
Chapter 357 - Wind and Thunder Sword Talisman "Wind and Thunder Sword Scripture"

  Inner Sect.

  Lu Xuan passed through various formations and restrictions and returned to his cave.

  After he exchanged for the fourth-grade Tianqing Danhuo and the fifth-grade Vajra Bodhi spiritual seeds in Jianmen Town, he did not stay for long and returned to Tianjian Sect without stopping.

  He opened the Liuguang Talisman Array and went directly to the spiritual field.

  The spiritual power surged, and the structure of the spiritual soil changed slightly.

  Lu Xuan took out the Vajra Bodhi spiritual seed and put it into a crack that was just right.

  Then, he took a deep breath and focused his mind on the dark oval spiritual seed.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Vajra Bodhi, a fifth-grade spiritual plant, condensed from the Buddhist blessed land, can be cultivated and nourished with incense, vows, and Sanskrit sounds to accelerate its growth. ]

  [The mature spiritual fruit contains powerful Buddha power. After taking it, it can greatly enhance the physical body and strengthen the blood. With a wave of your hand, you can scare away all evil spirits. At the same time, it can also speed up the practice of the corresponding skills and supernatural powers. ]

  "Fifth-grade spiritual plant!"

  The thought disappeared, and a trace of joy appeared on Lu Xuan's face.

  "Unfortunately, the cultivation method is somewhat special and requires some Buddhist treasures."

  "I don't know if the Soul-crossing Zen Incense can work."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart.

  Soul-crossing Zen Incense is made by Buddhist monks who collect thousands of incense sticks and refine them. It can calm the mind and save the resentment of ghosts.

  Thinking of this, he took out the dark yellow incense stick that he had kept in the gluttonous insect capsule.

  The smoke of the incense stick lingered and gathered into a lotus platform in the sky above the top. There seemed to be a Buddha statue on the lotus platform smiling with a flower.

  His spiritual consciousness controlled a wisp of smoke and infiltrated it into the Vajra Bodhi spirit seed.

  After absorbing this smoke, the angry Vajra on the surface of the spirit seed seemed to become more vivid and looked more majestic.

  "It has some effect, but it seems to be of little use."

  Lu Xuan carefully felt the state of the spirit seed and thought to himself.

  Perhaps it was because the smoke was not pure incense. Although it could be used to cultivate Vajra Bodhi, it could only be used in the early stage.

  "As for the Sanskrit sound, I wonder if there is a chance to let Huanyinzhu listen and remember it, and then play it for Vajra Bodhi. Although it is a bit of a copycat, it may be able to play a little role."

  Based on the principle of saving, Lu Xuan had an absurd idea in his mind, thinking of the fourth-grade Huanyin bamboo in the spiritual field.

  Back to the yard, take out some spiritual fruits and monster meat, and feed them to the few spiritual beasts that came here after smelling the smell.

  Lu Xuan entered the house and took out the Tianqing Danhuo.

  The various spiritual medicines for refining the foundation-building pill are still in the collection and preparation stage, so he is not in a hurry for the time being.

  In the next period of time, he will stay in the cave with peace of mind, cultivate spiritual plants, and raise spiritual beasts. In

  the spiritual field, under his careful care, spiritual plants gradually entered the mature stage.

  "One of the wind and thunder sword grass has matured."

  Lu Xuan sighed as he looked at the progress bar below the wind and thunder sword grass in front of him. The

  sword grass is blue-black, with dense lightning patterns on the surface, and surrounded by countless fine black sword energy, as if emitting a terrifying hurricane with bursts of sword whistling sounds.

  [Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, a third-grade spiritual plant, cultivated with wind and thunder sword energy, contains powerful wind and thunder power.]

  The thought flashed through his mind, and he focused his eyes on the white light ball that emerged.

  He reached out and gently touched it, and the light ball turned into countless tiny sword energy light points, all emerging from Lu Xuan's body and instantly merging into his body.   

  [Harvest a third-grade wind and thunder sword grass, and obtain the fourth-grade talisman wind and thunder sword talisman. ]

  A talisman shaped like a sword tip, made of neither gold nor jade, appeared in his palm.

