
Chapter 337 - A Great Harvest

  The surface of the spiritual liquid was dotted with spiritual light, like the stars in the sky. Shi Zhong opened the bottle stopper, and suddenly, a strong, pure and clear spiritual breath escaped, and the spiritual energy in the body was ready to move.

  "This spiritual essence liquid is a third-grade spiritual liquid, which contains extremely rich and pure spiritual energy. After swallowing a drop, it can quickly replenish and restore the spiritual power of the cultivator."

  Shi Zhong introduced it to Lu Xuan.

  "Thank you, two Taoist friends, for obtaining this rare spiritual liquid for me."

  Lu Xuan smiled slightly.

  "According to the prior agreement, these two sword-raising gourds will be the reward for this bottle of spiritual essence liquid."

  He flicked his hand, and two green and mottled gourds flew out of the storage bag. The gourds came from the inside of the gourds, as if they were nourishing a powerful sword energy.

  "Daoyou Lu is generous, so we will obey your orders and accept this sword-raising gourd."

  Shi Zhong and the others showed a hint of joy on their faces, and accepted the sword-raising gourd without refusing.

  The gourd contained a killing sword energy that was comparable to a third-grade magic weapon. They were both very satisfied that they could exchange it for a bottle of Soul Extraction True Liquid.

  Not to mention Lu Xuan, Soul Extraction True Liquid can be used to cultivate the fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass left in the sect, which is much more valuable than itself, not to mention that it saves a lot of time to search at risk.

  Shi Zhong and the others did not stay for long, chatted for a few words, and then said goodbye to Lu Xuan.

  "Uncle Lu, what are your plans next?"

  Song Yu quickly came up and asked.

  "I'm going back to Kongming Island. If you want to explore the secret realm, you can stay here. If you are careful, you can still find some good things."

  Song Yu's face flashed a trace of hesitation, and finally decided to stay outside the secret realm.

  "Uncle, it's not easy to come here, we still want to go in and take a look."

  "Okay, then be careful."

  Lu Xuan instructed. He had already told Song Yu and others about the information about the secret realm. There was nothing extra to explain, so he drove the Purple Lightning Sword and flew to Kongming Island.

  "Finally I'm back."

  Lu Xuan returned to his own courtyard and sighed in a low voice.

  He had made many preparations for entering the secret realm this time. His cultivation had broken through to the middle stage of foundation building, and he had obtained the two treasures, the Void Nightmare Eye and the Pure Yang True Fire Scroll, so that he could escape from the secret realm unscathed.

  As soon as he entered the courtyard, a green light struck him, and he immediately felt the familiar touch of the round belly of the wind falcon.

  The fat bird flapped its light green wings, stepped on Lu Xuan's shoulders, and chirped, as if it was very dissatisfied with Lu Xuan for not taking him out.

  On the side, the cloud-stepping lynx that came out of the gluttonous insect sac stepped briskly, walking among the rocks as if on flat ground, with an extremely elegant demeanor.

  "Is your turtle son obedient?"

  Lu Xuan pinched the fat bird's soft belly and came to the edge of the small pond.

  After not seeing it for a while, the gray-black rocks on the rock-shelled turtle's body became thicker. I don't know how many times it has rolled in the muddy water.

  The green-horned dragon carp sensed Lu Xuan's aura and swam up from the bottom of the pool, floating near the rock-shelled turtle.

  It had a slender body and graceful movements, and its two green dragon whiskers were dragging and fluttering in the water, forming a sharp contrast with the earthy rock-shelled turtle next to it.

  Lu Xuan fed them some food and hurried back to the house.

  He consumed a lot of treasures on this trip to the secret realm.

  All the Explosive Flame Orbs obtained from the Fiery Flame Fruit were used to blast the blood sea. One Great Sun Sword Talisman and one Falling Star Sword Talisman were used up, and there were still two fourth-grade sword talismans left.

