
Chapter 275 - Not counted...what? !

  The ten sword grass spirit seeds that Shen Ye left him were cultivated with two of each of the four seasons' sword qi, a total of eight. The remaining two were cultivated with the red flame sword qi formed by combining the red flame sword and the Yangxuan sword sheath, and the other successfully improved third-grade wind and thunder sword grass was cultivated with the Xunlei sword light. The

  wind and thunder sword grass still had a long time to mature, and the red flame sword grass was fully matured not long after. Lu Xuan harvested a red flame sword intent from the white light ball.

  He laid out the nine sword grasses in order and decided to take them to the sword hall to give Shen Ye an explanation.

  An hour later, Lu Xuan came to the location of the sword hall.

  He stood in front of a sword formation that was as vast as an unknown number of miles, waiting quietly.

  The spiritual consciousness could not perceive the coverage of the sword formation. There were countless fish-like sword qi swimming freely on the surface of the formation.

  It seemed calm and ordinary, but once he tried to rush into the sword formation, countless sword qi would instantly cover him.

  He had already used the communication talisman to contact Shen Ye. Not long after, a young man with ordinary appearance walked out of the sword formation. The young man was in the early stage of foundation building, and his body was straight, like a sharp sword, and he was confident.

  "You are Junior Brother Lu, right?"

  The young man looked at Lu Xuan with his eyes, and it seemed that an invisible sword energy was focused on Lu Xuan.

  "Yes, it is me. May I ask how to address you, Senior Brother?"

  "You can call me Senior Brother Li. Senior Brother Shen Ye asked me to come out to pick you up. Please follow behind me and do not cross the line, otherwise the sword formation may accidentally hurt you, Junior Brother."

  Lu Xuan nodded and followed the young man into the sword formation.

  A huge sword energy mountain appeared in front of him, and all kinds of sword energy were dancing wildly around the mountain.

  The two came to a simple courtyard.

  A gentle monk stood quietly in front of the courtyard gate, carrying a dark black sword box on his back, and the whole person was like a long sword with restrained sword intent.

  It was Shen Ye, the master of Sinong Hall and a senior member of the Sword Hall, who had met Lu Xuan several times and admired Lu Xuan very much.

  "Brother Shen."

  Lu Xuan hurriedly saluted.

  "Brother Lu, long time no see."

  Shen Ye smiled gently, and the young monk quietly retreated.

  "Brother Lu, did you successfully cultivate the sword grass you gave me earlier?"

  After the two chatted for a while and reminisced about the past, Shen Ye asked.

  "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. The sword grass spirit seeds that Brother Shen gave me have been cultivated to maturity."

  "Oh? Really? Brother, take them out and let me see."

  After receiving Lu Xuan's affirmative answer, Shen Ye's face showed a hint of curiosity.

  Lu Xuan flicked his hand, and nine sword-shaped sword grasses flew out of the storage bag and were placed in front of the two.

  "Good quality sword grass, if I'm not mistaken, should be cultivated by the summer sword energy in the "Four Seasons Sword Art."

  Shen Ye picked up the first sword grass, flicked his finger, and an invisible sword energy shot at the sword grass, which immediately caused a violent reaction in the sword grass, and many violent and manic sword energies shot out.

  "Not bad."

  Shen Ye nodded and said approvingly.

  "Nine sword grasses, all of them are of good quality. Junior Brother Lu, you have greatly exceeded my expectations."

  After carefully examining the nine sword grasses, he turned to Lu Xuan and said.

  "I spent a lot of time and energy on spiritual plants on weekdays, and I was lucky enough to get good quality sword grasses."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "However, Junior Brother Lu, I remember that I gave you ten sword grass spirit seeds at that time. Now there are nine sword grasses, but one failed to be cultivated?"

  Shen Ye confirmed the number of sword grasses again and asked curiously.

  "Uh, the other sword grass..."

  Lu Xuan paused, thinking about how to answer.

  "It doesn't matter if it fails. After all, even those experienced sword cultivators in the sword hall can't guarantee your success rate."   

  Shen Ye gently comforted Lu Xuan.

  "No, Senior Brother Shen, that sword grass was accidentally improved and became a third-grade spiritual plant." Lu Xuan whispered.

  "The loss of a mere sword grass." Shen Ye continued subconsciously.

  "It doesn't count..."


  His tone suddenly rose, his eyes full of disbelief.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you improved a sword grass into a third-grade spiritual plant?! Are you serious?"

  He flashed in front of Lu Xuan and asked again.

  "Yes, based on my many years of experience in cultivating spiritual plants, it is indeed a new third-grade sword grass."

  Lu Xuan said firmly.

  "Go back to the mountain."

  Before Shen Ye finished speaking, a rainbow of light shot out from the dark sword box behind him, wrapped the two of them, and disappeared from the courtyard in an instant.

  Lu Xuan was in a trance and returned to the foot of the mountain under his name.

  "Please, Junior Brother Lu, activate the mountain guarding formation and take me to see the third-grade sword grass."

  Shen Ye used the only remaining trace of reason in his heart to suppress the idea of ​​directly breaking into Lu Xuan's cave, and said gently.

  In front of the wind and thunder sword grass.

  Shen Ye closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense to carefully explore every detail of the sword grass.

  A small sword energy surged out from his fingertips and shot at the blade of the wind and thunder sword grass.

  Hundreds of dark and small sword energy flew out from the place where the sword grass was hit, like a small hurricane that was shrunk countless times. When the hurricane passed by, lightning and thunder could be vaguely seen.

  "Contains the power of wind and thunder..."

  "Although I don't know how Junior Brother Lu cultivated it, it is indeed a third-grade sword grass."

  Shen Ye confirmed with a solemn expression, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the upward amplitude became larger and larger.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you are such a genius!"

  "I remember when you were a casual Qi cultivator, you accidentally found a lost sword grass spirit seed. Without any experience, you successfully cultivated it with the Gengjin Sword Art of the Grandmaster level."

  "After I learned this, I thought that you are not only a gifted sword cultivator, but also a person who is born to cultivate sword grass."

  "You brought nine good-quality sword grasses out of the ten sword grass spirit seeds you left behind, which was beyond my expectation."

  "I didn't expect that you could give me such a big surprise!"

  "The first time you cultivated sword grass on a large scale, you were able to improve it to a rare third-grade sword grass!"

  "This can be said to be shocking."

  Even with the mentality of the late stage of foundation building, Shen Ye still couldn't calm down for a long time.

  It's not that he is naturally jumpy, but that Lu Xuan's actions have completely exceeded his imagination.

  Ten sword grass spirit seeds, cultivating nine good-quality mature sword grasses, that is already a very outstanding result, many sword cultivators in the sword hall who specialize in cultivating sword grass can't do it. .

  But Lu Xuan, not only did he do all this easily, he was even able to improve and cultivate a third-grade sword grass!

  You know, as the name suggests, the Tianjian Sect is famous for its swords in the entire cultivation world, and the sword grass is the core foundation of the entire sword hall.

  Many third-grade, fourth-grade, and even fifth-grade swords are made by cultivating and refining sword grass.

  In the long years of the sword hall, if you want to get a new variety of high-grade sword grass, you need to go through generations of experiments and explorations, and experience countless failures before you can successfully improve a new sword grass.

  And Lu Xuan, just one person, completed this process in a short period of time!

  How could he not be shocked and amazed!

  (End of this chapter)

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