
Chapter 243 - Clearing Up Doubts

  "Before I start teaching, I want to correct a misconception of yours."

  Lu Xuan looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

  "Everyone present here is a child of destiny, gifted with extraordinary talents, and basically doesn't care much about spiritual plants."

  "Occasionally planting one or two plants is just a way to earn spiritual stones or obtain materials for alchemy."

  "After planting, I rarely pay attention to it and let it survive on its own."

  Lu Xuan talked freely, and many people nodded in agreement, indicating that it was just as he said.

  "Indeed, as a cultivator, improving cultivation and one's own strength are always the first priority."

  "But the importance of spiritual plants is not inferior to the two cultivation skills of alchemy and refining."

  "Many people have such a misunderstanding in their minds that spiritual plants are used as materials for alchemy and have no other uses."

  "In fact, spiritual plants can also be used as materials for refining tools, and they can be refined into flying swords and other magic tools."

  Lu Xuan took out a piece of copper bone bamboo from the storage bag and shook it in front of everyone.

  "You can also refine talismans, or even use it directly as a magic weapon."

  He patted his waist lightly, and a green mottled gourd flew up, with the mouth of the gourd facing down. There was a clanging sound of swords, and a sharp sword energy shot out from it, turning into a sword shadow, flying and spinning around Lu Xuan.

  The appearance of the third-grade sword-cultivating gourd quietly changed the concepts of many fellow Qi practitioners present.

  "In the process of cultivating spiritual plants, you can also improve your ability to control spiritual energy exquisitely and deepen your understanding of various spells."

  "Finally, the Tianjian Sect is famous for its swords, and the importance of the Sword Hall is far greater than that of other halls. Among them, there is a spiritual plant called sword grass, which is the foundation of the sect."

  "And if you want to join the Sword Hall and cultivate sword grass, you need to have a very deep attainment in spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan guided them step by step.

  The expressions of many outer disciples below gradually changed, and their views on spiritual plants changed a little.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan nodded secretly.

  Since he had received two hundred sword seals from Shen Ye, the head of Sinong Hall, he naturally had to teach him the knowledge about spiritual plants.

  The first thing to do was to correct the prejudice of most cultivators about spiritual plants.

  "After understanding the importance of spiritual plants, what I will talk about next is the cultivation methods of spiritual plants."

  "The sect has rich and pure spiritual energy and fertile spiritual fields, which are very conducive to the growth of spiritual plants."

  "As a spiritual plant master, there are only two things that can make spiritual plants grow better."

  "First, master the basic techniques of cultivating spiritual plants, such as spiritual rain technique, wood growth technique, earth attraction technique, etc."

  Lu Xuan said as he thought about it. A wisp of spiritual rain fell in the half-foot area in front of him. Then, the rain quickly increased and turned into a downpour of spiritual rain, but it was still limited to the area he had designated. After

  years of cultivating spiritual plants, the technique he used the most was this spiritual rain technique, which had reached the master level.

  Whether it was the speed of casting, the range of the technique, or the strength, it was all in his mind.

  Seeing this, many outer disciples below exclaimed in amazement.

  "Don't underestimate these basic techniques. After you have cultivated them to a certain level, they will be of great benefit to you." As soon as

  Lu Xuan finished speaking, a golden light flashed over everyone's heads, and then, it turned nimbly and returned to him.

  Everyone could see clearly that it was a golden sword energy.

  "Even if it is just the Gengjin Sword Technique used to kill insects, once it reaches a high level, it will be a great threat to high-level Qi training cultivators."

  "There is also the Earth Attraction Technique. After cultivating it to perfection, it can easily transform the terrain of mountains and rivers.

  The Wood Growth Technique can assist in the cultivation of plants in the surrounding area, and at the same time, it can promote the growth of spiritual plants at the fastest speed."   

  A small arrow-like spiritual seed appeared in his hand, and a crack quietly appeared on the ground.

  The spiritual seed was placed in the crack, and a strong green light hit the spiritual seed.

  Soon, a vine with more than ten green arrows took shape quickly, and it was almost mature in less than half a minute.

  On the vine, a three-inch small arrow suddenly shot forward and pierced deeply into the rock on the ground.

  This vine with green arrows is called Arrow Vine, a first-grade attacking spiritual plant. Lu Xuan got the spiritual seed by chance. Due to the huge difference in grades, the light ball reward he got would be greatly reduced, so he did not try to plant it.

  During the process of ripening with the wood-growing technique, he also deliberately added a little green wood source energy, which is why such a good effect was achieved.

  "Secondly, treat every spiritual plant equally."

  "All things have spirits, and spiritual plants are no exception. The higher the grade of a spiritual plant, the stronger its spirit."

  "During the cultivation process, you can spend more time to feel the emotions of the spiritual plant, so as to find out its habits, preferences, etc."

  "In this way, it will be easier to grow spiritual plants, and there is a greater possibility of obtaining high-quality spiritual fruits." As soon as

  Lu Xuan finished speaking, the demon ghost vine that had been hiding in his sleeves quietly crawled out, and several gray vines like tentacles looked at the people below curiously from all angles.

  "This is what I call a high-grade spiritual plant, which is basically the same as a demon beast."

  Lu Xuan gently touched one end of the demon ghost vine and said.

  "A spiritual plant that can move freely!"

  "I don't know what grade it is, it must be at least a fourth-grade spiritual plant?!"

  "Such a cute tentacle, I really want a spiritual plant like this!"

  The people below looked at the demon ghost vine that was about to retract into Lu Xuan's sleeves and talked about it.

  "Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Now I'll explain to you fellow disciples how to cultivate many common spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan gently pressed the demon vine hidden in his sleeve and said gently.

  He was born in a wild way. Before entering the Tianjian Sect, he didn't have a general knowledge framework. He planted whatever he could find, and his understanding of spiritual plants was limited to the scope of what he planted.

  After entering the sect, he immediately went to the Sutra Pavilion to exchange for various books on cultivating spiritual plants. He studied hard day and night and memorized the knowledge in them.

  Until now, he boasted that his understanding of spiritual plants is one of the best in the sect.

  Even if it is a rare spiritual seed that has never been planted, as long as he finds an opportunity to plant it in the ground, no matter how high the grade or how rare the variety is, he can see it all at a glance.

  This is also his greatest confidence in coming to teach.

  "After teaching, it's time to answer questions."

  "If you have any questions or problems with spiritual plants during the cultivation process, you can come to me directly."

  "I will be in the Transmission Hall all day today, so you can come and ask me."

  "If you can't accurately describe the state of the spiritual plant, you can also bring the whole spiritual plant here, and I will check it on the spot and solve it."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile, full of confidence.

  "Uncle Lu, why do my spiritual plants always bloom but not bear fruit?"

  "Uncle, there is a mutated spiritual plant in my spiritual field. Please help me check it later."

  "Uncle, I don't have any questions. I came here to ask, can I touch the cute vine spiritual plant just now?"

  (End of this chapter)

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