuan with a smile.

  He has a plump figure and a round face. When he smiles, he looks like a Maitreya Buddha, with a kind smile.

  "Hello, Junior Brother Lu."


  Among the seven or eight fellow disciples, some greeted him warmly, and did not look down on Lu Xuan's identity as a spiritual plant master.

  According to Shen Ye, although Lu Xuan's swordsmanship may be average, he can enter the sword pool to find swords, so he must be extraordinary.

  There are also two or three people who just nodded slightly, with a slightly cold expression.

  These people are all obsessed with swords, and spend most of their time and energy on practicing sword tactics and honing sword skills. They don't care about Lu Xuan's qualification to enter the sword pool by cultivating sword grass.

  Of course, since they were all from the same sect and had no conflicts of interest, there was no mockery or contempt.

  Lu Xuan had a smile on his face. If someone came up to make friends, he would agree with them. If someone was indifferent to him, he would not take the initiative to curry favor with them.

  He did not refute Shen Ye's words that his sword skills were average.

  After absorbing a lot of sword skills experience packs, he had reached a very profound level in "Four Seasons Sword Skills", "Wind and Thunder Sword Scripture", and "Starlight Sword Skills". He

  also carefully cultivated two fourth-grade sword grasses, the Peacock Sword and the Thousand Owl Sword. He used sword skills and sword formations very frequently, and his corresponding "Thousand Owl Sword Skills" and "Peacock Sword Formation" were also at a good level.   

  Maybe he is not as good as all the sword geniuses in the hall, but he is confident that he will not be at the bottom, and he is still at the average level.

  "Although I don't have a talent for swordsmanship and I don't have much time to practice sword tactics, I have a light ball experience pack."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly with pride.

  After waiting for a while, a woman with a cold temperament walked into the wide hall.

  The woman had a slender sword like a swimming dragon pinned on her black hair, and a pair of exquisite sword earrings hanging on her earlobes. They swayed gently as she walked, and there was a subtle sword aura lingering around.

  It was Jian Wuxia, who had met several times in the new blessed land full of mutated spiritual plants. She was one of the seventeen true disciples in the sect and a frequent visitor to the sword pool.

  "Senior Sister Wuxia."

  Lu Xuan and the others greeted her respectfully.

  It can be seen that she has a very high prestige among the many sword geniuses, and several people even looked at her with a bit of fanaticism.

  "I will be your leader for this treasure hunt in the Sword Pond. I will lead you into the Sword Pond to maintain the stability of the Sword Pond and the order among fellow disciples. I hope that we can advance and retreat together and not hurt the friendship among fellow disciples."

  The cold woman nodded gently and said softly, her voice was like cold spring water.


  "Everything is up to you, Senior Sister."

  Everyone echoed.

  Jian Wuxia waved her hand, and ten special spiritual fruits appeared in the low sky, circling around everyone.

  The spiritual fruit seemed to be composed of countless tiny sword beams, which condensed together automatically. Endless sword energy that was difficult to detect with the naked eye was stirring inside, as if it could burst out with extremely terrifying power at any time.

  "Among you, there are a few who are entering the Sword Pond for the first time. Let me briefly introduce them."

  Jian Wuxia stretched out her hand, and ten sword energy spiritual fruits slowly floated above her palm.

  "This is the sword fruit, a special treasure condensed from countless sword qi in the sword pool. It is the key factor to stay in the sword pool for a long time."

  "There are countless powerful and mysterious sword qi swimming freely in the sword pool. If they detect someone intruding in, they will rush forward and face the siege of countless sword qi at the same time."

  "With this sword fruit, the aura on your body can be integrated with the sword pool, and the sword qi will not actively attack you on a large scale."

  "Of course, you can't be careless because of this. If you wantonly provoke the sword qi in the sword pool, it will still cause them to attack. At that time, the sword fruit may not be able to save you." Jian Wuxia

  introduced it to everyone in detail, and sword fruits flew in front of everyone in the sky above his palm.

  Lu Xuan curiously picked up this special sword qi spirit fruit, felt the extremely slight sharp feeling on his palm, and observed it carefully with interest.

  As a spiritual plant master, he is extremely sensitive to the word "fruit".

  "Junior brother Lu, this is your first time entering the sword pool. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

  Jian Wuxia stepped forward a few steps, came to Lu Xuan, and asked softly.

  "Thank you for your concern, Senior Sister Wuxia. There is nothing unclear for now. If there is anything you need help from, I will not hesitate to help you."

  Lu Xuan said hurriedly.

  Seeing Jian Wuxia take the initiative to ask Lu Xuan, the eyes of several Sword Hall disciples who had previously had a cold attitude towards Lu Xuan immediately changed.

  Jian Wuxia holds a high status in their hearts. In terms of swordsmanship, she can convince the proud people. They did not expect that such a person would condescend to take the initiative to care about a sword grass spirit plant master.

  Lu Xuan stepped back a few steps without leaving a trace, gently tossed the sword spirit fruit in his hand, and felt the throbbing from the Yangxuan sword sheath at his waist.

  After seeing many Sword Hall disciples, Lu Xuan could feel a desire from the scabbard. After the appearance of ten sword fruits, this desire reached its peak.

  "My scabbard is already thirsty."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but think.

  (End of this chapter)

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