
Chapter 356 - Vajra Bodhi

  "Fellow Daoist, do you still have two foundation-building pills?"

  Hearing Lu Xuan's words, the short and fat old man couldn't suppress his inner joy and blurted out.

  The ordinary-looking cultivator in front of him was really beyond his expectations. He originally thought that getting two foundation-building pills was a great surprise, but he didn't expect that under the attraction of the fifth-grade spirit seed, he unexpectedly learned that there were two more foundation-building pills!

  "That's right."

  Lu Xuan nodded and said calmly.

  "I originally kept these last two foundation-building pills for a younger generation who was close to me to break through to the foundation-building realm."

  "However, now that I met that fifth-grade spirit seed, I changed my mind temporarily. When he is about to break through, I will find another way."

  The short and fat old man quickly judged the feasibility of this transaction.

  The fifth-grade spirit seed belongs to the category of forming pills, and its preciousness can be imagined. However, the spirit seed is relatively the lowest value among all kinds of treasures. The spirit seed is extremely special and has great limitations in applicability. In addition, few people know how to cultivate it, so it has been in Wanbao Tower for quite a long time.

  Lu Xuan proposed to exchange the fourth-grade soul-guiding lamp for two foundation-building pills. Although the value may be slightly lower than the fifth-grade spirit seeds, it is easier to sell and has stronger liquidity.

  "Okay, then I agree."

  As the owner of a branch building of Wanbao Tower built near Tianjian Sect, the short and fat old man in front of him, although his cultivation is average, obviously has a very high status in Wanbao Tower.

  "The Tianqing Danhuo and the fifth-grade spirit seeds are not in this branch building, but there will be a powerful monk from Wanbao Tower who is good at speed to deliver them. They will probably arrive tomorrow. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

  "I have no objection."

  Lu Xuan nodded slightly, and his mind couldn't help but think of when he just came from Linyang Market to worship Tianjian Sect, he took the Wanxiang Treasure Ship of Wanbao Tower to transport goods and monks.

  At that time, it took about half a month to arrive at Jianmen Town after stopping along the way.

  Now, if you want to get those two treasures, you can do it in just one day.

  The difference is that at that time, he was just a small casual cultivator who wanted to farm peacefully under the protection of the sect, but now, he has become a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator and has treasures that Wanbaolou urgently needs. Naturally, the degree of importance he attaches to them is very different.

  He clearly felt the huge change after his strength and status were improved.

  The thought flashed through his mind, and Lu Xuan became more determined to farm.

  The two smiled at each other, and each felt that they had made a lot of money.

  Wanbaolou got four rare foundation-building pills and a powerful fourth-grade magic weapon.

  And Lu Xuan got a fifth-grade spirit seed and a wisp of fourth-grade strange fire.

  "The foundation-building pill comes from the Tibetan Yuan grass light group commissioned by the Dan Palace to be cultivated. After cultivation, there is a sword seal as a reward, which can be regarded as free.

  Well, there are twelve foundation-building pills, and four are used up, and there are still eight left."

  "The soul-guiding lamp comes from the ghost-faced stone mushroom, a spiritual plant in the underworld. I have a better one in my hand, and replacing this one is considered to clear the inventory."

  "I don't even know how much I have earned..."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.

  He walked out of Wanbaolou and walked on the bluestone street of Jianmen Town.

  During this time, he would put his palm across his chest from time to time, and the scene behind him would appear in his palm.

  In the sky, a gray-white pupil emerged from a tiny crack, staring at Lu Xuan's back without any emotion. The

  Void Nightmare Eyes kept shuttling in the sky, appearing and disappearing from time to time, scouting whether there were any cultivators following Lu Xuan.

  "This Wanbao Building is worthy of being a first-class business organization in the cultivation world, and its reputation is really good. There is no drama of following me."

  Lu Xuan raised the corner of his mouth, not knowing whether he was happy or disappointed.

