
Chapter 418 - Scabbard Selection

  After Jian Wuxia gave detailed instructions on the matters related to entering the sword pool, he took out a section of the black sword blade.

  A large amount of spiritual power poured into the black sword blade, and soon, endless black sword light emerged from the sword blade, and the sword light instantly filled the entire hall and shot out wantonly.

  Jian Wuxia pinched the seal, and a strong and unparalleled sword intent rose from the center of the hall, wrapping Lu Xuan and the others and disappearing instantly.

  "Is this the mysterious sword pool?"

  After Lu Xuan's mind was in a trance for a few breaths, he opened his eyes and found himself in a strange space.

  A world of sword energy.

  The ground was covered with countless flying sword debris, and from time to time, sharp sword energy and sword light of various shapes and sizes shot out from it.

  The sword energy in the air was like covering the sky and the sun, and the ears were full of the whistling sound of the sword energy passing by quickly. Occasionally, you can see the powerful sword energy rushing into the sky in the distance, accompanied by the sound of swords.

  "Yes, this is the sword pool, the core of the sword hall, with a profound foundation beyond imagination. There are countless high-grade flying swords in it. It is even rumored that a fellow disciple has obtained treasures such as the fifth-grade sword and sword pill from it."

  A gentle voice sounded not far from Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan looked in the direction of the voice and saw that it was Zhong Baiyu who looked like Maitreya Buddha. As soon as

  the voice fell, before he could respond to the other party, the infinite sword energy around him seemed to sense the strange breath of Lu Xuan and others. With a swishing sound, they swarmed up and quickly attacked Lu Xuan and the others.

  Dozens of feet away, a huge silver-white sword light appeared out of thin air and came in front of the two in an instant.

  Lu Xuan only felt a white mist in his eyes, and his mind was lost for a moment. When he was about to urge Qing Fuli to dodge the sword light.

  Suddenly, the sword fruit in his hand floated out by itself, and the sword energy inside was rampant. The unstoppable silver-white sword light just now, together with the sharp sword energy that was everywhere, all died down and bypassed Lu Xuan and the others.

  "Brother Lu, don't panic. With the sword fruit in hand, the sword energy in the sword pool will not actively attack us."

  Seeing Lu Xuan's cautious expression, Zhong Baiyu comforted him.

  "Brother, this is my first time entering the sword pool. Although I am mentally prepared, I still can't keep a calm mind when I see so many sword energies attacking me."

  Lu Xuan took the initiative to explain.

  "I came in once before, so I am more experienced than you, Brother Lu."

  "Brother Zhong, according to what you said, the sword energy in the sword pool will not actively attack our sect's cultivators, but what if there is a special situation?"

  "For example, if a fellow disciple accidentally drops a sword fruit, or subdues a flying sword, and the sword fruit is damaged in the process of competing for the sword with other fellow disciples, will it cause a group attack by sword energy?"

  Lu Xuan asked curiously.

  "If the sword fruit is lost or damaged, it will naturally no longer have a protective effect. Although this situation has some risks, it is still not a big problem."

  "The fellow disciples who can enter the sword pool can resist the sword energy of the sword pool for a while. During this process, they can ask for help from other fellow disciples who have sword fruits. If there is really no other way, they can also contact the Jindan uncle who guards the sword pool."

  Zhong Baiyu explained while guiding Lu Xuan to slowly shuttle through the sword energy.

  "I see."

  Lu Xuan nodded gently, his palm turned into a crystal jade color, and he took the initiative to reach out to touch the subtle sword energy lingering around him.

  The sword energy sensed the familiar breath on the sword fruit and took the initiative to avoid Lu Xuan's palm like a fish.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I believe you already know that there are many high-grade swords and sword pills in the sword pool. Over time, many swords gradually show strange phenomena and even produce a trace of spirituality."

  "For example, the silver-white sword light just now, if I guessed correctly, it should be the sword light emitted by a third-grade flying sword."   

  "There are a lot of third-grade swords in the sword pool. If you don't have the confidence to obtain a fourth-grade sword or sword pill, you can first obtain a third-grade one as a backup." The

  time that the sword hall disciples can stay in the sword pool is limited, only half a day. During this period, it takes a lot of time to search and subdue high-grade swords and sword pills.

  In addition, in order to avoid the situation where someone subdues too many swords, the sword hall stipulates that each sword hall disciple can only obtain two swords at most.

  Often, disciples do not want to waste precious opportunities on third-grade swords and sword pills, and only want to obtain higher-grade and rarer flying swords, but in the end they get nothing.

  "If you find a sword you like, you can use your sword skills to subdue it. If you can't subdue it, you can also try to suppress it with your cultivation level."

  "No way, the high-grade swords in the sword pool are very picky. Only when they encounter a congenital sword body like Senior Sister Jian Wuxia will they take the initiative to approach."

  "When people like us get close, those spiritual swords will take the initiative to avoid them. Therefore, if you encounter a sword you like, you must seize the fleeting opportunity and subdue them at the speed of thunder."

  Zhong Baiyu smiled bitterly and continued to remind Lu Xuan.

  "If you have talent, you can do whatever you want." Lu Xuan agreed.

  "Thank you for reminding me, Senior Brother Zhong. I wish you can get the treasure you like."

  He said to Zhong Baiyu gratefully. The two of them each chose a direction and walked into the sword energy.

  Subduing swords requires the disciples of the sword hall to do it themselves. Using others may cause a reverse effect. At the same time, if they encounter a sword that both of them like, it will not be easy to divide it.

  Therefore, the two of them acted separately tacitly.

  As he gradually went deeper into the sword pool, Lu Xuan saw more and more sword qi anomalies, including strange beasts of various shapes, objects materialized by sword qi of different spiritual attributes, and even glimpsed the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and other spectacular and majestic anomalies from afar.

  In the endless sword qi, the effect of spiritual awareness was greatly weakened, and the distance that could be glimpsed was less than one-tenth of the normal distance.

  When encountering sword qi anomalies, the Yangxuan sword sheath on his waist trembled slightly from time to time, and the spirituality inside the sword sheath seemed to urge Lu Xuan to search and subdue them quickly.

  "Your slutty sword sheath, seeing so many swords, are you about to be unable to bear it?"

  Lu Xuan conveyed a teasing thought.

  After he continuously inserted the Yangxuan sword sheath into the purple lightning sword, wind and thunder sword, emerald small sword and other flying swords, as well as sword light and sword qi, it has slowly begun to adapt to its identity. When encountering a flying sword that he likes, such as the emerald small sword, it is even more half-hearted and reluctant.

  Before the insertion, there is a symbolic resistance, and after the insertion, it is integrated into one without distinction between you and me.

  "Wait for me to choose a top-quality flying sword for you and satisfy you."

  Lu Xuan paid attention to the changes in the sword energy around him.

  "This area has a strong aura of water spirits, so there should be a water-attributed flying sword hidden here. The moisture should not be a problem."

  "There is probably a fire-attributed flying sword here. The aura is so violent and fierce. I don't know if your slutty scabbard can withstand it." "

  Flying swords with monster anomalies, do you like this kind of taste?"

  He muttered to himself while searching for the sword anomalies.

  (End of this chapter)

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