
Chapter 310 - Demonic Trace

  [The Wind and Thunder Sword, a fourth-grade flying sword, is forged with the outer wind and thunder stone as the main material, and the sword body contains powerful wind and thunder power. ]

  "Fourth-grade flying sword..."

  A thought flashed through Lu Xuan's mind, and he muttered to himself.

  This is the first fourth-grade flying sword he opened from the light ball. The third-grade purple lightning sword has been used for such a long time, and it can finally be updated.

  In the case of the possibility of evil spirits appearing in the waters of Kongming Island, with the addition of this fourth-grade wind and thunder sword, his strength has also improved a little.

  "However, the wind and thunder sword comes from the light ball after the wind and thunder sword grass matures, and the wind and thunder sword grass is cultivated with the Xunlei sword light. Both have the common point of wind and thunder spiritual power."

  Lu Xuan recalled that the sword pill can be integrated into the flying sword, remove the impurities of the flying sword, and improve the quality of the flying sword.

  With the fourth-grade wind and thunder sword, several fourth-grade sword talismans, and the Xunlei sword pills obtained in Linyang Market, they gradually couldn't keep up with his pace.

  Thinking of this, the sword pill in Lu Xuan's dantian rotated rapidly, opened his mouth slightly, and flew out of Lu Xuan's mouth.

  The egg-sized sword ball was composed of countless tiny sword qi, with sword light swallowing and black qi entwining, and occasionally a tiny arc of electricity flashed by.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power controlled the Xunlei Sword Ball and approached the blade of the Wind and Thunder Sword.

  With a slight sizzling sound, countless tiny black sword lights penetrated into the blade of the Wind and Thunder Sword.

  After a while, the Xunlei Sword Ball was completely integrated with the Wind and Thunder Sword.

  In Lu Xuan's spiritual perception, there was a hint of spirituality in the body of the Wind and Thunder Sword, and it was more agile and natural when controlling the flying sword, as if it were an arm.

  At the same time, the wind and thunder power contained in the blade was also enhanced by three points, and the sword qi was more powerful and more lethal.

  "Whether it is the Xunlei Sword Ball or the Wind and Thunder Sword, both contain the power of wind and thunder, and they have the same roots and origins. It is not difficult to merge them together."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly, and inserted the Wind and Thunder Sword into the Yangxuan Sword sheath at his waist.

  "A new sword has arrived."

  With a ding, the simple scabbard that was inserted by the Wind and Thunder Sword trembled slightly, as if it could not endure this simple and rough way of entry.

  Inside the scabbard, a shriek was faintly heard. It was unknown whether it was the wind and thunder attached to the Wind and Thunder Sword itself, or the painful whistle emitted by the scabbard.

  "It will be fine after a while of getting used to it."

  Lu Xuan soothed, letting the Yangxuan scabbard nourish the Wind and Thunder Sword.

  For the next half month, everything was calm, and the imagined evil invasion did not happen. Just when Lu Xuan thought it was a false alarm, a communication talisman flew into the courtyard.

  After confirming that there was no evil aura on the talisman, Lu Xuan sent out a spiritual power to activate the talisman, and Song Yu's slightly hurried voice came from inside.

  "Uncle Lu, the Song family monks found something unusual while patrolling the island. It is very likely related to evil spirits. Please come and take a look."

  "It is in the southeast of the outer island."

  "Finally appeared."

  Lu Xuan sighed in a low voice, tied the Yangxuan sword sheath around his waist, hid the Xiaohai sword talisman and the Dayi sword talisman in his sleeves, and put the other treasures in the easiest place to take out.

  His figure was like a floating light, quickly flying towards the southeast of Kongming Island.

  When he was about to reach the southeast outer island, his spiritual consciousness spread rapidly and instantly locked onto Song Yu's breath.

  "Uncle Lu!"

  Song Yu felt much more at ease when he saw Lu Xuan appear.

  "What exactly happened?" Lu Xuan asked calmly.

  "It's like this."

  "Last time, my uncle told me to pay more attention to the situation on the island every day. I organized many Qi training monks in the family to patrol every day as a team and carefully observe the designated areas."

  "One of the teams found something unusual during the routine inspection."

  Song Yu said as he took Lu Xuan into a simple courtyard next to him.

  The atmosphere in the courtyard was extremely tense.   

  There was a corpse lying on the ground. There were four cultivators wearing the standard robes of the Song family. A gentle woman was lying on the corpse, wailing silently, crying so hard that she was almost fainting. There were also several casual cultivators standing by with panicked expressions.

  "Song Qiming, you come and introduce the details to Senior Lu. Don't leave anything out."

  Song Yu said to a middle-aged cultivator with a serious expression.

  The middle-aged cultivator nodded heavily, came to Lu Xuan, and saluted respectfully.

  "Senior Lu, I patrolled here with three subordinates today. As usual, I checked each casual cultivator. When I was about to use the exorcism talisman to check whether they were contaminated by evil spirits, this casual cultivator suddenly attacked us."

  "We originally planned to control him, but he was fearless and attacked us crazily. We had no choice but to kill him."

  "But I didn't expect that after killing him, the corpse left behind suddenly changed dramatically and became what it is now."

  The middle-aged cultivator was a high-level Qi training cultivator, and the other three Song family cultivators were all mid-level Qi training cultivators.

  Lu Xuan looked at the corpse on the ground with a solemn expression.

  The skin of the whole corpse was grayish white, and there was no trace of blood. There were tiny cracks everywhere, like pieces of cracked dry land.

  From the wounds on the corpse, it can be seen that the muscles inside were dried. It didn't look like it had just been killed, but it looked like it had been exposed to the sun for ten days and a half.

  Under the perception of spiritual consciousness, the internal organs in the corpse were also gray and black, which was extremely abnormal.

  "Is it like this after death?"

  Lu Xuan asked Song Qiming.

  "Yes, it became like this after death."

  "The four of us can guarantee with our lives that when we attacked this casual cultivator, we used ordinary talismans and magic, and we didn't do anything else after killing him."

  The middle-aged cultivator was afraid that Lu Xuan would suspect him, so he vowed, and the three people behind him also stepped forward to express their attitude.

  "Well, you don't have to worry, it has nothing to do with you."

  Lu Xuan had already carefully checked the few people and said gently.

  "This fellow Taoist, what is the relationship between the dead cultivator on the ground and you?"

  Lu Xuan lowered his head and asked the gentle woman.

  The woman looked up at Lu Xuan and replied hoarsely.

  "Reporting to the senior, this is my husband."

  Her eyes were red and swollen at the moment, and there were traces of tears on her cheeks. She looked haggard, and it was obvious that the loss of her beloved had dealt a huge blow to her.

  "Have you two gone out to explore recently?"

  "I went with other cultivators to search and collect sand snails. It's been less than a month since I came back."

  Lu Xuan nodded gently.

  "Did you find anything unusual about your husband after you came back?"

  "No." The woman nodded blankly, and suddenly she didn't know what she thought of, and her head knocked on the ground frantically.

  "Senior, you must make the decision for us! We are just a small casual cultivator on the outer island, how could we be involved with evil spirits?"

  "The Song family cultivator killed my husband indiscriminately and blamed him for being invaded and contaminated by evil spirits."

  "But we are just casual cultivators with low-level Qi training!"

  "My husband is usually cautious, just to live one more day!"

  The woman completely forgot her own pain, and the banging sound was heard by everyone.

  (End of this chapter)

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