
Chapter 274 - Falling Star Sword Talisman

  "It's a pity that the conditions for cultivating dragon skeleton grass are not met yet."

  Lu Xuan stayed at the bottom of the lake and sighed secretly.

  The skeletons in the small lake were left by a dragon that had been sitting for many years. The essence of the skeletons inside had long been lost or almost absorbed by the dragon skeleton grass spirit seeds.

  However, relying on his relationship with Yang Qingfeng and Tao Zhiqing, two foundation-building monks who raised dragons, it was not a problem to get one or two fresh skeletons that had not died recently.

  The most important thing is the third-grade and above spiritual liquid. The spiritual energy in the small lake is rich. The lake water can be regarded as a spiritual spring when placed outside, but it is still a big gap from becoming spiritual liquid. It can only be used to brew spiritual wine, boil a pot of spiritual tea, etc.

  "The spiritual plants of the fifth grade and above, whether in terms of their own characteristics or cultivation conditions, are obviously different from the third-grade, fourth-grade, or even other lower-grade spiritual plants."

  Whether it is the Phoenix tree, the demon ghost vine, the dragon skeleton grass in the mountain cave, or the Holy Infant Fruit and Blood Sin Flower in the small courtyard of Jianmen Town, they all have their own magical features.

  Lu Xuan pondered, and a wisp of green wood source energy flowed out from his fingertips and passed into the dragon fossil.

  Dragon skeleton grass is essentially a spiritual plant, and the green wood source energy derived from the life essence of the fifth-grade Qingxuan deer is beneficial to it .

  "First, put it in this dragon fossil to maintain its vitality, and then cultivate it well when the conditions are met."

  Lu Xuan made a decision in his heart and arranged a simple formation near the dragon fossil to prevent the spiritual fish in the small lake from causing trouble.

  "You can't just break in here. If I find you, I will pull out your tendons, peel your skin, and directly produce various spiritual plant raw materials."

  He summoned the Lihuo Jiao and instructed with a serious expression.

  The young dragon floated in the lake, nodding its little head.

  Lu Xuan then got out of the small lake and began to inspect the spiritual fields and cultivate spiritual plants.

  In the next ten days, he stayed on the mountain with peace of mind, cultivating spiritual plants and raising spiritual beasts every day. In his spare time, he practiced martial arts and swordsmanship. His life was simple and fulfilling.

  That day, while inspecting the spiritual field, he came to the first sword-raising gourd he had planted and found that the last sword-raising gourd on the vine had matured.

  The gourd was thin at the top and thick at the bottom, with a mottled green surface, and the sound of a sword could be faintly heard from inside.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness attached to it, controlling the invisible sword energy in the gourd. With a thought, an invisible sword energy shot out from the gourd and sank into a huge rock.

  "Yes, the attack power of the sword energy is equivalent to that of a third-grade magic sword, but it is better in concealment, making it difficult to defend against."

  Lu Xuan casually tried the invisible sword energy in the sword-raising gourd and sighed.

  He put away the gourd and turned his attention to the white light ball at the top of the vine.

  The white light ball flickered slightly, as if it was condensed from countless tiny sword energies.

  Lu Xuan stretched out his hand and gently touched the surface of the light ball, which suddenly cracked and instantly poured into Lu Xuan's fingertips, causing a very slight tingling sensation on his skin.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a third-grade sword-raising gourd and obtain a fourth-grade meteorite sword talisman. ]

  A special talisman that was neither gold nor jade, shaped like a sword tip, appeared in his hand.

  It seemed as if a meteor passed through the surface of the talisman, burning everything just for the last moment of sublimation.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the talisman, and he immediately learned the detailed information about the talisman.

  [Meteoric Sword Talisman, a fourth-grade talisman, after being activated, the sword energy is like a falling meteor, facing the opponent with an unmatched momentum, the speed is getting faster and faster, the power is getting stronger and stronger, it can seriously injure or even kill the cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation building. ]

  "New fourth-grade sword talisman!"   

  Lu Xuan was delighted. The three-grade sword-cultivating gourd produced five gourds, bringing five four-grade sword symbols.

  Two Roaring Sea Sword Symbols, two Great Sun Sword Symbols, and the last Starfall Sword Symbol. One of the Roaring Sea Sword Symbols consumed most of the sword energy in the Langyue Blessed Land.

  "Although they are all consumables, compared to the efforts in the cultivation process, it can be considered an amazing harvest."

  After all the sword-cultivating gourds matured, the planted vines lost their spirituality, and the gourds produced later were not much abnormal. Lu Xuan simply pulled them out and moved the remaining second-hand flying swords below to the newly planted gourds.

  "It's worth spending and saving. You can buy a spiritual seed with a few hundred sword seals, and you can save a second-hand flying sword worth only a few spirit stones."

  He would naturally keep the five fourth-grade sword symbols obtained from the sword-cultivating gourds, but it would be a bit wasteful to keep all five sword-cultivating gourds, so he had to deal with them.

  "Keep one or two for yourself, and the rest will be dealt with in the sect."

  Whether it is exchanging with fellow disciples or selling at a low price to the sect's hall to purchase spiritual plants and magic tools, it is a good choice.

  Although the spiritual stones earned may be less, it is safe and stable enough without taking any risks.

  After the sword-raising gourd matured, the remaining nine sword grasses also matured one after another.

  In the spiritual field, Lu Xuan's palm bones were like colored glaze, holding the bottom of the sword grass and pulling it out directly.

  The shape and size of the sword grass are similar to those of ordinary flying swords, and even a natural hilt is formed at the root, which enables Lu Xuan to grab the sword grass just right.

  Lu Xuan glanced at it and confirmed that it was of good quality, and gently touched the white light ball that appeared on the ground of the spiritual soil.

  [Harvest a second-grade sword grass and obtain the winter snow sword intent. ]

  The thought flashed through his mind, and an invisible sword intent poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, like snowflakes falling, soft and elusive, omnipresent, and chilling. After the sword intent continued to accumulate, it could freeze the opponent's body and mind invisibly.

  In this way, the eight sword grasses were fully mature.

  What was somewhat unexpected to Lu Xuan was that the sword grass cultivated with the four different sword energies of the "Four Seasons Sword Art" had the corresponding sword intent blooming out of the light balls.

  Spring rain sword intent, summer sword intent, autumn wind sword intent, winter snow sword intent.

  The four different sword intents poured into Lu Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness one after another, allowing him to reach a new level in his comprehension and control of the "Four Seasons Sword Art".

  The four sword arts rose from swordsmanship to sword power, and different sword powers could be freely switched, just like the change of the four seasons, each move and style contained the way of nature.

  "It seems that I have not practiced the "Four Seasons Sword Art" much, and I have become a swordsmanship master inexplicably."

  Lu Xuan secretly sighed. At this moment, he had the illusion that he had been immersed in the "Four Seasons Sword Art" for dozens or hundreds of years.

  On weekdays, he didn't even have much time to practice the "Great Five Elements Gong", let alone practice the sword art.

  "However, when cultivating the sword grass, due to the fine cultivation, I was forced to control the four kinds of sword energy stimulated in the sword grass. Compared with other sword cultivators who cultivate sword grass normally, I got more training opportunities."

  "Not to mention, after the sword grass matures, the white light ball brings the sword intent of the corresponding sword formula."

  "Cultivating a sword grass is a double harvest of sword formula."

  He thought secretly.

  "Out of ten sword grasses, eight have matured. It will take some time for the third-grade wind and thunder sword grass. When the sword grass cultivated by the sword energy of the other red flame sword matures, it's time to go to the sword hall."

  (End of this chapter)

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