
Chapter 303 - Xuanyuan Heavy Water

  There were many talismans on the surface of the water tank. In the enclosed space, there was a half-foot-long mermaid floating on the water.

  The mermaid's appearance was very similar to that of a human, with perfect facial features and two natural light blue tear grooves under her eyes, which added a bit of charm.

  She had a beautiful figure, with a breastplate growing from her ribs on her bulging chest, and small blue and white scales below her waist.

  Although the water tank was huge, it was still a great restraint for the mermaid. It changed its position in the water tank with great difficulty, lowered its head, and tried to avoid the burning eyes of many monks on the scene.

  This move was even more pitiful, which made many monks present feel excited, and they all had the idea of ​​protecting or ravaging it.

  "Pure-blooded mermaid, starting price, 750 spirit stones!"

  the middle-aged monk shouted.

  "I'll offer 900 spirit stones!"

  "1,000 spirit stones!"


  The price rose rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it had already exceeded a thousand.

  Lu Xuan watched coldly, without any intention of taking action.

  If this mermaid was still in its infancy, he would have some interest in it, for no other reason than to raise it to maturity and obtain the white light ball. But

  judging from the figure and appearance of the mermaid in front of him, it would not be long before it is fully mature. It would not be cost-effective to spend a lot of spirit stones to buy and cultivate it.

  In the end, the mermaid was bought by a foundation-building cultivator for 1,600 spirit stones, which is equivalent to the price of a third-grade magic weapon.

  The auction continued.

  The appearance of the mermaid caused a small climax on the field. Many cultivators became much more enthusiastic, and the various treasures that appeared were quickly sold at high prices.

  A new treasure on the stage caught Lu Xuan's attention.

  A tortoise egg the size of a washbasin, the surface of the tortoise egg was covered with a layer of gray-black rock, which looked extremely heavy.

  "This is a third-grade rock-shelled turtle egg. The hatched rock-shelled turtle is famous for its defense. Ordinary third-grade magic weapons cannot break through the turtle shell."

  "Starting price, eight hundred spirit stones!"

  "Eight hundred and fifty."

  Lu Xuan casually added fifty spirit stones. It was rare to see a spirit beast egg of a high grade, so he naturally didn't want to miss it.

  The small lake in the Tianjian Sect, which currently only grew a third-grade Lihuo Jiao, was a little empty, just right for putting it in to make it more lively. "

  Eight hundred and seventy spirit stones."

  A hoarse voice came, and Lu Xuan looked in the direction of the voice. In Song Yun's previous introduction, the owner of the voice was a foundation-building cultivator who came from nearby to participate in the auction.

  For many cultivators, spirit beast eggs are not of much value. Only cultivators like Lu Xuan who mainly raise spirit beasts have the idea of ​​bidding for them.

  "One thousand spirit stones."

  Lu Xuan directly raised it to one thousand spirit stones, hoping that the foundation-building cultivator would give up.

  "One thousand and twenty spirit stones."

  After hesitating for a while, the hoarse voice finally chose to follow, but the tone was not very confident.

  "One thousand and one hundred spirit stones, I must get this rock-shell turtle egg. If you want it, you can raise the price a little bit."

  Lu Xuan said calmly.

  This price is still within his tolerance. After all, the rock-shell turtle egg is not only valuable in itself, but more importantly, it is the rich light ball reward after it matures.

  "This turtle egg belongs to you, fellow Taoist."

  The monk behind the hoarse voice felt Lu Xuan's determination and weighed it again and again. Although he knew that this rock-shell turtle egg was expensive, if he raised the price again, it would exceed its original value. In desperation, he finally chose to give up.

  "Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist."

  Lu Xuan bowed in the direction where the voice came from.

  The appearance of the rock-shell turtle egg was just a small episode. Among the treasures in the future, there was nothing that Lu Xuan could be interested in.

  "The last three auction items today, each one is a rare treasure."

  The middle-aged monk cleared his throat and said loudly.

  In the expectation of everyone, a white jade bottle was held in both hands by a high-level Qi training monk and walked onto the stage carefully.   

  "This white jade bottle is forged from hundred-year-old ice jade and has a very strong bearing capacity."

  "Inside the jade bottle is the third-to-last treasure of today, Xuanyuan heavy water."

  The middle-aged cultivator said with a serious expression.

  "Here it comes."

  Lu Xuan sat up straight, his eyes piercing, looking at the inconspicuous white jade bottle off the field.

  He came here mainly for this third-grade spiritual liquid called Xuanyuan heavy water.

  "Xuanyuan heavy water, many Taoist friends should have heard of it. The third-grade spiritual liquid has a very high density, and a drop of water can wear through a stone."

  "Don't look at it as there is only a small bottle here, but the Xuanyuan heavy water inside weighs more than a thousand pounds. If an ordinary Qi cultivator does not practice body training, he may be injured by this small bottle of Xuanyuan heavy water."

  The middle-aged cultivator carefully took out a drop of black liquid from the white jade bottle.

  The liquid was suspended in the air and spun around under the maintenance of his spiritual energy.

  "Xuanyuan heavy water is an excellent material for body and weapon refining. The starting price is 1,300 spiritual stones!"

  "1,500 spiritual stones!"

  A muscular Qi training perfect cultivator directly raised the price by 200 spiritual stones.

  "1,600 spiritual stones."

  Lu Xuan was unwilling to fall behind. This Xuanyuan heavy water was the main goal of his trip, and he must not miss it. The

  fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass in the small lake was still waiting for him to raise it!

  Bids came one after another, and the price of Xuanyuan heavy water quickly rose to 1,800 spiritual stones.

  "1,900 spiritual stones."

  A female foundation-building cultivator with sharp features shouted.

  This price instantly scared away several Qi training cultivators. 1,900 spiritual stones could be exchanged for a rare third-grade magic weapon. If the price was raised further, it would be a big burden for them who had not yet broken through the foundation.

  "Two thousand."

  Lu Xuan did not hesitate and added a hundred.

  "Two thousand and one hundred spiritual stones."

  An old voice with a rotten smell sounded, and it was the sinister old man on Chongning Island who was about to die.

  Seeing that Lu Xuan was interested in competing for this bottle of Xuanyuan heavy water, he had the idea of ​​intervening.

  "Two thousand four hundred spirit stones."

  Lu Xuan shouted decisively, as if he had no hesitation.

  "Two thousand five hundred spirit stones, Fellow Daoist Lu, I like this bottle of Xuanyuan heavy water very much, why don't you give me a favor?"

  Ning Deshan said sinisterly.

  "Two thousand seven hundred spirit stones!"

  "What if Fellow Daoist Ning likes it? Buy it back to refine it, don't you want to better hold down your coffin?"

  Lu Xuan saw that Ning Deshan was deliberately making trouble, and said to the sinister old man with a mocking expression.

  He originally had more than eight thousand spirit stones, plus helping the Ning family to solve the sea beast attack, and got more than a thousand spirit stones. He used more than a thousand spirit stones to bid for the rock turtle eggs, and the rest was more than enough to buy this bottle of Xuanyuan heavy water.

  "Then the Xuanyuan heavy water belongs to you, Fellow Daoist Lu."

  Ning Deshan kept raising the price mainly to disgust Lu Xuan. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, he gave up on his own initiative.

  "Then I have to thank Fellow Daoist Ning."

  Even a clay man would have a temper. Being disturbed by the sinister old man, Lu Xuan was annoyed.

  "It seems that throwing those Wuxiang algae is not enough. I have to keep working hard."

  He thought secretly and made a note of Ning Deshan in his notebooks.

  (End of this chapter)

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