  He restrained his breath and strolled around the shops and stalls.   

  According to the recipe for the foundation-building pill, in addition to several third-grade spiritual plants, a number of second-grade spiritual plants are also needed as auxiliary medicines for refining spiritual medicine.

  Lu Xuan bought the corresponding spiritual seeds or mature spiritual plants.

  Most of the second-grade spiritual plants are no longer of much value to him at present, of course, except for the water firefly grass.

  Because of the high demand for the flaming fruit and the ice radish fruit, they are still planted in large quantities for the time being.

  He bought some spiritual seeds just to try whether he could produce something corresponding to the foundation-building pill from the light ball and experiment whether it is worth planting.

  In a blink of an eye, it was the second day.

  Lu Xuan came to Wanbao Tower as promised.

  As soon as he arrived outside the gate, the short and fat old man was already waiting at the door.

  "Daoyou Lu, thank you for coming again."

  "No problem, Daoyou Li has been waiting for a long time."

  Lu Xuan was led by him into an ancient and elegant room.

  He glanced around the elegant room, looking calm.

  The elegant room was decorated with formations and prohibitions on all sides, and there was a faint breath outside, which vaguely judged that the owner of the breath had the cultivation level of the middle and late stages of the foundation-building period.

  "It's about the fifth-grade spirit seed. Even I can't afford the responsibility for the loss. Therefore, in order to avoid any mistakes, the Wanbao Building is arranged with arrays and prohibitions everywhere. There is also a guest official in the late stage of foundation building who sent the fifth-grade spirit seed to guard it. I hope you can understand, fellow Daoist Lu."

  The short and fat old man took the initiative to explain, fearing that Lu Xuan would cause misunderstandings after discovering it.

  He was only in the early stage of foundation building and was not good at fighting. In order to avoid any accidents, there were many arrangements.

  "It's nothing, I can understand."

  Seeing the old man take the initiative to explain to him, Lu Xuan's slight unhappiness also dissipated.

  With the trip to the Wuyin Sea Secret Realm, he had a clearer understanding of his own strength, and since it was near the sect, he didn't care much.

  "If fellow Daoist has no objection, then let's exchange the treasures in our hands at the same time."

  A transparent jade bottle appeared in the short and fat old man's hand. There was a light green flame burning quietly in the jade bottle. The fire changed, and a faint fragrance of elixir came from Lu Xuan's mouth and nose.

  In addition, there is a delicate jade box with several talismans on the surface. Based on Lu Xuan's superficial knowledge of talismans, the patterns on the jade box should have the function of preventing the loss of vitality.

  When the jade box was opened, a strange spiritual seed was placed inside.

  The spiritual seed was oval in shape, like a bodhi tree, with a dark black surface and looked extremely hard.

  Looking closely, a clear Buddhist chant seemed to ring in my ears, and an illusory figure emerged from the bodhi seed, like a Vajra with angry eyes, shocking all evil spirits in the world.

  "This is the fifth-grade spiritual seed brought from the main building. I just learned from the guest who brought the spiritual seed that the spiritual seed is called Vajra Bodhi."

  "But I only know some simple information about it, but I can't get the method of cultivation. I only know that it may be closely related to Buddhism. The specific cultivation method still needs you to study it yourself."

  "Okay, I have no hope of breaking through, and I just have plenty of time to study those things."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile, taking the Vajra Bodhi spiritual seed from the short and fat old man.

  He held the spirit seed in his hand and spun it slightly. The angry Vajra shadow on the surface also changed accordingly, making various gestures to exorcise demons.

  "Daoyou Li, these are four foundation-building pills and a soul-guiding lamp. Please take a closer look. If there is no problem, I will take my leave."

  He put away the Vajra Bodhi spirit seed and the Azure Pill Fire, and handed the foundation-building pill and the soul-guiding lamp to the short and fat old man.

  (End of this chapter)

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