
Chapter 336 - The Secret Realm is Too Dangerous

  In the abandoned palace.

  Lu Xuan's figure was like floating light, passing by at a very fast speed.

  As early as when he was in the medicine garden, he noticed something wrong in this secret realm.

  From the information of the mutated spirit seeds, it was learned that the fifth-grade multi-longevity peaches had been invaded by the evil aura for a long time, thus mutating into the strange longevity peaches.

  This shows that there is an evil existence in the secret realm, and the aura is extraordinary.

  After entering the jade house, the four treasures caused many people to fight for them, and Lu Xuan also noticed the mystery inside.

  It is better to say that the ban seals the four treasures than to say that it seals the countless black air at the bottom.

  And the four treasures, from the external magical places, can be seen that they act on the black air in the form of absorption, suppression, and refining.

  These factors in series mean that there is an extremely powerful evil existence hidden in the black air at the bottom. Breaking the ban and taking out the treasures will naturally release the evil aura inside.

  Lu Xuan did not give it a chance to recover its strength. He directly opened the fifth-grade Pure Yang True Fire Scroll and used the Golden Crow's residual soul inside to release the pure Yang flame, which burned away the evil aura inside.

  As for using up the precious opportunity of the Golden Crow's residual soul in the secret realm, Lu Xuan did not feel much regret. After all, he could use the pure Yang flame to recharge it after using it up.

  The most important thing is to save his life.

  In the process of leaving the deserted island, Lu Xuan found that there were already many family cultivators and casual cultivators on the island.

  He found a remote corner, took off the fourth-grade Qianchen Weird Mask, and restored his identity as an ordinary spiritual plant master.

  Without further delay, he went directly through the broken water wall and returned to the Song family treasure ship.

  "Uncle Lu, you finally came out!"

  The moment Song Yu, the head of the Song family, saw Lu Xuan's figure, he immediately relaxed.

  Although he had great confidence in Lu Xuan, he was always uneasy in his heart.

  If Lu Xuan had an accident in the secret realm, was seriously injured or even died, he would not be able to explain to the Tianjian Sect.

  "Well, I was lucky to survive."

  Lu Xuan sat down and said calmly.

  "Uncle Master, what opportunities can you find in the secret realm?"

  Song Yu asked tentatively.

  "There are too many foundation-building cultivators, and there are many who are much stronger than me. It's good enough to come out safely.

  As for the opportunities, it's just to get rid of a few third-grade monsters and get some spiritual medicines and seeds."

  Lu Xuan said casually.

  He introduced the Ice Magic Toad and the strange stone formation in detail to the Song family cultivators, so that they can avoid some detours after entering.

  "Fellow Daoist Song, I didn't expect to see you again outside the secret realm."

  Not long after Lu Xuan returned, Shi Zhong and Zhou Bingyu came together. After seeing Lu Xuan, they looked much more relaxed.

  "Where did Fellow Daoist Lu go after passing through the stone maze? Why haven't I seen you?"

  The three of them exchanged what they saw and heard in the secret realm, and Zhou Bingyu asked curiously.

  "After going through so much trouble and getting out of that strange stone formation, I wanted to go directly into the palace, meet up with my two fellow Taoists, and search for treasures."

  "But I didn't expect that a spiritual insect I kept on weekdays suddenly showed abnormal reactions."

  "I followed the instructions of the spiritual insect and entered a remote medicine garden, where I found some spiritual seeds and spiritual medicines."

  Lu Xuan said calmly.

  "After searching the medicine garden thoroughly, I entered the palace much later than most cultivators, and just wandered around the bottom of the palace."

  "Later, I wanted to go to the core area above to take a look, and accidentally found that more than one foundation-building cultivator had died in a passage. There was a strong aura fluctuation above the palace. After weighing the pros and cons, I had no choice but to give up and go to other places in the secret realm to hunt monsters and search for spiritual medicines."

  Lu Xuan said half-truthfully.   

  "We two did stay on the top floor of the palace for a long time."

  Shi Zhong nodded gently.

  "You two fellow Taoists are indeed from a great sect, and you are outstanding among people. You can seize opportunities and treasures from those mid-stage or even late-stage cultivators with your early foundation building cultivation."

  "I wonder what opportunities and treasures you two fellow Taoists have obtained in there? Can I see them?"

  Lu Xuan praised and asked.

  "You are too kind, fellow Taoist."

  Shi Zhong's eyes flashed with a very obscure embarrassment.

  "Although we entered the core area of ​​the secret realm together, our strength is the last among several cultivators. Although we tried our best, we still couldn't snatch those powerful independent cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation building."

  "Really? In that case, it's a pity."

  Lu Xuan said with great regret.

  "The treasures are right in front of us, but we missed them. Two fellow Taoists, alas..."

  "It's a pity that my strength is low and I don't have the qualifications to compete for the treasures. Otherwise, if I join forces with the two fellow Taoists, I might be able to seize one or two high-grade treasures."

  He finally sighed.

  "It's great that Fellow Daoist Lu has this intention."

  Shi Zhong said gently.

  "As for regret, although it is unavoidable, it is still acceptable. After all, the gap in strength is too big, and we have a lot of treasures on us, so we are not so anxious."

  "The most important thing is to be able to save our lives."

  "Fellow Daoist Lu, you don't know how critical the situation was at that time. Except for the two of us, the rest of us are in the middle and late stages of foundation building."

  "There is another one who is particularly hateful. On the surface, his cultivation level is equal to ours, but in fact he has a powerful sword talisman that can easily kill a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. He killed a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building with just one encounter!"

  Shi Zhong gritted his teeth and said, extremely disgusted with the behavior of the last strange cultivator who pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger.

  "A sword talisman that can easily kill a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building? Even in the Tianjian Sect, it is a rare treasure. I didn't expect it to appear in this secret realm."

  Lu Xuan regarded Shi Zhong's attitude as envy and jealousy of himself, and echoed in his tone.

  "I don't know what the final result of their fight will be? Who will get the four treasures in the end..."

  "Looking at the power of the pure white flame at the end, there should be many cultivators who died."

  Shi Zhong sighed lightly.

  "According to what Fellow Daoist Shi said, more than one cultivator in the middle and late stages of foundation building died in the secret realm."

  Lu Xuan shook his head lightly.

  "The secret realm is too dangerous. People like me are more suitable for cultivating spiritual plants and raising spiritual beasts."

  A trace of lingering fear flashed across his face, and he said self-deprecatingly, as if he was very fortunate to be able to return safely from the secret realm and save his life.

  "The most important things in the secret realm have been discovered. If you enter again, you can only hunt some monsters and obtain spiritual medicines and materials. Don't dream of anything else for now."

  Shi Zhong concluded.

  "Fellow Daoist Lu, we both need to go back and rest. After a while, when the turmoil in the secret realm has calmed down, we will go fishing with you for sea fish and sea beasts."

  "Oh, and the Soul Extracting Liquid I promised you before. I got it on a small island before entering the secret realm. I'll give it to you at this opportunity."

  Shi Zhong took out a bottle of Soul Extracting Liquid from his storage bag.

  (End of this chapter)

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