
Chapter 242 - Teaching

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and a large amount of fire spiritual power gathered in front of him. Suddenly, a huge red fireball floated in the air, and the heat wave rolled and rushed towards him.

  With a thought, the huge fireball instantly turned into a several-foot-long fire gun, and the gun body burned with red flames. Like an arrow from a string, it shot towards the sky at a high speed.

  On the way, the speed did not decrease, and the fire gun naturally turned into a fire whip. When the whip fell, the surrounding air made a crackling sound, and flames filled the air wherever it passed .

  Until the top, the fire whip differentiated into dozens or hundreds of small whips, which scattered in all directions and formed a huge fire net.

  As the fire net descended, it evolved into countless tiny flames, and finally slowly disappeared in the air.

  "The Flame Art can allow me to control various forms of flames at a higher level, and there are many more changes out of thin air."

  "What I just urged was just an ordinary flame. If I sacrifice and fuse some rare and exotic fires, then the Flame Art can help me control it better."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  In the next two days, in addition to cultivating spiritual plants, he spent the rest of his time preparing for the teaching in the Transmission Hall. What

  content should be taught and various problems that may arise.

  In the process, he also took the opportunity to sort out his knowledge of spiritual plants and spiritual beasts.

  On the third day, he came to the spiritual field without a hurry.

  He inspected the spiritual field and checked the growth status of all the spiritual plants. He performed magic arts such as the Spirit Rain Art and the Wood Growth Art to try to meet the subtle needs of each spiritual plant.

  Among the ten Fiery Fruit spiritual plants, four mature Fiery Fruits were found, all of which were of good quality.

  From the four white light balls, two third-grade Burning Yuan Pills, a magic experience pack of "Flame Art" (Part 1), and finally the content of the lower part of "Flame Art". Compared

  with the upper part, the lower part of the art is more complicated and obscure, and the difficulty of practice is much greater.

  After practicing successfully, the "Flame Art" can be used to transform the flame into various forms of living creatures, such as fire beasts galloping and fire birds flying, with thousands of changes, which are more spiritual than fire guns and fire whips.

  However, no matter how difficult the technique was, he didn't take it seriously.

  Anyway, there was the experience pack of techniques brought by the Fiery Fruit, and absorbing one was equivalent to years of hard training.

  As long as there were enough light balls, he could push the technique all the way to the Grandmaster level.

  On the mountain, the jade scale fruit that was in the mature stage and the remaining spiritual fruit on the sword-raising gourd had not yet reached the fully mature stage.

  Lu Xuan was not in a hurry, and went back to the house to continue preparing for class.

  The next day, he got up early in the morning, inspected the spiritual field, and came to the Transmission Hall.

  "Uncle Lu."

  In the ancient hall, a young man at the ninth level of Qi training bowed to him respectfully.

  "It's still a while before the agreed time, and the fellow disciples who came to listen to the class have not arrived yet. Please rest for a while first."


  Lu Xuan nodded gently and followed suit.

  The young man took him into an ancient and elegant room, where two foundation-building monks were already waiting.

  A woman in a yellow shirt, with a quiet and elegant temperament, sat quietly on a wooden chair, sipping a pot of hot tea.

  Not far away, a black-faced monk folded his arms across his chest, saying nothing.

  The monk was burly, and a murderous aura could be faintly sensed around him, showing his rich combat experience.

  "Hello, brothers and sisters."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense secretly scanned them and found that they were both in the middle stage of foundation building, so he greeted them.

  "Hello, junior brother."

  The yellow-shirted woman put down her teacup and said with a smile.

  The black-faced monk nodded at Lu Xuan and forced a smile on his face.

  "Senior Sister Guan, Senior Brother Zhang, are you all preparing to give lectures later?"   

  After Lu Xuan had a few words with the two, he got to know them a little bit and asked curiously.

  "Yes, I have some experience in alchemy, and I was invited by the Transmission Hall to come and share it with the outer disciples."

  "This Senior Brother Zhang is famous in the sect for his strong body, which is not even weaker than most fourth-grade magic tools. He should come here to teach the experience related to body refining."

  The yellow-shirted woman said with a smile.

  "I wonder what aspects Junior Brother Lu is here to guide the outer disciples?"

  "I don't dare to guide, just to communicate with each other."

  Lu Xuan quickly denied.

  "Compared with the two senior brothers and sisters, the content I want to teach is much less popular, and there may not be many outer disciples coming to listen to the class."

  "Since I usually like to deal with various spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, this time I come here to mainly talk about how to cultivate spiritual plants and spiritual beasts and other knowledge."

  "Spiritual plants? I see." The

  yellow-shirted woman was stunned at first, and then nodded.

  The black-faced monk's expression did not change at all. He usually practiced hard and did not like to waste his precious practice time on those flowers and plants.

  But he also knew that being able to come to the Transmission Hall and give lectures to many outer disciples at least showed that Lu Xuan had a very deep attainment in the field of spiritual plants.

  "Your surname is Lu, you are in the early stage of foundation building, and you are good at spiritual plants. Could it be that you, Junior Brother Lu, solved the dying problem of the guardian spirit beast Qingxuan Deer a few months ago?"

  The yellow-shirted woman exclaimed softly, and instantly recalled something.

  "Yes, it was me."

  Lu Xuan nodded and admitted.

  "I have heard of your name for a long time. You can solve the dying obsession of a fifth-grade guardian spirit beast with your early stage of foundation building. I really admire you."

  "Since ancient times, alchemy and spiritual plants have been inseparable. Most spiritual plants are mainly used in alchemy. If there is a chance in the future, I can cooperate with you more."

  After knowing Lu Xuan's identity, the yellow-shirted woman's face became more enthusiastic, and she kept chatting with Lu Xuan.

  "Uncle Lu, it's time."

  After a moment, the ordinary young man came in and said to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan followed him and came to a wide hall.

  The hall was decorated quite elegantly, with more than 50 outer disciples sitting inside. When they saw Lu Xuan coming in, they all stood up to greet him.

  "Hello, uncle."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense swept through the crowd and found that there were actually two familiar faces among the crowd.

  One was Xia Chen, who looked like an old farmer in the Sinong Hall. After he learned that Lu Xuan would come to give a lecture, he rushed here as soon as possible, fearing that he would miss something.

  When he was in the Sinong Hall, Lu Xuan often came to exchange spiritual seeds from him, so he knew Lu Xuan's talent in spiritual planting best. In addition, he was always curious about how Lu Xuan was promoted to an inner disciple in just a few years, so he came to listen to the class without hesitation.

  Another person was a cute and lovely round-faced female cultivator. When Lu Xuan was still in the Qi training stage, he took a task from the General Affairs Hall to help her solve the problem of a second-grade mutant flame fruit.

  The moment the round-faced female cultivator saw Lu Xuan, her expression was a little unbelievable.

  Lu Xuan, whose cultivation level was lower than hers before, was promoted to an inner disciple in just a few years, which made her a little difficult to accept for a moment.

  Seeing Lu Xuan step onto the wooden platform, he came back to his senses and looked at Lu Xuan with complicated eyes.


  Lu Xuan whispered, and the whispering crowd immediately quieted down.

  "Today, I will teach you some methods and tips on cultivating spiritual plants."

  (End of this chapter)

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