  The talisman was filled with violent winds, lightning and thunder, and it looked like the end of the world.

  [The wind and thunder sword talisman, a fourth-grade talisman, contains powerful wind and thunder power, which can instantly stimulate endless wind and thunder sword energy. After all of them are stimulated, they can seriously injure or even kill most of the cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation building. ]

  "Another fourth-grade sword talisman. I didn't expect that the wind and thunder sword grass could also produce sword talisman treasures."

  Lu Xuan looked at the sword talisman in his hand, with a hint of surprise.

  The fourth-grade roaring sea sword talisman, big sun sword talisman, and starfall sword talisman that he had obtained before were all from the light group of the sword-raising gourd. The sword grass has produced sword intent, flying swords, sword pills, etc., but this is the first time that a sword talisman has been produced.

  However, he was very satisfied with this in his heart.

  The fourth-grade sword talisman is extremely powerful in killing, and its strength has been proven in the secret realm of the boundless sea. At present, there is only one Roaring Sea Sword Talisman and one Big Sun Sword Talisman left on him. If he can get another Wind and Thunder Sword Talisman, it will be quite good.

  He put away the sword talisman and continued to inspect the spiritual field.

  At that time, he got 20 ordinary sword grass spirit seeds, one third-grade starlight sword grass spirit seed, and one fourth-grade sword thousand owl spirit seed from the sword hall.

  Ten ordinary sword grasses were nourished and cultivated by him using the "Four Seasons Sword Art", and the other ten were put into the scabbard, and then nourished by the Xunlei Sword Light, and slowly transformed into wind and thunder sword grass spirit seeds.

  Since only one sword grass spirit seed can be improved at a time, the growth speed of the ten wind and thunder sword grasses is different.

  Lu Xuan plans to go to the sword hall to hand in after one or two more mature.

  More than a month later, Lu Xuan stood in a wind and thunder sword grass, his palm turned into a crystal jade color, and he directly grasped the bottom of the sword grass and carefully pulled it out.

  "A natural sword weapon."

  Even though Lu Xuan had already picked a dozen or so sword grasses of various types, he was still impressed by the naturalness of the sword grasses, and the natural sword weapon.

  The one in his hand might be of better quality because the spiritual seed was more outstanding, or because Lu Xuan cultivated it more attentively.

  [Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, a third-grade spiritual plant...]

  The thought flashed through his mind, and Lu Xuan picked up the white light ball left by the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass in the pit of the spiritual soil.

  [Harvest a third-grade wind and thunder sword grass, and obtain the fourth-grade sword technique "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra"].

  A thought emerged from his mind, and then countless information instantly poured into his sea of ​​consciousness.

  After swallowing it whole and digesting it, Lu Xuan seemed to have realized something. The wind and thunder sword energy in his sea of ​​consciousness was crisscrossed, and various exquisite sword moves were like antelope hanging horns, and he could easily pick them up, and each move caused wind and thunder.

  "The Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra..."

  Lu Xuan muttered to himself, and the wind and thunder sword in his hand made a slight sword sound, as if it sensed the sword technique that was in perfect harmony with it.

  "The Wind and Thunder Sword is a fourth-grade flying sword, which contains a lot of wind and thunder spiritual power, but it lacks some changes when used."

  "Now that I have this "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra", I can make up for this defect and use the Wind and Thunder Sword better. The two complement each other and achieve a result greater than the sum of two."

  Lu Xuan carefully felt the changes in his body. After absorbing the information of the "Wind and Thunder Sword Sutra", he had a rough understanding of this fourth-grade sword art, which was considered to be the entry stage. It

  was much faster than practicing the "Thousand Owl Sword Art" which was also fourth-grade at that time.

  "After absorbing a few more sword art experience packs, I will almost reach the level of proficiency or even mastery."

  "There is no better sword genius than this."

  Lu Xuan had long regarded the spiritual plant light ball as his own talent, and thought shamelessly.

  Among the cultivated sword grass, there are currently two mature third-grade mutant wind and thunder sword grass, ten ordinary second-grade sword grass, and one third-grade starlight sword grass, which can be handed in at the sword hall.

  (End of this chapter)

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