
Chapter 304 - Poor Students Have More Stationery

  The next two finale auction items were a third-grade technique and a fourth-grade magic weapon. Lu Xuan was not very interested and watched other cultivators scramble for them.

  After the auction, he paid 3,800 spirit stones, obtained rock-shell turtle eggs and Xuanyuan heavy water from the Aurora Chamber of Commerce, and left with Song Yun.

  "Daoyou Lu, please stay."

  Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind. Turning his head, he saw that the lazy young man from the Lishan Sect was standing not far away, and there was a female cultivator with a sharp temperament next to him.

  "Daoyou Lu, it's better to do it today than to wait for a day. Why don't we go fishing together today?"

  Shi Zhong invited enthusiastically.

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but hold his forehead.

  When he came out of the auction house, he imagined several scenes, such as the Aurora Chamber of Commerce behind the auction, or Ningdeshan setting an ambush somewhere, or other cultivators had thieves and joined forces to snatch Xuanyuan heavy water...

  But he didn't expect Shi Zhong to invite him to go fishing for sea fish and sea beasts in the boundless sea.

  He thought secretly in his heart.

  He, Shi Zhong, and the female cultivator Ling Li next to him were all cultivators from a large sect stationed here. They had no conflict of interest and, to some extent, were on the same front. There

  were rarely any third-grade sea beasts near the Infinite Sea. With the Falling Star Sword Talisman and several fourth-grade sword talismans in his hand, as well as various magical instruments and treasures, he had full confidence in dealing with the situation of two people attacking together at the same time.

  "Okay, then I'll go with Fellow Daoist Shi to play for a while."

  Lu Xuan readily agreed. He had a great interest in the types of sea beasts and fish in the Infinite Sea, as well as the spiritual plants in the sea.

  He instructed Song Yun.

  "I'm going to the island with Fellow Daoist Shi from the Lishan Sect to fish for sea fish and monsters. You go back to Kongming Island on your own and be careful on the way."

  "Yes, Senior Lu!"

  Song Yun replied respectfully.

  He and the female cultivator Ling Li stepped onto Shi Zhong's third-grade flying boat.

  The flying boat was like an arrow from a string, speeding towards the destination.

  On the way, he learned from Shi Zhong that the female cultivator's name was Zhou Bingyu, who was also a disciple of the sect.

  After a while, the flying boat stopped at a remote island.

  "We're here, Fellow Daoist Lu."

  "Since I arrived at the Boundless Sea, I have been searching around the nearby islands and finally found such an excellent island."

  "This island is called Changfeng Island. There are many kinds of sea beasts and fish around it, and there are even magical fish like dragon carp. It is a natural place for fishing."

  When it comes to fishing for sea fish and sea beasts, the lazy young man suddenly looks much more serious, and his eyes shine with confidence.

  "Fellow Daoist Shi is quite leisurely."

  Lu Xuan looked around the island and made a simple comment.

  "There is no way. It's really boring to come out to guard such a bitter and cold island. I have to find something to do."

  "Whether it is the spiritual energy, resources, or cultivators of the same level, there is a world of difference between here and in the sect. Occasionally, I see a few foundation-building cultivators from small families or casual cultivators, but there is nothing in common. They are all hypocritical and I don't want to say a few more words to them."

  Shi Zhong curled his lips, and his words were full of the arrogance and superiority unique to the cultivators of the upper sect.

  Lu Xuan disagreed. He had always stayed indoors and had no chance to meet other foundation-building monks in the archipelago.

  "Fellow Daoist Lu, let me show you my treasures."

  Shi Zhong, who was of similar origin and age, had great respect for Lu Xuan and took out more than ten fishing rods from his storage bag.

  "These fishing rods are made of spiritual wood, which are both hard and tough, and can handle different grades and species of sea fish and sea beasts."   

  "This one in particular is made of third-grade spiritual wood. It can handle even a fight with a fourth-grade sea beast."

  Shi Zhong introduced to Lu Xuan in detail the dozen or so fishing rods floating in the air.

  Lu Xuan looked around and unexpectedly found that the raw material of one fishing rod was very familiar. It was planted a long time ago. It was the second-grade copper-bone bamboo.

  "Not only the fishing rods, but these fishing lines are also extraordinary. They are made of silk produced by various spiders and silkworms."

  "This fishing line is made of third-grade blood jade spider silk. Even a huge force of ten thousand pounds cannot break it."

  Shi Zhong said, pointing to an invisible light red silk thread.

  "And these fish hooks are also forged from various kinds of refined iron spirit ores, and runes that can conceal breath are specially drawn on them."

  "After being placed in the deep sea, the runes will be activated, and the fish hooks will greatly reduce their presence, so it is easier to catch those sea beasts and fish."

  "After all, those beasts are monsters, and they have a certain intelligence. If they are not handled in this way, they will easily detect the trap."

  "And these baits..."

  Shi Zhong introduced them to Lu Xuan incessantly.

  As for Zhou Bingyu, familiar with his habit, he had already quietly found a remote corner to meditate and practice.

  Lu Xuan looked at the dazzling array of fishing gear in front of him, and a sentence floated through his mind:

  "Poor students have more stationery."

  He randomly chose the fishing rod made of copper bone bamboo, jumped, and jumped onto a tall building

  on the island. In order to have a better fishing position, Shi Zhong even ordered his subordinates to build tall wooden buildings all over the island.

  "Sorry, Fellow Daoist Lu, this place is not acceptable!"

  "This wooden building is a prime location where I usually sit. Fellow Daoist Lu, please find another place."

  Shi Zhong, who was preparing bait, shouted loudly.

  Lu Xuan didn't care. He took the fishing rod and his figure passed by like a floating light. After a few breaths, he stopped on a wooden building in the distance.

  "What a good body movement!"

  The sharp female cultivator below couldn't help but admire this scene.

  Although Lu Xuan was an inner disciple of the Tianjian Sect, Zhou Bingyu couldn't help but look down on him after learning that he was a spiritual plant master.

  After seeing Lu Xuan's wonderful body movement, this contempt disappeared.

  Lu Xuan sat on a dark yellow wooden chair, put down the copper bone bamboo fishing rod, and took out the bait.

  It can be seen that Shi Zhong spent a lot of thought on cultivating the bait.

  The white jade box was divided into several areas, where various monsters' flesh and blood, various spiritual plants, flowers and fruits and other materials were placed to make bait. Lu Xuan even saw several living alien insects, which were suppressed by the runes and stayed in the designated areas honestly.

  He took out a ball made of several kinds of monster meat, hooked it deeply with a fishhook, and with a thought, the copper-bone bamboo fishing rod extended rapidly, and the bait fell into the turbulent sea.

  "If I catch a sea fish, I will be rewarded with a white light ball, that would be great."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart while observing the movement of the bait with his spiritual consciousness.

  "In that case, I can definitely become the biggest fisherman

  in the cultivation world." "Huh? The goods arrived so quickly, could this be the legendary novice gift package?"

  He was fantasizing, and suddenly found that the bait in the deep sea made a slight movement. With his spiritual consciousness, he saw that a first-class sea fish was constantly biting the bait on the hook.

  (End of this chapter)

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