
Chapter 235 - Yunshan Jade Scroll

  Under the stimulation of the earth fire, the phoenix pattern on the charred wood became brighter, and spiritual light surged in the dark golden slender cracks.

  On the pattern, the wings with light golden lines changed slightly, causing the earth fire river below to surge violently, and a hot fire spirit rushed to the bottom of the charred wood.

  "The fire spirit is still not enough."

  Lu Xuan looked at the dark golden shadow on the phoenix tree and muttered softly.

  He brought this sixth-grade ancient spiritual plant phoenix tree into the earth fire tributary to try whether he could successfully cultivate the phoenix tree under the stimulation of the earth fire.

  Unfortunately, the phoenix shadow couldn't even rush out of the charred wood, let alone soar into the sky.

  "It seems that I can only find some high-grade strange fire to cultivate and nourish the growth of the phoenix tree."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly. He performed the earth-drawing technique, and a depression quietly appeared on the stone wall near the earth fire tributary.

  He carefully placed the charred wood in the small depression, intending to use the fire spirit here to retain more of the charred wood's spirituality.

  Even if it cannot promote its growth, as long as it can maintain the vitality of the Phoenix Tree, Lu Xuan will be satisfied.

  After dealing with the gains from the Langyue Blessed Land, Lu Xuan had time to carefully observe the growth of the spiritual plants on the mountain.

  After not returning to the cave for a while, the spiritual plants planted in various places have changed a lot. The

  sixteen second-grade water fireflies that were left for condensing seeds before, each condensed several blue seeds on the top of the slender leaves.

  The seeds are like the surface of a clear lake, exuding a slight chill. The spiritual consciousness penetrates into it and can feel the rich water spirit inside. The

  water fireflies that have been mature for some time have become dry, which is in sharp contrast to the spiritual seeds condensed on the top, as if the essence of the whole body in the plant has been integrated into the seeds. Lu

  Xuan's spiritual power is running, and a thin layer of frost suddenly condenses on the spiritual seeds, and the vitality inside seems to be frozen.

  He carefully picked it and put it in a special jade box.

  Next, as long as it is processed in a special way and stored for a period of time, it can be put into planting.

  The number of spiritual seeds condensed from the second-grade water firefly grass is nearly half that of the non-grade spiritual firefly grass. Sixteen water fireflies finally condensed eighty-five spiritual seeds.

  However, Lu Xuan was already quite satisfied. After all, the cultivation reward brought by the water firefly grass was ten times that of the spiritual firefly grass. Even if only some of the eighty-five plants had a light group that could produce cultivation, he would benefit greatly.

  "A small part of the eighty-five second-grade water fireflies will continue to condense spiritual seeds, and the other part is estimated to bring me at least twenty to thirty years of cultivation rewards."

  "I really want to make progress."

  Lu Xuan said with emotion.

  Without the cultivation rewards brought by the light group, his cultivation progress can be said to be stagnant. With his ordinary qualifications, it is unknown when he can break through to the middle stage of foundation building. As for the

  fire spirit seeds that had mutated before, due to the high loss rate of the spirit seeds and the fact that he had already obtained the second-grade water firefly grass, Lu Xuan had no choice but to give up and focus on the water firefly grass.

  After dealing with the problem of the water firefly grass condensing seeds, Lu Xuan continued to inspect the spiritual field.

  "Xiaocao, come here!"

  When passing by a spiritual field, he saw the grass puppet patrolling tirelessly, so he summoned it.

  After the grass puppet was promoted to the second grade, Lu Xuan used Qingmu Yuanqi many times to promote its growth and change, and its intelligence improved a lot. Upon

  hearing the words, he looked up at Lu Xuan, and with a huge head made of gray grass, he took slender steps and hurried over quickly.

  A wisp of light green spiritual energy poured into the chest of the grass puppet, and its central area instantly turned emerald green. The emerald green spiritual light continued to spread around, and finally, in a few breaths, it turned into a green straw man with a big head and a small body.

  After dyeing the grass puppet green, Lu Xuan continued to patrol the spiritual field.

  "Another jade scale fruit is ripe!"   

  When he came to the area where the jade scale fruit was planted, his spiritual sense swept through and he could see the growth status of the spiritual plant at a glance. He

  had picked two before, and now there were a total of six left. This time, he came back and checked with his spiritual sense and quickly found that two jade scale fruits had entered the fully mature stage.

  He held his breath, his palm turned into glass finger bones, carefully grasped the jade scale fruit, and pulled it off from the thin jade leaves.

  The jade scale fruit in his hand exuded a cool breath of jade. The jade skin on the surface was lined up like fish scales, revealing the crystal clear spiritual fruit in the middle.

  "Good quality, not bad."

  Lu Xuan sighed, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Jade scale fruit, a third-grade spiritual plant, can enhance the physical strength of cultivators or monsters after taking it, and can also be used to refine certain body-refining pills. ]

  Lu Xuan sighed, and with expectation, he reached out to the white light ball that emerged.

  The light ball flickered slightly at the place where the jade scale fruit was picked, hidden in the thin jade leaves, looming.

  The moment he reached out to touch the ball of light, it turned into countless light spots and poured into Lu Xuan's body.

  [Harvested a third-grade jade scale fruit and obtained a fourth-grade spiritual ore, Chi Gangyu. ]

  A piece of ore the size of a baby's head appeared in Lu Xuan's hand. It was red in color, with a bumpy surface. Inside, you could vaguely see a substance like chalcedony flowing slowly.

  This Chi Gangyu is a fourth-grade spiritual ore, which contains a large amount of jade essence and can be used to refine flying swords and magic tools.

  "Although I got a piece of Chi Gangyu last time, the fourth-grade spiritual ore, the more the better."

  Lu Xuan muttered, and focused his attention on another fully mature jade scale fruit.

  "Superior quality jade scale fruit."

  The previous three jade scale fruits were all of good quality, bringing a third-grade magic tool Fengyue Jade Seal and two fourth-grade spiritual ore Chi Gangyu, with generous rewards.

  Therefore, this superior quality jade scale fruit naturally made Lu Xuan look forward to it a little more.

  He didn't care about the jade scale fruit in his hand and quickly put it into the storage bag.

  Then, looking at the white ball of light hanging high between the leaves of the jade tree, he gently jumped up and grabbed it.

  The moment he touched the ball of light, it turned into countless light spots, flowing along his shoulders and into his body.

  A thought flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a third-grade jade scale fruit and obtain the fourth-grade treasure Yunshan Jade Scroll. ]

  A delicate jade scroll appeared in his hand. The jade scroll was about three inches long and one inch wide. It was crystal clear and you could vaguely see the white spiritual power as thin as a hair flowing inside.

  Holding it in your hand, you feel a cool feeling, as if you can drive away all the evil thoughts and restlessness in your heart.

  With your mind focused, Lu Xuan quickly learned the detailed information about the jade scroll.

  [Yunshan Jade Scroll, a fourth-grade treasure, is made of Yunshan jade essence. It has a very powerful ability to exorcise evil and avoid evil. It is the natural nemesis of many different-level and strange-level evil spirits. It can be used as a protective magic weapon, or you can engrave exorcism runes on the jade scroll to attack evil spirits. ]

  "A fourth-grade treasure, it is indeed a spiritual fruit of top quality."

  "This Yunshan Jade Scroll can be used as a natural protective device, and can also be engraved with special runes to further enhance the power of the Jade Scroll."

  Lu Xuan flipped through the exquisite Jade Scroll and couldn't let it go.

  (End of this chapter)

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