  In addition, the third-grade substitute evil infant that had been on him for quite a long time and the attack of the Golden Crow Remnant Soul in the fifth-grade Pure Yang True Fire Talisman were also consumed.

  "However, the loss is still acceptable."

  "There are still many Fiery Flame Fruits planted in the sect, and the Explosive Flame Orbs are accumulating quickly. Three sword-raising gourds have also been planted, so there is no need to worry about not having sword talismans to use."

  "As for the Pure Yang True Fire Talisman, I can still visualize the Golden Crow diagram inside. If there is a suitable opportunity, I can charge it and continue to use it."   

  Lu Xuan thought to himself.

  "More importantly, compared to the effort, the harvest is quite abundant."

  He took out treasures from the gluttonous insect sac.

  One longevity peach spirit seed, six picked longevity peach spirit fruits.

  "A fifth-grade spirit seed, the cultivation method after mutation is a bit evil, just right to plant in the underworld courtyard."

  Lu Xuan looked at the dark red peach core embedded in the solidified flesh and blood, thinking to himself.

  Then, it was the medicine beast that was tightly locked by the white bone demon puppet.

  Because it is almost invisible and colorless, it may disappear from sight if you are not careful, so Lu Xuan has been locking it in the sealed white bones.

  He set up a simple spiritual power restriction, and with a thought, a slight crack suddenly appeared in the white bone sphere.

  A faint medicinal fragrance floated out from the crack.

  Lu Xuan took out a soul-enriching pill from the storage bag. Under the spiritual sense, the transparent insect beast sneaked over, wrapped the soul-enriching pill, and greedily absorbed the poison inside.

  He took this opportunity to sign a contract with Yaozhi.

  "In the future, there will be a large supply of elixirs."

  Lu Xuan sent a thought to the translucent Yaozhi.

  Yaozhi feeds on the elixir furnace and the elixir poison in the elixir. Feeding it with elixir will not affect its medicinal power, but will further improve the quality of the elixir.

  Next, there are three rare treasures obtained from the jade pool.

  The resentful soul black mud, obtained by fighting with the burly monk in the middle stage of foundation building.

  The shape is uncertain, and with a little force, the resentful soul will squeeze out of the black mud.

  A dark yellow incense stick was taken from the blood-robed monk. The incense stick burned automatically, and the smoke lingered,

  forming a vague lotus platform in the sky. There was a Buddha statue holding a flower and smiling, sitting cross-legged on it.

  A small emerald green sword, obtained after killing the short monk who controlled many corpse puppets, exudes a rich and pure vitality, and all evil spirits are afraid.

  Of the four treasures in the jade pool, three fell into Lu Xuan's hands, and only the exquisite seal was taken away by the hunchback monk after he escaped.

  "At least they are all fourth-grade magic tools and treasures, and they may even be as high as fifth-grade. Unfortunately, I don't know their origins, so I can only find out the specific functions of the treasures."

  Lu Xuan guessed as he felt the powerful spiritual power fluctuations in the three treasures.

  After that, there were several storage bags obtained from several monks.

  The key point was the storage bag left by the two evil cultivators in the late stage of foundation building.

  Lu Xuan used his spiritual energy to force it open and took out everything inside.

  The spiritual stones fell down, and Lu Xuan took a rough look and estimated that there were five or six thousand.

  Secondly, there were various elixirs and talismans. Some of them were familiar to Lu Xuan, and some he had never seen before. They were filled with evil spirits and were not regular elixirs at first glance.

  The quality of the talismans was average, with the highest being third-grade. Lu Xuan had been spoiled by various rare talismans and had already looked down on them.

  In addition, there is a fourth-grade magic weapon that has refined many prayer flags of resentful ghosts, and three third-grade magic weapons that have more or less a touch of evil aura.

  A bottle of dark red blood, rich in spiritual power and of extraordinary quality, and many rare monster bones that have been polished to a shiny shine.

  There is also an unexpected discovery, an evil spirit seed.

  (End of this chapter)

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