
Chapter 309 - Wind and Thunder Sword

  Back in the courtyard, looking at the many spiritual plants growing well in the spiritual field, Lu Xuan felt much more at ease.

  Although he moved to a new place, Feng Xuan's welcome ceremony remained the same.

  Sensing Lu Xuan's appearance, a green light flashed, and its soft belly fell on Lu Xuan's head, covering his entire body.

  Chirping and chirping, it expressed its strong longing for Lu Xuan.

  "I haven't seen you for a day, and you look like this."

  Lu Xuan was helpless about Feng Xuan's dependence on him. He pinched Feng Xuan's soft belly a few times and held it on the ground with one hand.

  Not far away, the Cloud-Stepping Lynx, whose whereabouts were becoming more and more mysterious, landed silently with four thick paws like white clouds, and walked past Lu Xuan in a pretentious and elegant manner. Lu Xuan

  leaned over and pulled the two tufts of gray hair on the tip of its ears.


  The Cloud-Stepping Lynx growled with three parts of dissatisfaction and seven parts of intention, staring at a pair of green eyes, and left silently.

  Lu Xuan came to the yard and took out the harvest of this trip.

  First, the third-grade Xuanyuan heavy water. As soon as it came out of the storage bag, his palm, which was as hard as a third-grade magic weapon, couldn't help but sink.

  He opened the bottle mouth and controlled a drop of black liquid with his spiritual power, floating in front of him.

  As soon as he released the control, the black spiritual liquid fell rapidly, smashing a small round pit in the spiritual soil on the ground. The spiritual liquid remained at the bottom of the pit without any sign of dispersing.

  "Dripping water can wear away a stone."

  Lu Xuan muttered to himself, took out the drop of Xuanyuan heavy water and put it back into the white jade bottle.

  This is the key to cultivating the fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass after returning to the Tianjian Sect.

  Then, he performed the earth-inducing technique to control the changes in the structure of the spiritual soil in the yard, and dug out a huge pool in a few breaths. He also

  took out the young green-horned dragon carp and the rock-shelled turtle eggs from the life bag. As soon as

  the green-horned dragon carp was put into the pool, the huge deep green fish tail beat out layers of waves, looking unruly.

  "The little guy is quite arrogant."

  Lu Xuan sighed.

  "Although you are the first third-grade alien dragon carp, and the real dragon blood in your body is much more than other similar ones, but in Qianlong Lake, you are just a little brother."

  Qianlong Lake has all kinds of dragons and Chilongs, and there are many stronger than this green-horned dragon carp.

  Not to mention anything else, the green-horned dragon carp may not be able to beat the third-grade fire dragon in the cave.

  However, he still needs to stay in Kongming Island for two and a half years, raising this green-horned dragon carp to pass the time.

  When the green-horned dragon carp calms down, Lu Xuan will make a contract with it and let it become his spiritual beast.

  Then, he will focus on the third-grade rock-shelled turtle eggs obtained at the auction.

  The turtle eggs look very heavy and bloated, which shows that the difficulty of hatching is not low. Of course, it can also be predicted that the hatched third-grade rock-shelled turtle will have extremely strong protection.

  Lu Xuan summoned Feng Falcon and told him:

  "This turtle egg is for you to hatch. Go out less these days and stay in the yard to hatch the eggs."

  Feng Falcon flapped its broad pale blue wings and chirped incessantly, looking reluctant.

  "Don't be like this. It's not safe at sea recently. It's for your own good to stay in the yard."

  With the experience of hatching Lihuo Jiao before, Feng Falcon lay on the rock-shelled turtle egg with ease.


  (This egg is too hard on the belly.)

  Lu Xuan heard the meaning of this sentence from its crisp chirping.

  "Make do with it. When it hatches, the rock-shelled turtle monster will be yours to play with."

  Lu Xuan responded casually and came to the spiritual field to carefully observe the growth status of all the spiritual plants.

  After several months of planting, the water firefly grass grew well and was full of vitality.   

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and strands of spiritual rain fell down. According to the needs of each water firefly grass, it penetrated into the plant body just right so that it could be fully absorbed.

  This was the key to his breakthrough to the middle stage of foundation building, so he could not be careless.

  After cultivating the water firefly grass, Lu Xuan continued to inspect the spiritual field.

  The fourth-grade black insect vine, earth fire heart lotus, and hundred pupils strange wood were each in the mature stage, and it would not take too long to harvest the white light ball.

  The second-grade ordinary sword grass, the third-grade abnormal wind and thunder sword grass, the third-grade starlight sword grass, and the fourth-grade sword thousand owls, all kinds of sword grasses grew well. Lu Xuan took the opportunity to review the "Starlight Sword Art" and "Thousand Owl Sword Art".

  Another third-grade wind and thunder sword grass specially transplanted from the Tianjian Sect, the translucent progress bar under the plant was about to be full.

  "Third-grade abnormal sword grass, I don't know what rewards I can get."

  Lu Xuan was looking forward to it, and many small Xunlei sword rays emerged from his dantian, nourishing the wind and thunder sword grass.

  After a few days, everything was back to normal on Kongming Island.

  A white jade talisman flew into Lu Xuan's yard.

  Wuqiyu and the Cloud-stepping Lynx did not react at all, so Lu Xuan took the talisman with peace of mind.

  After the spiritual power was activated, a familiar voice came from inside.

  "Master Lu, the sea is calm today, suitable for sea fishing. Come and catch some sea fish for fun?"

  It was Shi Zhong, the fisherman from Lishan Sect. When it came to fishing, his attitude unconsciously lowered a lot, and he shamelessly called Lu Xuan his master.

  "Recently, I have been carefully cultivating a rare spiritual plant. It is about to mature. It takes a lot of time and energy, and I don't have the leisure time to come out."

  "Next time for sure!"

  He used his spiritual power to input a message into the talisman, and let the talisman fly away.

  "This Shi Zhong has no sense of crisis at all. There are traces of evil spirits, but he is still busy going out to fish."

  "Who knows if I can catch an evil spirit directly one day."

  Lu Xuan sighed and continued to inspect the spiritual field.

  "Hey, the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass is finally fully mature."

  Looking at the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass with the progress bar fully stretched in front of him, Lu Xuan's heart flashed with excitement.

  His palm was like a crystal jade, holding the sharp sword grass and carefully pulling it out.

  The Wind and Thunder Sword Grass is about three feet long, and the sword body has many faint runes shaped like lightning. Countless fine black sword energy lingers around it, like a black hurricane with sword whistles.

  Lu Xuan's mind is focused on the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, and he instantly learns detailed information about it.

  [Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, a third-grade spiritual plant, is nourished and cultivated with Xunlei Sword Mang. The sword body is accompanied by the power of wind and thunder. It is a natural sword weapon and can also be refined into a corresponding flying sword. ]

  "Good quality, not bad."

  Lu Xuan made a simple comment and focused his attention on the white light ball that appeared.

  He took a deep breath and reached out to gently touch the surface of the light ball.

  Countless fine light spots exploded, and the vast sword energy as thin as hair instantly poured into Lu Xuan's body.

  [Harvest a third-grade Wind and Thunder Sword Grass and obtain the fourth-grade flying sword Wind and Thunder Sword. ]

  A thought flashed through his mind, and a magical flying sword appeared in his hand.

  The flying sword was seven points similar to the Wind and Thunder Sword Grass, but it was more exquisite, with many mysterious and obscure runes painted on the sword.

  When the spiritual power penetrated into the flying sword, the wind and thunder roared, and strange phenomena appeared.

  With a light wave, the wind and thunder sword energy suddenly shot out.

  (End of this chapter)

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